# # Author:: Serdar Sutay () # Copyright:: Copyright 2012-2016, Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # == net-ssh-multi gem patch for concurrency # net-ssh-multi gem has 2 bugs associated with the use of # :concurrent_connections option. # 1-) There is a race condition while fetching the next_session when # :concurrent_connections are set. @open_connections is being # incremented by the connection thread and sometimes # realize_pending_connections!() method can create more than required # connection threads before the @open_connections is set by the # previously created threads. # 2-) When :concurrent_connections is set, server classes are setup # with PendingConnection objects that always return true to busy? # calls. If a connection fails when :concurrent_connections is set, # server ends up returning true to all busy? calls since the session # object is not replaced. Due to this, main event loop (process() # function) never gets terminated. # # See: https://github.com/net-ssh/net-ssh-multi/pull/4 require "net/ssh/multi/version" if Net::SSH::Multi::Version::STRING == "1.1.0" || Net::SSH::Multi::Version::STRING == "1.2.0" require "net/ssh/multi" module Net module SSH module Multi class Server # Make sure that server returns false if the ssh connection # has failed. def busy?(include_invisible = false) !failed? && session && session.busy?(include_invisible) end end class Session def next_session(server, force = false) #:nodoc: # don't retry a failed attempt return nil if server.failed? @session_mutex.synchronize do if !force && concurrent_connections && concurrent_connections <= open_connections connection = PendingConnection.new(server) @pending_sessions << connection return connection end # ===== PATCH START # Only increment the open_connections count if the connection # is not being forced. Incase of a force, it will already be # incremented. if !force @open_connections += 1 end # ===== PATCH END end begin server.new_session # I don't understand why this should be necessary--StandardError is a # subclass of Exception, after all--but without explicitly rescuing # StandardError, things like Errno::* and SocketError don't get caught # here! rescue Exception, StandardError => e server.fail! @session_mutex.synchronize { @open_connections -= 1 } case on_error when :ignore then # do nothing when :warn then warn("error connecting to #{server}: #{e.class} (#{e.message})") when Proc then go = catch(:go) { on_error.call(server); nil } case go when nil, :ignore then # nothing when :retry then retry when :raise then raise else warn "unknown 'go' command: #{go.inspect}" end else raise end return nil end end def realize_pending_connections! #:nodoc: return unless concurrent_connections server_list.each do |server| server.close if !server.busy?(true) server.update_session! end @connect_threads.delete_if { |t| !t.alive? } count = concurrent_connections ? (concurrent_connections - open_connections) : @pending_sessions.length count.times do session = @pending_sessions.pop break unless session # ===== PATCH START # Increment the open_connections count here to prevent # creation of connection thread again before that is # incremented by the thread. @session_mutex.synchronize { @open_connections += 1 } # ===== PATCH END @connect_threads << Thread.new do session.replace_with(next_session(session.server, true)) end end end end end end end end