# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales. # See http://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points. en: header: welcome_message: "Welcome," settings: "Settings" login_name_suffix: "" sign_out: "Sign Out" button: refresh: "Refresh" terminate: "Terminate" reboot: "Reboot" create: "Create" update: "Update" delete: "Yes, Delete" close: "Close" attach: "Yes, Attach" detach: "Yes, Detach" launch: "Launch" start: "Start" stop: "Stop" selectmenu: select_action: "Select an Action" select_region: "Region: " select_region_first: "Japan" pagenate: page: "{0} Page" total: "Total {0}" parts: loading: "Loading..." date: display: "{0}-{1}-{2} {3}:{4}:{5}" dialog: terminate_instances: header: "Terminate Instances" message: "Are you sure you want to terminate those instances?" reboot_instances: header: "Reboot Instances" message: "Are you sure you want to reboot those instances?" launch_instance: header: "Launch Instance" wmi_id: "WMI ID" host: "Host" host_name: "Host Name" instance_spec: "Instance Spec" ssh_key_pair: "SSH Key Pair" security_group: "Security Group" available_groups: "Available Groups" launch_in: "Launch in" user_data: "User Data" create_volume: header: "Create Volume" size: "Size" storage: "Storage" attach_volume: header: "Attach Volume" volume_id: "Volume ID" instance_id: "Instance ID" detach_volume: header: "Detach Volume" message: "Are you sure you want to detach the following volume?" delete_volume: header: "Delete Volume" message: "Are you sure you want to delete the following volume?" create_snapshot: header: "Create Snapshot" message: "Are you sure you want to create the following snapshot?" create_volume_from_snapshot: header: "Create Volume " message: "Are you sure you want to create the following volume?" delete_snapshot: header: "Delete Snapshot" message: "Are you sure you want to delete the following snapshot?" create_security_group: header: "Create Security Group" edit_security_group: header: "Edit Security Group" create_and_edit_security_group: description: "Description" rule: "Rule" delete_security_group: header: "Delete Security Group" message: "Are you sure you want to delete the following security_group?" create_ssh_keypair: header: "Create SSH Key Pair" download_once: "Download Once" delete_ssh_keypair: header: "Delete SSH Key Pair" message: "Are you sure you want to delete the following key pair?" start_instances: header: "Start Instances" message: "Are you sure you want to start those instances?" stop_instances: header: "Stop Instances" message: "Are you sure you want to stop those instances?" login: sign_in: "Sign In" user: "User" password: "Password" information: header: "Information" accounts: header: "My Accounts" top: information: "Information" last_login: "Last Login" settings: "Settings" timezone: "Time Zone" locale: "Language" submit: "Update" password: header: "Change Password" password: "Password" new_password: "New Password" confirm_password: "Confirm Password" submit: "Submit" dashboard: resource: header: "My Resource" message: "You are using the following Wakame-vdc resources." instance: "Instances" machine_images: "Machine Images" volumes: "Volumes" snapshots: "Snapshots" security_groups: "Security Groups" key_pairs: "Key Pairs" instances: header: "Instances" instance_actions: header: "Instance Actions" terminate: "Terminate" reboot: "Reboot" start: "Start" stop: "Stop" list: instance_id: "Instance ID" wmi_id: "WMI ID" cpu_cores: "CPU Cores" memory_size: "Memory Size" ip: "IP" state: "State" details: header: "Details" instance: "Instance" instance_id: "Instance ID" wmi_id: "WMI ID" cpu_cores: "CPU Cores" memory_size: "Memory Size" status: "Status" ip: "IP" ssh_key_pair: "SSH Key Pair" created_at: "Created At" security_groups: "Security Groups" hostpools: header: "Host Pools" list: host_pool_id: "Host Pool ID" node_id: "Node ID" hyper_visor: "Hyper Visor" cpu_cores: "CPU Cores" memory_size: "Memory Size" state: "State" details: header: "Details" host_pool: "Host Pool" host_pool_id: "Host Pool ID" hyper_visor: "Hyper Visor" cpu_cores: "CPU Cores" memory_size: "Memory Size" node_id: "Node ID" status: "Status" created_at: "Creaed At" updated_at: "Updated At" machine_images: header: "Machine Images" button: launch_instance: "Launch Instance" list: wmi_id: "WMI ID" description: "Description" source: "Source" owner: "Owner" state: "State" details: header: "Details" wmi_id: "WMI Id" description: "Description" source: "Source" owner: "Owner" arch: "Arch" status: "Status" created_at: "Created_at" updated_at: "Updated_at" volumes: header: "Volumes" button: create_volume: "Create Volume" delete_volume: "Delete Volume" create_snapshot: "Create Snapshot" volume_actions: header: "Volume Actions" attach_volume: "Attach Volume" detach_volume: "Detach Volume" list: volume_id: "Volume ID" capacity: "Capacity" snapshot_id: "Snapshot ID" created: "Created" status: "Status" details: header: "Details" volume_id: "Volume ID" capacity: "Capacity" snapshot_id: "Snapshot ID" status: "Status" created_at: "Created At" updated_at: "Updated At" snapshots: header: "Snapshots" button: create_volume: "Create Volume" delete_snapshot: "Delete Snapshot" list: snapshot_id: "Snapshot ID" capacity: "Capacity" origin_volume_id: "OriginVolume ID" destination: "Destination" created: "Created" status: "Status" details: header: "Details" snapshot_id: "Snapshot ID" snapshot: "Snapshot" capacity: "Capacity" origin_volume_id: "OriginVolumeID" destination: "Destiantion" backing_store: "BackingStore" status: "Status" created_at: "Created At" updated_at: "Updated At" storage_pools: header: "Storage Pools" list: storage_pool_id: "StoragePool ID" node_id: "Node ID" disk_space: "Disk Space" ip: "IP" status: "State" details: header: "Details" sub_header: "Storage Pool" storage_pool_id: "Storage Pool ID" ip: "IP" disk_space: "Disk Space" node_id: "Node ID" status: "Status" created_at: "Created At" updated_at: "Updated At" security_groups: header: "Security Groups" button: create_security_group: "Create Security Group" delete_security_group: "Delete Security Group" edit_security_group: "Edit" list: name: "Security Group ID" descriptions: "Description" action: "Action" details: header: "Details" name: "Security Group ID" description: "Description" created_at: "Created At" updated_at: "Updated At" keypairs: header: "Key Pairs" button: create_keypair: "Create Key Pair" delete_keypair: "Delete" show_secret_accesskey: "Show Secret Access Key" list: access_key_id: "Access Key ID" secret_access_key: "Secret Access Key" details: header: "Details" uuid: "UUID" fingerprint: "Fingerprint" created_at: "Created" updated_at: "Updated" sidemenu: change_account: "Change Account" change_language: "Change Language" summary: header: "SUMMARY" dashboard: "DashBoard" instances: header: "INSTANCES" instances: "Instances" host_pools: "Host Pools" images: header: "IMAGES" machine_images: "Machine Images" block_store: header: "BLOCK STORE" volumes: "Volumes" snapshots: "Snapshots" storage_pools: "Storage Pools" network_security: header: "NETWORK & SECURITY" security_groups: "Security Groups" key_pairs: "Key Pairs" error_box: code: 'ErrorCode' error_message: sign_in: "User not found." change_password1: "New password and confirm password are differenet." change_password2: "Password is different."