$(document).ready ->
$contentModal = $('#contentModal')
storeClassFor = ($elem) ->
$elem.data 'original-class', $elem.attr('class')
retrieveClassFor = ($elem) ->
unless typeof $elem.data('original-class') is 'undefined'
$elem.attr 'class', $elem.data('original-class')
storeClassFor $contentModal
$('#contentModal *').each (index) ->
storeClassFor $(this)
# When the content modal is closed, clean up any alterations
# to classes/content.
$contentModal.on 'hidden.bs.modal', ->
retrieveClassFor $contentModal
$('#contentModal *').each ->
retrieveClassFor $(this)
$contentModal.data 'open', false
$contentModal.on 'show.bs.modal', ->
$contentModal.data 'open', true
# Quick and easy way to show the content modal!
# Valid options include: 'title', 'body', 'footer', and 'force'
# Example (in coffeescript):
# ===============================
# setupContentModal ($contentModal) ->
# $contentModal.find('.modal-dialog').addClass 'modal-lg'
# showContentModal
# title: $('Test Content Modal!')
# body: "This is a large modal! These options allow strings or jQueries."
# footer: $('')
# backdrop: 'static'
# ===============================
# TODO backdrop is permanent until new page/reload - fix that.
# Calling setupContentModal is not neccessary if you are fine
# with the default look of the contentModal. However, if you
# want to add classes to the modal's innards, I recommend you
# make those adjustments within setupContentModal to avoid
# potential conflicts if the modal is already open.
# By default, calling showContentModal will close the content
# modal if it is already open. If for some reason you don't
# want that to happen, you can also pass force: false.
@setupContentModal = (setupFunc) ->
$contentModal = $('#contentModal')
wasOpen = false
doSetup = ->
$contentModal.off 'hidden.bs.modal', doSetup if wasOpen
if $contentModal.data('open')
wasOpen = true
$contentModal.on 'hidden.bs.modal', doSetup
@showContentModal = (options) ->
options.force = true unless options.force is false
$contentModal = $('#contentModal')
wasOpen = false
showIt = ->
$contentModal.off 'hidden.bs.modal', showIt if wasOpen
setSection = ($section, option) ->
if typeof option is 'string'
$section.text option
$section.append option
setSection $('#contentTitle'), options.title
setSection $('#contentBody'), options.body
setSection $('#contentFooter'), options.footer
options.title = null
options.body = null
options.footer = null
$contentModal.modal options
options.then($contentModal) if options.then
if $contentModal.data('open')
if options.force is true
wasOpen = true
$contentModal.on 'hidden.bs.modal', showIt
$contentModal.modal 'hide'
@hideContentModal = -> $('#contentModal').modal 'hide'
# Call this to invoke an error modal, sort of like alert
# body parameter is optional, title will default to "Error"
@errorModal = (body, options) ->
options = {} unless typeof options is 'object'
options.title ||= 'Error'
options.body ||= body
options.footer ||= $('')
setupContentModal ($contentModal) ->
$contentModal.find('.modal-content').addClass 'modal-content-error'
$contentModal.find('.modal-body').addClass 'centered'
showContentModal options
# Opens a modal that looks just like the flash modal when
# the flash contains a success message.
@successModal = (titleOrBody, body, setup) ->
title =
if body
body = titleOrBody
setupContentModal ($contentModal) ->
$contentModal.find('.modal-content').addClass 'modal-content-success'
$contentModal.find('.modal-body').addClass 'centered'
setup($contentModal) if setup
title: title
body: body
footer: $("")
# Modal alternative to confirm() except you pass a function
# rather than call as a conditional.
# With the callback, you can either pass a parameterless
# function that will only be called when 'confirm' is clicked,
# or a single-parameter function where the parameter will
# be true or false depending on the user's response.
@confirmModal = (question, callback) ->
$modal = $('#contentModal')
$yesBtn = $ 'Confirm'
$noBtn = $ 'Cancel'
$footer = $('#contentFooter')
$footer.append $yesBtn
$footer.append $noBtn
$yesBtn.click ->
$modal.modal 'hide'
if callback.length is 0
$noBtn.click ->
$modal.modal 'hide'
if callback.length >= 1
setupContentModal ($contentModal) ->
$contentModal.find('.modal-dialog').addClass 'modal-sm'
$contentModal.find('.modal-body').addClass 'centered'
title: 'Confirm'
body: question
footer: $footer