RSpec.shared_context 'telegram/bot/integration' do let(:bot) { } let(:from_id) { 123 } let(:chat_id) { 456 } let(:default_message_options) { {from: {id: from_id}, chat: {id: chat_id}} } let(:controller_path) do route_name = Telegram::Bot::RoutesHelper.route_name_for_bot(bot) Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.public_send("#{route_name}_path") end let(:request_headers) do { 'ACCEPT' => 'application/json', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', } end let(:clear_session?) { described_class.respond_to?(:session_store) } before { described_class.session_store.try!(:clear) if clear_session? } include Telegram::Bot::RSpec::ClientMatchers def dispatch(update) if ActionPack::VERSION::MAJOR >= 5 post(controller_path, params: update.to_json, headers: request_headers) else post(controller_path, update.to_json, request_headers) end end def dispatch_message(text, options = {}) dispatch message: default_message_options.merge(options).merge(text: text) end def dispatch_command(*args) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} dispatch_message("/#{args.join ' '}", options) end # Matcher to check response. Make sure to define `let(:chat_id)`. def respond_with_message(expected ='')) raise 'Define chat_id to use respond_with_message' unless defined?(chat_id) send_telegram_message(bot, expected, chat_id: chat_id) end end RSpec.shared_context 'telegram/bot/callback_query', callback_query: true do include_context 'telegram/bot/integration' subject { -> { dispatch callback_query: payload } } let(:payload) { {id: 11, from: from, message: message, data: data} } let(:message) { {message_id: 22, chat: chat, text: 'message text'} } # Matcher to check that origin message got edited. def edit_current_message(type, options = {}) description = 'edit current message' options = options.merge( message_id: message[:message_id], chat_id: chat_id, ) bot, :"editMessage#{type.to_s.camelize}", description: description ).with(hash_including(options)) end # Matcher to check that callback query is answered. def answer_callback_query(text =''), options = {}) description = "answer callback query with #{text.inspect}" text = a_string_matching(text) if text.is_a?(Regexp) options = options.merge( callback_query_id: payload[:id], text: text, ) bot, :answerCallbackQuery, description: description ).with(hash_including(options)) end end RSpec.configure do |config| if config.respond_to?(:include_context) config.include_context 'telegram/bot/integration', :telegram_bot config.include_context 'telegram/bot/callback_query', :telegram_bot, :callback_query end end