<% if @query.errors.any? %>
<%= @query.errors.full_messages.first %>
<% end %> <% @variable_params = @query.persisted? ? variable_params(@query) : nested_variable_params(@query) %>
<%= form_for @query, url: (@query.persisted? ? query_path(@query, params: @variable_params) : queries_path(params: @variable_params)), html: {autocomplete: "off"} do |f| %>
<%= f.hidden_field :statement %>
<%= @query.statement %>
<%= link_to "Back", :back %> Docs Schema
<%= f.select :data_source, Blazer.data_sources.map { |_, ds| [ds.name, ds.id] }, {}, class: ("hide" if Blazer.data_sources.size <= 1), style: "width: 140px;" %>
Run Cancel
<%= f.label :name %> <%= f.text_field :name, class: "form-control" %>
<%= f.label :description %> <%= f.text_area :description, placeholder: "Optional", style: "height: 80px;", class: "form-control" %>
<%= f.submit "For Enter Press", class: "hide" %> <% if @query.persisted? %> <%= link_to "Delete", query_path(@query), method: :delete, "data-confirm" => "Are you sure?", class: "btn btn-danger" %> <%= f.submit "Fork", class: "btn btn-info" %> <% end %> <%= f.submit @query.persisted? ? "Update" : "Create", class: "btn btn-success" %>
<% if @query.persisted? %> <% dashboards_count = @query.dashboards.count %> <% checks_count = @query.checks.count %> <% words = [] %> <% words << pluralize(dashboards_count, "dashboard") if dashboards_count > 0 %> <% words << pluralize(checks_count, "check") if checks_count > 0 %> <% if words.any? %>
Part of <%= words.to_sentence %>. Be careful when editing.
<% end %> <% end %>
<% end %>


<%= javascript_tag nonce: true do %> <%= blazer_js_var "variableParams", @variable_params %> <%= blazer_js_var "previewStatement", Blazer.data_sources.to_h { |k, v| [k, (v.preview_statement rescue "")] } %> var app = Vue.createApp({ data: function() { return { running: false, results: "", error: false, dataSource: "", selectize: null, editorHeight: "180px" } }, computed: { schemaPath: function() { return Routes.schema_queries_path({data_source: this.dataSource}) }, docsPath: function() { return Routes.docs_queries_path({data_source: this.dataSource}) } }, methods: { run: function(e) { this.running = true this.results = "" this.error = false cancelAllQueries() var data = {statement: this.getSQL(), data_source: $("#query_data_source").val(), variables: variableParams} var _this = this runQuery(data, function (data) { _this.running = false _this.showResults(data) errorLine = _this.getErrorLine() if (errorLine) { editor.getSession().addGutterDecoration(errorLine - 1, "error") editor.scrollToLine(errorLine, true, true, function () {}) editor.gotoLine(errorLine, 0, true) editor.focus() } }, function (data) { _this.running = false _this.error = true _this.showResults(data) }) }, cancel: function(e) { this.running = false cancelAllQueries() }, updateDataSource: function(dataSource) { this.dataSource = dataSource var selectize = this.selectize selectize.clearOptions() if (this.tablesXhr) { this.tablesXhr.abort() } this.tablesXhr = $.getJSON(Routes.tables_queries_path({data_source: this.dataSource}), function(data) { var newOptions = [] for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var table = data[i] if (typeof table === "object") { newOptions.push({text: table.table, value: table.value}) } else { newOptions.push({text: table, value: table}) } } selectize.clearOptions() selectize.addOption(newOptions) selectize.refreshOptions(false) }) }, showEditor: function() { var _this = this editor = ace.edit("editor") editor.setTheme("ace/theme/twilight") editor.getSession().setMode("ace/mode/sql") editor.setOptions({ enableBasicAutocompletion: false, enableSnippets: false, enableLiveAutocompletion: false, highlightActiveLine: false, fontSize: 12, minLines: 10 }) editor.renderer.setShowGutter(true) editor.renderer.setPrintMarginColumn(false) editor.renderer.setPadding(10) editor.getSession().setUseWrapMode(true) editor.commands.addCommand({ name: "run", bindKey: {win: "Ctrl-Enter", mac: "Command-Enter"}, exec: function(editor) { _this.run() }, readOnly: false // false if this command should not apply in readOnly mode }) // fix command+L editor.commands.removeCommands(["gotoline", "find"]) this.editor = editor editor.getSession().on("change", function () { $("#query_statement").val(editor.getValue()) _this.adjustHeight() }) this.adjustHeight() editor.focus() }, adjustHeight: function() { // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11584061/ var editor = this.editor var lines = editor.getSession().getScreenLength() if (lines < 9) { lines = 9 } this.editorHeight = ((lines + 1) * 16).toString() + "px" Vue.nextTick(function () { editor.resize() }) }, getSQL: function() { var selectedText = editor.getSelectedText() var text = selectedText.length < 10 ? editor.getValue() : selectedText return text.replace(/\n/g, "\r\n") }, getErrorLine: function() { var editor = this.editor var errorLine = this.results.substring(0, 100).includes("alert-danger") && /LINE (\d+)/g.exec(this.results) if (errorLine) { errorLine = parseInt(errorLine[1], 10) if (editor.getSelectedText().length >= 10) { errorLine += editor.getSelectionRange().start.row } return errorLine } }, showResults(data) { // can't do it the Vue way due to script tags in results // this.results = data Vue.nextTick(function () { $("#results-html").html(data) }) } }, mounted: function() { var _this = this var $select = $("#table_names").selectize({}) var selectize = $select[0].selectize selectize.on("change", function(val) { editor.setValue(previewStatement[_this.dataSource].replace("{table}", val), 1) _this.run() selectize.clear(true) selectize.blur() }) this.selectize = selectize this.updateDataSource($("#query_data_source").val()) var $dsSelect = $("#query_data_source").selectize({}) var dsSelectize = $dsSelect[0].selectize dsSelectize.on("change", function(val) { _this.updateDataSource(val) dsSelectize.blur() }) this.showEditor() } }) app.config.compilerOptions.whitespace = "preserve" app.mount("#app") <% end %>