module MegaBar module MegaBarConcern extend ActiveSupport::Concern def app_init #the crazyness starts right here. tmp = params[:controller].include?('mega_bar') ? 'MegaBar::' + params[:controller][9..-1].classify : params[:controller].classify @the_class = tmp.constantize end def myinit(model_id) # yep, this is the main brain that loads all the model, model display, field, field_display stuff. # after this runs you'll see the 'create' and 'update' type methods above run. fields = Field.by_model(model_id) unless fields return redirect_to(:root, :notice => "There was no ModelDisplay for that action/format combo. Would you like to create one?") end field_ids = [] fields.each do |f| field_ids << end field_displays = FieldDisplay.by_fields(field_ids).by_action(params[:action]) displayable_fields = [] field_displays.each do |field_disp| field = Field.find(field_disp.field_id) if is_displayable?(field_disp.format) #lets figure out how to display it right here. display_format = Object.const_get('MegaBar::' + field_disp.format.classify).by_field_display_id( #data_display models have to have this scope! displayable_fields << {:field_display=>field_disp, :field=>field, :display_format=>display_format, :obj=>@model} end end model_display = ModelDisplay.by_model(model_id).by_action(params[:action]).last unless model_display return redirect_to(new_model_display_path, :notice => "There was no ModelDisplay for that " + params[:action] +" action and " + model_id.to_s + "model_id combo. Would you like to create one?") end record_format = MegaBar::RecordsFormat.find(model_display.format) @mega_bar = { :app_format => Object.const_get('MegaBar::' +, :field_ids => field_ids, :fields => fields, :field_displays => field_displays, :displayable_fields => displayable_fields, :form_path => form_path, :model_id => model_id, :model_display => model_display, :model_properties => Model.find(model_id), :record_format => record_format } @controller = params[:controller].include?('mega_bar') ? params[:controller][9..-1] : params[:controller] end # GET /models # GET /models.json def index #seems like you have to have an instance variable for the specific model because if you don't it doesn't pay attention to using your 'layout' #so we set one but then for convenience in the layout, we set @models equal to that. instance_variable_set("@" + @controller, @the_class.order(sort_column + " " + sort_direction)) @models = instance_variable_get("@" + @controller); render @index_view_template end def show instance_variable_set("@" + @controller.singularize, @the_class.find(params[:id])) @models = [] @models << instance_variable_get("@" + @controller.singularize); render @show_view_template end def new instance_variable_set("@" + @controller.singularize, @model = instance_variable_get("@" + @controller.singularize); render @new_view_template end def edit instance_variable_set("@" + @controller.singularize, @the_class.find(params[:id])) @model = instance_variable_get("@" + @controller.singularize) render @edit_view_template end def create @model = respond_to do |format| if format.html { redirect_to @model, notice: 'It was successfully created.' } format.json { render action: 'show', status: :created, location: @model } else format.html { render action: 'new' } format.json { render json: @model.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end end # PATCH/PUT /models/1 # PATCH/PUT /models/1.json def update set_the_display respond_to do |format| if @model.update(_params) "UUUUUUUUUU" format.html { redirect_to @model, notice: 'Thing was successfully updated.' } format.json { head :no_content } else "FffFFFFFFFF" format.html { render action: 'edit' } format.json { render json: @model.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end end def destroy instance_variable_set("@" + params[:controller][9..-1].classify.singularize, @the_class.find(params[:id])) @model = instance_variable_get("@" + params[:controller][9..-1].classify.singularize); @model.destroy respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to models_url } format.json { head :no_content } end end def set_the_display instance_variable_set("@" + params[:controller][9..-1].classify, @the_class.find(params[:id])) @model = instance_variable_get("@" + params[:controller][9..-1].classify); end def testing 'tested it' #abort('tested it i did') end def form_path case params[:action] when 'index' url_for(controller: params[:controller].to_s, action: params[:action], only_path: true) when 'new' url_for(controller: params[:controller].to_s, action: 'create', only_path: true) when 'edit' url_for(controller: params[:controller].to_s, action: 'update', only_path: true) else form_path = 'ack' end end def sort_column @the_class.column_names.include?(params[:sort]) ? params[:sort] : @mega_bar[:model_properties][:default_sort_field] end def sort_direction %w[asc desc].include?(params[:direction]) ? params[:direction] : 'asc' end def is_displayable?(format) if format == 'hidden' || format == 'off' false else "is_displayable" + format true end end end end