require 'active_record' module Ensembl module Variation class Connection < ActiveRecord::Base self.extend TableNameOverrides self.abstract_class = true self.establish_connection :adapter => "mysql2", :host =>, :username => Ensembl.username, :password => Ensembl.password, :database => Ensembl.species+'_variation_'+Ensembl.version+'_'+Ensembl.hg_version, :reconnect => true end class ModelBase < Connection self.extend PrimaryKeyOverrides self.abstract_class = true end class Allele < ModelBase belongs_to :variation belongs_to :population belongs_to :subsnp_handle belongs_to :allele_code end class AlleleCode < ModelBase has_many :genotype_codes end class AssociateStudy < Connection belongs_to :study, foreign_key: 'study1_id', class_name: 'Study' belongs_to :associated_study, foreign_key: 'study2_id', class_name: 'Study' end class Attrib < ModelBase belongs_to :attrib_type end class AttribSet < ModelBase belongs_to :attrib end class AttribType < ModelBase has_many :attribs, class_name: 'Attrib' has_many :pheotype_feature_attrib has_many :phenotype_features, through: :phenotype_feature_attrib end class CompressedGenotypeRegion < Connection belongs_to :individual belongs_to :seq_region, class_name: 'Ensembl::Core::SeqRegion' end class CompressedGenotypeVar < Connection belongs_to :variation belongs_to :subsnp_handle, foreign_key: 'subsnp_id' end class CoordSystem < ModelBase end class FailedAllele < ModelBase belongs_to :failed_description belongs_to :allele end class FailedDescription < ModelBase belongs_to :failed_variation end class FailedStructuralVariation < ModelBase belongs_to :structural_variation belongs_to :failed_description end class FailedVariation < ModelBase belongs_to :variation has_one :failed_description end class GenotypeCode < ModelBase belongs_to :allele_code belongs_to :genotype_code end class Individual < ModelBase belongs_to :individual_type belongs_to :father, foreign_key: 'father_individual_id', class_name: 'Individual' belongs_to :mother, foreign_key: 'mother_individual_id', class_name: 'Individual' has_many :individual_populations has_many :populations, through: :individual_populations has_many :individual_synonyms, foreign_key: :synonym_id has_many :synonyms, through: :individual_synonyms has_many :individual_genotype_multiple_bps scope :with_fathers, -> { where.not(father:nil) } scope :with_mothers, -> { where.not(mother:nil) } end class IndividualGenotypeMultipleBp < Connection belongs_to :variation belongs_to :individual belongs_to :subsnp_handle, foreign_key: 'subsnp_id' end class IndividualPopulation < Connection belongs_to :individual belongs_to :population end class IndividualSynonym < Connection belongs_to :individual belongs_to :source belongs_to :synonym, class_name: 'Individual' end class IndividualType < ModelBase has_many :individuals end class Meta < ModelBase # TODO: Link with others end class MetaCoord < Connection end class MotifFreatureVariation < ModelBase belongs_to :variation_feature end class Phenotype < ModelBase has_many :phenotype_features end class PhenotypeFeature < ModelBase # FIXME: Hack because using type column in the database self.inheritance_column = ':_no_inheritance_column' belongs_to :phenotype belongs_to :source belongs_to :study belongs_to :seq_region, class_name: 'Ensembl::Core::SeqRegion' has_many :phenotype_feature_attrib has_many :attrib_types, through: :phenotype_feature_attrib def variation Variation.find_by name: object_id end end class PhenotypeFeatureAttrib < Connection belongs_to :attrib_type belongs_to :phenotype_feature end class Population < ModelBase self.extend Ensembl::SearchByName has_many :population_synonyms #has_many :synonyms, through: :population_synonyms, source: :synonym has_many :alleles has_many :individual_populations has_many :individuals, through: :individual_populations has_many :population_structures, foreign_key: 'super_population_id' has_many :sub_populations, through: :population_structures, source: :sub_population has_many :parents, through: :population_structures, source: :super_populaton#, foreign_key: 'sub_population_id' has_many :population_genotypes def parent ps=PopulationStructure.find_by(sub_population: id) ps.super_population unless ps.nil? end def all_individual_populations IndividualPopulation.where(population_id: sub_population_ids(self)< { joins(:structural_variation_associations).where.not structural_variation_associations: nil } end class StructuralVariationAssociation < Connection belongs_to :structural_variation belongs_to :supporting_structural_variation, foreign_key: 'supporting_structural_variation_id', class_name: 'StructuralVariation' end class StructuralVariationFeature < ModelBase belongs_to :seq_region, class_name: 'Ensembl::Core::SeqRegion' belongs_to :structural_variation belongs_to :source belongs_to :study belongs_to :variation_set belongs_to :class_attrib, foreign_key: 'class_attrib_id', class_name: 'Attrib' has_one :classification, through: :class_attrib, source: :attrib_type end class StructuralVariationSample < ModelBase belongs_to :structural_variation belongs_to :individual end class Source < ModelBase end class Study < ModelBase has_many :associate_studies, foreign_key: 'study1_id' has_many :associated_studies, through: :associate_studies, source: :associated_study # FIXME: No data in database has_many :study_variations has_many :variations, through: :study_variations end # FIXME: No data in database class StudyVariation < Connection belongs_to :study belongs_to :variation end class SubmitterHandle < Connection self.primary_key = 'handle_id' end class SubsnpHandle < Connection self.primary_key = 'subsnp_id' has_many :subsnp_maps end class SubsnpMap < Connection belongs_to :variation belongs_to :subsnp_handle, foreign_key: 'subsnp_id' end class TaggedVariationFeature < ModelBase belongs_to :variation_feature belongs_to :population end class TranscriptVariation < ModelBase belongs_to :variation_feature end class TranslationMd5 < ModelBase end class Variation < ModelBase self.extend Ensembl::SearchByName belongs_to :source has_many :variation_synonyms has_many :failed_variations has_many :alleles has_many :population_genotypes has_many :study_variations has_many :studies, through: :study_variations has_many :variation_citations has_many :publications, through: :variation_citations has_many :subsnp_maps has_many :variation_genenames has_many :variation_hgvs, class_name: 'VariationHgvs' has_many :variation_sets has_many :variation_features has_many :individual_genotype_multiple_bps has_many :compressed_genotype_vars def phenotype_features PhenotypeFeature.where(object_id: name, type: 'Variation') end def synonyms{ |vs| } end # Find Variation by also using VariationSynonyms # @name: name of the variation # @return: [Variation] def self.find_by_name(name) v = self.find_by(name: name) vs = VariationSynonym.eager_load(:variation).find_by(name: name) if v.nil? vs.variation unless vs.nil? end def all_phenotype_features object_ids = variation_synonyms.pluck :name object_ids<