describe('NativeFontWatchRunner', function () { var NativeFontWatchRunner = webfont.NativeFontWatchRunner, Font = webfont.Font, DomHelper = webfont.DomHelper, FontRuler = webfont.FontRuler; var domHelper = null, activeCallback = null, inactiveCallback = null, nullFont = null, sourceSansC = null, elena = null; beforeEach(function () { domHelper = new DomHelper(window); activeCallback = jasmine.createSpy('activeCallback'); inactiveCallback = jasmine.createSpy('inactiveCallback'); nullFont = new Font('__webfontloader_test_3__'); sourceSansC = new Font('SourceSansC'); elena = new Font('Elena'); }); if (window['FontFace']) { it('should fail to load a null font', function () { var fontWatchRunner = new NativeFontWatchRunner(activeCallback, inactiveCallback, domHelper, nullFont); runs(function () { fontWatchRunner.start(); }); waitsFor(function () { return activeCallback.wasCalled || inactiveCallback.wasCalled; }); runs(function () { expect(inactiveCallback).toHaveBeenCalledWith(nullFont); }); }); it('should load font succesfully', function () { var fontWatchRunner = new NativeFontWatchRunner(activeCallback, inactiveCallback, domHelper, sourceSansC), ruler = new FontRuler(domHelper, 'abcdef'), monospace = new Font('monospace'), sourceSansCFallback = new Font('SourceSansC, monospace'), activeWidth = null, originalWidth = null, finalCheck = false; runs(function () { ruler.insert(); ruler.setFont(monospace); originalWidth = ruler.getWidth(); ruler.setFont(sourceSansCFallback); fontWatchRunner.start(); }); waitsFor(function () { return activeCallback.wasCalled || inactiveCallback.wasCalled; }); runs(function () { expect(activeCallback).toHaveBeenCalledWith(sourceSansC); activeWidth = ruler.getWidth(); expect(activeWidth).not.toEqual(originalWidth); window.setTimeout(function () { finalCheck = true; }, 200); }); waitsFor(function () { return finalCheck; }); runs(function () { expect(ruler.getWidth()).not.toEqual(originalWidth); expect(ruler.getWidth()).toEqual(activeWidth); }); }); it('should attempt to load a non-existing font', function () { var fontWatchRunner = new NativeFontWatchRunner(activeCallback, inactiveCallback, domHelper, elena); runs(function () { fontWatchRunner.start(); }); waitsFor(function () { return activeCallback.wasCalled || inactiveCallback.wasCalled; }); runs(function () { expect(inactiveCallback).toHaveBeenCalledWith(elena); }); }); } });