require 'sfn' require 'sparkle_formation' module Sfn module CommandModule # Stack handling helper methods module Stack module InstanceMethods # unpacked stack name joiner/identifier UNPACK_NAME_JOINER = '-sfn-' # maximum number of attempts to get valid parameter value MAX_PARAMETER_ATTEMPTS = 5 # Template parameter locations TEMPLATE_PARAMETER_LOCATIONS = ['Parameters', 'parameters'] # Template parameter default value locations TEMPLATE_PARAMETER_DEFAULTS = ['Default', 'defaultValue', 'default'] # Apply any defined remote stacks # # @param stack [Miasma::Models::Orchestration::Stack] # @return [Miasma::Models::Orchestration::Stack] def apply_stacks!(stack) remote_stacks = [config[:apply_stack]].flatten.compact remote_stacks.each do |stack_name| remote_stack = provider.connection.stacks.get(stack_name) if(remote_stack) apply_nested_stacks!(remote_stack, stack) stack.apply_stack(remote_stack) else apply_unpacked_stack!(stack_name, stack) end end stack end # Detect nested stacks and apply # # @param remote_stack [Miasma::Models::Orchestration::Stack] stack to inspect for nested stacks # @param stack [Miasma::Models::Orchestration::Stack] current stack # @return [Miasma::Models::Orchestration::Stack] def apply_nested_stacks!(remote_stack, stack) remote_stack.resources.all.each do |resource| if(resource.type == 'AWS::CloudFormation::Stack') nested_stack = resource.expand apply_nested_stacks!(nested_stack, stack) stack.apply_stack(nested_stack) end end stack end # Apply all stacks from an unpacked stack # # @param stack_name [String] name of parent stack # @param stack [Miasma::Models::Orchestration::Stack] # @return [Miasma::Models::Orchestration::Stack] def apply_unpacked_stack!(stack_name, stack) result = provider.connection.stacks.all.find_all do |remote_stack|"#{stack_name}#{UNPACK_NAME_JOINER}") end.sort_by(&:name).map do |remote_stack| stack.apply_stack(remote_stack) end unless(result.empty?) stack else ui.error "Failed to apply requested stack. Unable to locate. (#{stack_name})" raise "Failed to locate stack: #{stack_name}" end end # Unpack nested stack and run action on each stack, applying # the previous stacks automatically # # @param name [String] container stack name # @param file [Hash] stack template # @param action [String] create or update # @return [TrueClass] def unpack_nesting(name, file, action) config[:apply_stacks] ||= [] stack_count = 0 file['Resources'].each do |stack_resource_name, stack_resource| nested_stack_name = "#{name}#{UNPACK_NAME_JOINER}#{Kernel.sprintf('%0.3d', stack_count)}-#{stack_resource_name}" nested_stack_template = stack_resource['Properties']['Stack'] namespace.const_get(action.to_s.capitalize).new( :print_only => config[:print_only], :template => nested_stack_template, :parameters => config.fetch(:parameters,, :apply_stacks => config[:apply_stacks], :options => config[:options] ), [nested_stack_name] ).execute! unless(config[:print_only]) config[:apply_stacks].push(nested_stack_name).uniq! end config[:template] = nil provider.connection.stacks.reload stack_count += 1 end true end # Prompt for parameter values and store result # # @param sparkle [SparkleFormation, Hash] # @param opts [Hash] # @option opts [Hash] :current_parameters current stack parameter values # @option opts [Miasma::Models::Orchestration::Stack] :stack existing stack # @return [Hash] def populate_parameters!(sparkle, opts={}) current_parameters = opts.fetch(:current_parameters, {}) current_stack = opts[:stack] if(sparkle.is_a?(SparkleFormation)) parameter_prefix = sparkle.root? ? [] : (sparkle.root_path - [sparkle.root]).map do |s| Bogo::Utility.camel( end stack_parameters = sparkle.compile.parameters stack_parameters = stack_parameters.nil? ? : stack_parameters._dump else parameter_prefix = [] stack_parameters = do |loc_key| sparkle[loc_key] end.compact.first || end unless(stack_parameters.empty?) if(config.get(:parameter).is_a?