title: jumbo-jekyll-theme (the advanced enterprise ready Jekyll theme) url: http://jumbojekyll.co.uk baseurl: "" description: |- The jumbo-jekyll-theme is an advanced enterprise ready Jekyll theme used across the Linaro static websites. destination: _site permalink: /blog/:title/ theme: jumbo-jekyll-theme highlighter: rouge markdown: kramdown kramdown: input: GFM syntax_highlighter: rouge encoding: utf-8 safe: false exclude: - Gemfile - Gemfile.lock - .asset_pipeline - .gitignore - .git - .asset-cache - _static-site - .sass-cache - _site - jumbo-jekyll-theme*.gem - jumbo-jekyll-theme*.gemspec sass: style: compressed load_paths: - assets/css plugins: - jekyll-seo-tag - japr - jekyll_picture_tag - jekyll-tidy - jekyll-paginate-v2 collections: authors: output: true permalink: /author/:name/ liquid: error_mode: strict defaults: - scope: path: "" values: layout: flow - scope: type: posts path: "_posts" values: layout: post is_post: true comments: true - scope: path: "" type: "authors" values: layout: author include: ["_pages"] # ----------- THEME / WEBSITE CONFIG --------------------- # Permalink style used for paginating pages paginate_path: /blog/:num/ paginate_path_news: /news/:num/ paginate_path_authors: /authors/:num/ # Blog images/thumbs dir blog_images_dir: assets/images/content/ # Email email: contact@linaro.org # Company Address address: - Harston Mill - Royston Rd, Harston - Cambridge, United Kingdom - CB22 7GG # Support for http2 preload features http2_resources: - rel: preload as: font type: font/woff2 href: /assets/fonts/lato/Lato-regular.woff2 google_analytics: enabled: true code: UAXXXXXX # Set the site-wide default social media share image. social_media_share_image: /assets/images/social-media-image.png # Set the default favicon favicon: /assets/images/favicon.png # Site Name - your brand name name: Jumbo Jekyll Theme # The blog filler element blog_filler_element: blog/blog_filler_element.html # Placeholder avatar avatar_placeholder: /assets/images/avatar-placeholder.jpg # Blog Post Image Placholder post_placeholder: /assets/images/test/background-image1.jpg # ----------- JEKYLL PLUGINS --------------------- # -------- jekyll-tidy -------- jekyll_tidy: # Toggle compression of HTML compress_html: true # JS Path added to exclude to stop errors. exclude: ["assets/**/*.js", "robots.txt", "admin/config.yml"] # -------- jekyll-paginate-v2 -------- pagination: # Default pagination path for Jekyll Posts # For other permalinks set in the front matter of the post index page permalink: /:num/ # Enabled or not? enabled: true # Home many posts to display by default per_page: 9 # Number of pages to show either side of the current page i.e - 1, 2, {3}, 4, 5 trail: before: 2 after: 2 # Reverse the order of paginated pages sort_reverse: true # Field to sort posts by when paginating sort_field: "date" autopages: enabled: false # -------- jekyll_relative_links -------- jekyll_relative_links: process_all_collections: true verbose: 1 relative_links: enabled: true collections: false # -------- jekyll_relative_links -------- readme_index: enabled: true remove_originals: false # -------- jekyll_picture_tag -------- picture: nomarkdown: false source: "assets/images" output: "assets/images" relative_url: true # -------- japr -------- asset_pipeline: bundle: true compress: true output_path: assets/js gzip: false