class PresentationDataEditor attr_reader :view attr_reader :data attr_reader :schema attr_reader :form # Expects a hash schema definition. # will probably come from presentation_data_template.schema def initialize(view_context, data, schema, form) @view = view_context @data = data @schema = schema @form = form end def render presentation_data_editor if schema.is_a? Array end private def presentation_data_editor view.content_tag :div, array_of_attributes(schema), id: 'presentation_data_editor' end def array_of_attributes(attributes, parent_keys=[], wrapper_class: 'nest') view.content_tag(:div, class: wrapper_class) do Array(attributes).map do |attribute| build_form_attribute(, parent_keys) end.join(" ").html_safe end end def build_form_attribute(attribute, parent_keys) case attribute[:type] when 'hash' build_hash(attribute, parent_keys) when 'array' build_array(attribute, parent_keys) when 'string', nil # String should be the default value build_string(attribute, parent_keys) when 'image' build_image_uploader(attribute, parent_keys) when 'html' build_html(attribute, parent_keys) end end ############################ ### Type specific Builders ############################ def build_hash(attribute, parent_keys) view.content_tag(:h4, attribute[:name].titleize) + array_of_attributes(attribute[:nested_attributes], parent_keys + Array(attribute[:name])) end def build_array(attribute, parent_keys) view.content_tag(:div, class: 'array_wrapper') do view.content_tag(:h4, attribute[:name].titleize) + # build empty form template for creating new items build_array_with_data( attribute[:nested_attributes], parent_keys, attribute[:name] ) end end def build_array_with_data(attributes, parent_keys, array_name) view.content_tag(:div, class: 'nest existing_array') do build_array_framework(attributes, parent_keys, array_name) + build_array_items(attributes, parent_keys, array_name) + view.content_tag(:a, 'Add Item', href:'#', class: 'add_array_item', tabindex: '-1') end end def build_array_items(attributes, parent_keys, array_name) Array(data_grab(parent_keys, array_name)) do |v,i| view.content_tag :div, class: 'array_item' do view.content_tag(:a, 'Delete Item', href:'#', class: 'delete_array_item pull-right', tabindex: '-1') + array_of_attributes(attributes, parent_keys + Array(array_name) + Array(i), wrapper_class: nil) end end.join(" ").html_safe end def build_array_framework(attributes, parent_keys, array_name) view.content_tag(:div, class: 'array_item framework') do view.content_tag(:a, 'Delete Item', href:'#', class: 'delete_array_item pull-right', tabindex: '-1') + array_of_attributes(attributes, parent_keys + Array(array_name) + Array(0), wrapper_class: nil) end end def build_string(attribute, parent_keys) view.content_tag :div, class: 'form-group' do view.label_tag(attribute[:name]) + view.text_field_tag( form_name(parent_keys, attribute[:name]), data_grab(parent_keys, attribute[:name]), { class: "form-control #{attribute[:class]}", id: attribute_id(parent_keys, attribute[:name]), placeholder: attribute[:placeholder] } ) end end def build_image_uploader(attribute, parent_keys) view.content_tag :div, class: 'form-group' do view.label_tag(attribute[:name]) + view.text_field_tag( form_name(parent_keys, attribute[:name]), data_grab(parent_keys, attribute[:name]), { class: "form-control drop-image-uploader #{attribute[:class]}", id: attribute_id(parent_keys, attribute[:name]), placeholder: "Drop image here" } ) end end def build_html(attribute, parent_keys) view.content_tag :div, class: 'form-group' do view.label_tag(attribute[:name]) + view.text_area_tag( form_name(parent_keys, attribute[:name]), data_grab(parent_keys, attribute[:name]), { class: "redactor #{attribute[:class]}", id: attribute_id(parent_keys, attribute[:name]), 'data-buttons' => editor_buttons(attribute) } ) end end ############################ ### helper methods ############################ # This will create the name parameter for a given form input # Example: # research(hash) > books(array) > 2(array index) > title(attribute_name) # will become # "pdata[research][books][][title]" def form_name(parent_keys, attr_name) p = ['pdata'] + parent_keys + [attr_name] do |v,i| if i == 0 v # don't wrap the first key in brackets elsif v.is_a?(Integer) "[]" # Skip the number, this will be an array... else "[#{v}]" end end.join('') end # Creates an underscored version of the form_name above. # Example: # "pdata_research_books_2_title" def attribute_id(parent_keys, attr_name) p = ['pdata'] + parent_keys + [attr_name] p.compact.join('_') end # Will look up the data given the correct path def data_grab(parent_keys, attr_name) path = parent_keys + [attr_name] # I'm using inject here to traverse the data hash with each sequential # key or index value. I use `try` just in case the data is not there # and `last` is nil. path.compact.inject(data) do |last, p| if last.is_a? Array # Use a number to reference the array element last.try(:[], p.to_i) elsif last.is_a? Hash last.try(:[], p.to_s) end end end def editor_buttons(attribute) default_buttons = %w(bold italic unorderedlist orderedlist link) buttons = attribute[:editor_buttons].to_s.split(' ').presence || default_buttons buttons.push('html') if !buttons.include?('html') && view.current_user.try(:admin?) buttons.push('fullscreen') unless buttons.include?('fullscreen') buttons.join(' ') end end