#-- # # Author:: Francis Cianfrocca (gmail: blackhedd) # Homepage:: http://rubyeventmachine.com # Date:: 8 Apr 2006 # # See EventMachine and EventMachine::Connection for documentation and # usage examples. # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (C) 2006-07 by Francis Cianfrocca. All Rights Reserved. # Gmail: blackhedd # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of either: 1) the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version; or 2) Ruby's License. # # See the file COPYING for complete licensing information. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # This module provides "glue" for the Java version of the EventMachine reactor core. # For C++ EventMachines, the analogous functionality is found in ext/rubymain.cpp, # which is a garden-variety Ruby-extension glue module. require 'java' require 'rubyeventmachine' require 'socket' java_import java.io.FileDescriptor java_import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel java_import java.lang.reflect.Field module JavaFields def set_field(key, value) field = getClass.getDeclaredField(key) field.setAccessible(true) if field.getType.toString == 'int' field.setInt(self, value) else field.set(self, value) end end def get_field(key) field = getClass.getDeclaredField(key) field.setAccessible(true) field.get(self) end end FileDescriptor.send :include, JavaFields SocketChannel.send :include, JavaFields module EventMachine # TODO: These event numbers are defined in way too many places. # DRY them up. # @private TimerFired = 100 # @private ConnectionData = 101 # @private ConnectionUnbound = 102 # @private ConnectionAccepted = 103 # @private ConnectionCompleted = 104 # @private LoopbreakSignalled = 105 # @private ConnectionNotifyReadable = 106 # @private ConnectionNotifyWritable = 107 # @private SslHandshakeCompleted = 108 # @private SslVerify = 109 # Exceptions that are defined in rubymain.cpp class ConnectionError < RuntimeError; end class ConnectionNotBound < RuntimeError; end class UnknownTimerFired < RuntimeError; end class Unsupported < RuntimeError; end # This thunk class used to be called EM, but that caused conflicts with # the alias "EM" for module EventMachine. (FC, 20Jun08) class JEM < com.rubyeventmachine.EmReactor def eventCallback a1, a2, a3, a4 s = String.from_java_bytes(a3.array[a3.position...a3.limit]) if a3 EventMachine::event_callback a1, a2, s || a4 nil end end # class Connection < com.rubyeventmachine.Connection # def associate_callback_target sig # # No-op for the time being. # end # end def self.initialize_event_machine @em = JEM.new end def self.release_machine @em = nil end def self.add_oneshot_timer interval @em.installOneshotTimer interval end def self.run_machine @em.run end def self.stop @em.stop end def self.start_tcp_server server, port @em.startTcpServer server, port end def self.stop_tcp_server sig @em.stopTcpServer sig end def self.start_unix_server filename # TEMPORARILY unsupported until someone figures out how to do it. raise "unsupported on this platform" end def self.send_data sig, data, length @em.sendData sig, data.to_java_bytes end def self.send_datagram sig, data, length, address, port @em.sendDatagram sig, data.to_java_bytes, length, address, port end def self.connect_server server, port bind_connect_server nil, nil, server, port end def self.bind_connect_server bind_addr, bind_port, server, port @em.connectTcpServer bind_addr, bind_port.to_i, server, port end def self.close_connection sig, after_writing @em.closeConnection sig, after_writing end def self.set_comm_inactivity_timeout sig, interval @em.setCommInactivityTimeout sig, interval end def self.set_pending_connect_timeout sig, val end def self.set_heartbeat_interval val end def self.start_tls sig @em.startTls sig end def self.ssl? false end def self.signal_loopbreak @em.signalLoopbreak end def self.set_timer_quantum q @em.setTimerQuantum q end def self.epoll # Epoll is a no-op for Java. # The latest Java versions run epoll when possible in NIO. end def self.epoll= val end def self.kqueue end def self.kqueue= val end def self.epoll? false end def self.kqueue? false end def self.set_rlimit_nofile n_descriptors # Currently a no-op for Java. end def self.open_udp_socket server, port @em.openUdpSocket server, port end def self.invoke_popen cmd # TEMPORARILY unsupported until someone figures out how to do it. raise "unsupported on this platform" end def self.read_keyboard # TEMPORARILY unsupported until someone figures out how to do it. raise "temporarily unsupported on this platform" end def self.set_max_timer_count num # harmless no-op in Java. There's no built-in timer limit. @max_timer_count = num end def self.get_max_timer_count # harmless no-op in Java. There's no built-in timer limit. @max_timer_count || 100_000 end def self.library_type :java end def self.get_peername sig if peer = @em.getPeerName(sig) Socket.pack_sockaddr_in(*peer) end end def self.get_sockname sig if sockName = @em.getSockName(sig) Socket.pack_sockaddr_in(*sockName) end end # @private def self.attach_fd fileno, watch_mode # 3Aug09: We could pass in the actual SocketChannel, but then it would be modified (set as non-blocking), and # we would need some logic to make sure detach_fd below didn't clobber it. For now, we just always make a new # SocketChannel for the underlying file descriptor # if fileno.java_kind_of? SocketChannel # ch = fileno # ch.configureBlocking(false) # fileno = nil # elsif fileno.java_kind_of? java.nio.channels.Channel if fileno.java_kind_of? java.nio.channels.Channel field = fileno.getClass.getDeclaredField('fdVal') field.setAccessible(true) fileno = field.get(fileno) else raise ArgumentError, 'attach_fd requires Java Channel or POSIX fileno' unless fileno.is_a? Integer end if fileno == 0 raise "can't open STDIN as selectable in Java =(" elsif fileno.is_a? Integer # 8Aug09: The following code is specific to the sun jvm's SocketChannelImpl. Is there a cross-platform # way of implementing this? If so, also remember to update EventableSocketChannel#close and #cleanup fd = FileDescriptor.new fd.set_field 'fd', fileno ch = SocketChannel.open ch.configureBlocking(false) ch.kill ch.set_field 'fd', fd ch.set_field 'fdVal', fileno ch.set_field 'state', ch.get_field('ST_CONNECTED') end @em.attachChannel(ch,watch_mode) end def self.detach_fd sig if ch = @em.detachChannel(sig) ch.get_field 'fdVal' end end def self.set_notify_readable sig, mode @em.setNotifyReadable(sig, mode) end def self.set_notify_writable sig, mode @em.setNotifyWritable(sig, mode) end def self.is_notify_readable sig @em.isNotifyReadable(sig) end def self.is_notify_writable sig @em.isNotifyWritable(sig) end def self.get_connection_count @em.getConnectionCount end def self.pause_connection(sig) @em.pauseConnection(sig) end def self.resume_connection(sig) @em.resumeConnection(sig) end def self.connection_paused?(sig) @em.isConnectionPaused(sig) end def self._get_outbound_data_size(sig) @em.getOutboundDataSize(sig) end def self.set_tls_parms(sig, params) end def self.start_tls(sig) end def self.send_file_data(sig, filename) end class Connection def associate_callback_target sig # No-op for the time being end def get_outbound_data_size EM._get_outbound_data_size @signature end end end