(Array)) config[:parameter] = Smash[ *config.get(:parameter).map(&:to_a).flatten ] end if(config.get(:parameters)) config.set(:parameters, config.get(:parameters).merge(config.fetch(:parameter, ) else config.set(:parameters, config.fetch(:parameter, end param_banner = false stack_parameters.each do |k,v| ns_k = (parameter_prefix + [k]).compact.join('__') next if config[:parameters][ns_k] valid = false # When parameter is a hash type, it is being set via # intrinsic function and we don't modify if(current_parameters[k].is_a?(Hash)) if(current_stack) enable_set = validate_stack_parameter(current_stack, k, ns_k, current_parameters[k]) else enable_set = true end if(enable_set) # NOTE: direct set dumps the stack (nfi). Smash will # auto dup it, and works, so yay i guess. config[:parameters][ns_k] =[k]) valid = true end else if(current_stack &&[:parent_stack]) use_expected = validate_stack_parameter(current_stack, k, ns_k, current_parameters[k]) unless(use_expected) current_parameters[k] = current_stack.parameters[k] end end end attempt = 0 if(!valid && !param_banner) if(sparkle.is_a?(SparkleFormation)) "#{ui.color('Stack runtime parameters:', :bold)} - template: #{ui.color(' > '), :green, :bold)}" else ui.color('Stack runtime parameters:', :bold) end param_banner = true end until(valid) attempt += 1 default = config[:parameters].fetch( ns_k, current_parameters.fetch( k,{|loc_key| v[loc_key]}.compact.first ) ) if(config[:interactive_parameters]) answer = ui.ask_question("#{k.split(/([A-Z]+[^A-Z]*)/).find_all{|s|!s.empty?}.join(' ')}", :default => default) else answer = default end validation = Sfn::Utils::StackParameterValidator.validate(answer, v) if(validation == true) config[:parameters][ns_k] = answer valid = true else validation.each do |validation_error| ui.error validation_error.last end end if(attempt > MAX_PARAMETER_ATTEMPTS) ui.fatal 'Failed to receive allowed parameter!' exit 1 end end end end Smash[ config.fetch(:parameters, {}).map do |k,v| strip_key = parameter_prefix ? k.sub(/#{parameter_prefix.join('__')}_{2}?/, '') : k unless(strip_key.include?('__')) [strip_key, v] end end.compact ] end # @return [Hash] parameters for root stack create/update def config_root_parameters Hash[ config.fetch(:parameters, {}).find_all do |k,v| !k.include?('__') end ] end # Validate stack parameter is properly set via stack resource # from parent stack. If not properly set, prompt user for # expected behavior. This accounts for states encountered when # a nested stack's parameters are adjusted directly but the # resource sets value via intrinsic function. # # @param c_stack [Miasma::Models::Orchestration::Stack] current stack # @param p_key [String] stack parameter key # @param p_ns_key [String] namespaced stack parameter key # @param c_value [Hash] currently set value (via intrinsic function) # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] value is validated def validate_stack_parameter(c_stack, p_key, p_ns_key, c_value) stack_value = c_stack.parameters[p_key] p_stack =[:parent_stack] if(c_value.is_a?(Hash)) case c_value.keys.first when 'Ref' current_value = p_stack.parameters[c_value.values.first] when 'Fn::Att' resource_name, output_name = c_value.values.first.split('.', 2) ref_stack = p_stack.nested_stacks.detect{|i|[:logical_id] == resource_name} if(ref_stack) output = ref_stack.outputs.detect do |o| o.key == output_name end if(output) current_value = output.value end end end else current_value = c_value end if(current_value && current_value != stack_value) ui.warn 'Nested stack has been altered directly! This update may cause unexpected modifications!' ui.warn "Stack name: #{}. Parameter: #{p_key}. Current value: #{stack_value}. Expected value: #{current_value} (via: #{c_value.inspect})" answer = ui.ask_question("Use current value or expected value for #{p_key} [current/expected]?", :valid => ['current', 'expected']) answer == 'expected' else # ui.warn "Unable to check #{p_key} for direct value modification. (Cannot auto-check expected value #{c_value.inspect})" true end end end module ClassMethods end # Load methods into class and define options # # @param klass [Class] def self.included(klass) klass.class_eval do extend Sfn::CommandModule::Stack::ClassMethods include Sfn::CommandModule::Stack::InstanceMethods end end end end end