#!/usr/local/bin/ruby -w require 'RMagick' # Demonstrate the Image#chop method img = Magick::Image.read('images/Flower_Hat.jpg')[0] # Chop the specified rectangle out of the img. chopped = img.chop(0, img.rows/2, img.columns/2, img.rows) # Make a "before" image by highlighting the chopped area. gc = Magick::Draw.new gc.fill('white') gc.stroke('transparent') gc.fill_opacity(0.25) gc.rectangle(0, img.rows/2, img.columns/2, img.rows) gc.draw(img) img.write('chop_before.jpg') # Create a image to use as a background for # the after image. Make the chopped image the # same size as before the chop. bg = Magick::Image.new(img.columns, img.rows) chopped = bg.composite(chopped, Magick::NorthEastGravity, Magick::OverCompositeOp) chopped.write('chop_after.jpg') exit