module Sorcery module Model module Submodules # The Remember Me submodule takes care of setting the user's cookie so that he will # be automatically logged in to the site on every visit, # until the cookie expires. module RememberMe def self.included(base) base.sorcery_config.class_eval do attr_accessor :remember_me_token_attribute_name, # the attribute in the model class. :remember_me_token_expires_at_attribute_name, # the expires attribute in the model class. :remember_me_for # how long in seconds to remember. end base.sorcery_config.instance_eval do @defaults.merge!(:@remember_me_token_attribute_name => :remember_me_token, :@remember_me_token_expires_at_attribute_name => :remember_me_token_expires_at, :@remember_me_for => 7 * 60 * 60 * 24) reset! end base.send(:include, InstanceMethods) base.sorcery_config.after_config << :define_remember_me_fields base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods protected def define_remember_me_fields sorcery_adapter.define_field sorcery_config.remember_me_token_attribute_name, String sorcery_adapter.define_field sorcery_config.remember_me_token_expires_at_attribute_name, Time end end module InstanceMethods # You shouldn't really use this one yourself - it's called by the controller's 'remember_me!' method. def remember_me! config = sorcery_config self.sorcery_adapter.update_attributes(config.remember_me_token_attribute_name => TemporaryToken.generate_random_token, config.remember_me_token_expires_at_attribute_name => + config.remember_me_for) end def has_remember_me_token? self.send(sorcery_config.remember_me_token_attribute_name).present? end # You shouldn't really use this one yourself - it's called by the controller's 'forget_me!' method. def forget_me! config = sorcery_config self.sorcery_adapter.update_attributes(config.remember_me_token_attribute_name => nil, config.remember_me_token_expires_at_attribute_name => nil) end end end end end end