### 0.11.0 / 2016-07-05 Enchancements: * Exposed fields on database servers related to automatic scheduled snapshots. Bug fixes: * Removed an error spec broken by Excon v0.50 undergoing a change of error namespace breaking loading of the specs at present. Changes: * Stop testing Ruby 1.8.7 due to bitrot, the dependencies are creating more issues than needed. ### 0.10.1 / 2015-12-01 Bug fixes: * Do not add `nested` option as body content, only query if present. ### 0.10.0 / 2015-11-30 Changes: * Updated auto-generated documentation for requests * Added `options` to all requests. Select options are passed through to the API to alter behaviour for all requests. * Allow requests to use `nested=false` option to collapse nested (or children) resources from the JSON which is faster to render and less content. * Make `list_accounts` default to `nested=false` because it is very slow for large accounts and the nested resources are rarely used. ### 0.9.0 / 2015-08-18 Changes: * Updated the OAuth model to better reflect the final OAuth 2.0 spec. This is not a breaking change since the server side component remain backwards compatible so usage of the `fog` API should not have changed. * Updated `travis.yml` to use faster container architecture. * Moved `shindo` tests into repo from main `fog` gem. These act as acceptance tests against real environments. * Moved OAuth module specs from Shindo to Minispec. Bug fixes: * Use `Authorization: Bearer` scheme rather than draft value of "Token" * Use `client_credentials` grant type rather than draft value of "none" * Remove duplicate scheme keys causing warnings in Shindo tests ### 0.8.0 / 2015-07-16 Changes: * Add `CloudIp#fqdn` attribute * Use relative paths and reduce requires ### 0.7.2 / 2015-06-25 Bug fixes: * Error if management URL is not `URI` to prevent errors when a `String` given. * `Server#bits` returns "64" as a placeholder rather than "0". * Fixed requires in specs so can they can all run independently. Changes: * Fixed some indentation problems. ### 0.7.1 / 2014-12-05 Bug fixes: * Fixed implementation of `Storage#create_temp_url` (except on Ruby 1.8.7) ### 0.7.0 / 2014-11-27 Enhancements: * Can read `Link` headers returned from snapshot actions * Optionally allow return or `Snapshot` objects from snapshot actions. Bug fixes: * Ignore select directories from version control. * Removed duplicate spec_helper * Addition of style rules using `rubocop` * Automated clean up of style rules * Be pessimistic about `inflecto` gem. Next release of Inflecto gem will introduce 1.9 constraint so we need to be pessimistic about the version to depend on for now. ### 0.6.1 / 2014-10-22 Bug fixes: * Fixes reading from `Server#ssl3?` ### 0.6.0 / 2014-10-21 Enhancements: * Allow setting of Load Balancer SSL v3 parameter when creating or updating. ### 0.5.1 / 2014-09-15 Bug fixes: * Fix a possible authentication loop when bad credentials or expired tokens would trigger repeated attempts to authenticate with no changes to the bad credentials. ### 0.5.0 / 2014-09-01 Enhancements: * Allow setting of Load Balancer buffer sizes during create and update calls. ### 0.4.1 / 2014-08-28 Bug fixes: * Default updated to final hostname of `orbit.brightbox.com`. ### 0.4.0 / 2014-08-28 Enhancements: * Add Add support for Brightbox Orbit cloud storage service. This adds a `storage` service to the Brightbox provider using the standard `fog` interfaces. ### 0.3.0 / 2014-08-12 Enhancements: * Use improved reset and reboot requests for the `Server#reboot` method allowing requests without having to fake restarts with a start/stop. This keeps the VNC console active. ### 0.2.0 / 2014-08-07 Enhancements: * Add resource locks to prevent accidental deleting of the following resources: * Database servers * Database snapshots * Images * Load balancers * Servers ### 0.1.1 / 2014-06-26 Bug fixes: * Fix `list_events` options to have workable defaults ### 0.1.0 / 2014-06-25 Enhancements: * Add `pry` as a development dependency so available under Bundler * Add `spec_helper` to DRY out requires on start of tests * Add `Fog::Brightbox::Model` layer to add shared functionality between models * Add `#resource_name` and `#collection_name` inflection methods to models * Add basic specs for models Changes: * Update generated documentation for requests Bug fixes: * Fix `rake:spec` task to add "spec" to LOAD_PATH ### 0.1.0.dev2 / 2014-04-22 This PRERELEASE version may contain functionality that may be removed before the next release so all APIs should be considered unstable and you should lock to the exact version if used! Bug fixes: * Reference fog-core-v1.22 rather than "master" branch now it is released. ### 0.1.0.dev1 / 2014-04-10 Enhancements: * Add support for events feed ### 0.0.2 / 2014-04-10 Bug fixes: * Add CHANGELOG.md to `fog-brightbox` module. * Add MiniTest::Specs to project. Use `rake test` to check the code. * Add Gemfile, Rakefile, README and LICENCE to start documenting project. * Remove redundant calls to `Fog.credentials`. The code flow was such that the credentials were being passed in to `Fog::Compute::Brightbox` anyway. * Isolate testing from contents of `~.fog` file which is leaking in throug the `Fog.credentials` global. ### 0.0.1 / 2014-02-19 Enhancements: * Initial release of extracted `fog-brightbox` module. This is pretty much the pilot for fog modules so bear with us as we iron out the bugs.