# -*- mode: rd; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- =begin = MANIFEST :bin/rdswap.rb (Cle) RD swaping utility. :bin/rd2 frontend for RDtool. :lib/rd/tree.rb RDtool Framework document tree part. :lib/rd/rd-struct.rb RD Document Structure. :lib/rd/rdfmt.rb old tree part.(obsolete) :lib/rd/visitor.rb RDtool Framework visitor part. :lib/rd/output-format-visitor.rb abstruct visitor class for formatting visitor. :lib/rd/rd2html-lib.rb library for HTML format output. :lib/rd/rd2man-lib.rb library for roff with man macro output. :lib/rd/rdvisitor.rb old visitor part.(obsolete) :lib/rd/filter.rb filter structure.(obsolete) :lib/rd/dot.rd2rc default RC file. :lib/rd/rdblockparser.ry :lib/rd/rdinlineparser.ry :lib/rd/block-element.rb :lib/rd/complex-list-item.rb :lib/rd/desclist.rb :lib/rd/document-struct.rb :lib/rd/element.rb :lib/rd/inline-element.rb :lib/rd/labeled-element.rb :lib/rd/list.rb :lib/rd/methodlist.rb :lib/rd/rbl-file.rb :lib/rd/rbl-suite.rb :lib/rd/rd-struct.rb :lib/rd/search-file.rb :lib/rd/loose-struct.rb :lib/rd/reference-resolver.rb :lib/rd/version.rb :lib/rd/rd2html-opt.rb :lib/rd/head-filter.rb :lib/rd/rd2html-ext-lib.rb :lib/rd/rd2html-ext-opt.rb non-published parts of RDtool. :lib/rd/rdblockparser.tab.rb :lib/rd/rdinlineparser.tab.rb pre-compiled racc-generated parser. this works without Racc itself. :utils/rd-mode.el (Arai, Tosh) Emacs major mode for RD. :doc/rd-draft.rd(.ja) RD working draft.(obsolete) :README.rd(.ja) README file. :HISTORY this document.(RD format) RDtool include files which is copyrighted by somebody elses. * Cle wrote bin/rdswap.rb. it's copyrighted by Cle. * Arai and Tosh wrote utils/rd-mode.el. it's copyrighted by Arai and Tosh. * Watanabe wrote lib/rd/rd2man-lib.rb. it's copyrighted by Watanabe. * Rubikitch wrote lib/rd/{head-filter,rd2html-ext-lib,rd2html-ext-opt}.rb. These are copyrighted by Rubikitch. Please read these files for those lisence info. = CHANGES :0.6.37 * Fix rd2man-lib for Ruby1.9.1 :0.6.36 * Fix rd2man-lib for Ruby1.9.1, remove invalid @filename. :0.6.35 * Fix rd2man-lib for Ruby1.9.1. Thanks to Salvatore Bonaccorso. See http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=676154 :0.6.34 * Add LGPL-2.1 for setup.rb * Add rd2html-ext-lib from rubikitch. Thanks!! :0.6.33 * Typo fixed * Remove makerdtool.rb, merge Rake task. :0.6.32 * Fix for Ruby 1.9.1. Thanks to Shin-ya Murakami * Update Rakefile to create gem and .tar.gz, no longer needed jeweler. * Add RD::Version into rd/version.rb :0.6.31 * Version bump from 0.6.21 * Change Maintainer to Youhei SASAKI * Create gem. Many thanks to Kouhei Sutou!! * apply OptionParser Issue, Thanks to Masaki Hasegawa!! :0.6.21 * setup.rb version up -> 3.4.1 * fix for Ruby 1.9. :0.6.20 * corrected copyright. :0.6.19 * corrected file permission. * setup.rb version up -> 3.4.0 * remove 'changes' :0.6.18 * bin/rd2 UTF-8 support. * support Ruby 1.9. * makerdtools.rb fixed some bugs. * fixed install dot.rd2rc problem * fixed some bugs. :0.6.17 * utils/rd-mode.el patch from :0.6.16 * utils/rd-mode.el font-face patch from HIRAOKA by MoonWolf :0.6.15 * re-packaging by MoonWolf :0.6.14 * minor fix for Ruby 1.8. * now rd2man generates better output. (thank you, Sugiura-san.) :0.6.13 * now tabs are expanded into spaces. * removed

for TextBlock in DescListItem when the TextBlock is only element of ListItem. * a line of `---\n' are now regarded as Verbatim (or TextBlock). * changed style of HTML anchors from `label:' to `label-'. * fixed rd2man for better support of multiple paragraphs. * fixed some bugs. :0.6.12 * fixed some bugs. :0.6.11 * support Ruby 1.4.6. thanks. > Aoki-san * now `=begin' and `=end' are omitable. thanks. > Nakada-san * changed to omit


for some ListItem. * added `class="foottext"' attribute to

element for foottext. thanks. > Kimura-san * bug fix. thanks. > \ay-san, rubikitch-san, Tamura-san * added rd-mode-hook in rd-mode.el. changed key-binding. thanks. > Komiya-san * rd-intelligent-new-line (\M-RET) in rd-mode.el. thanks > Usui-san, Nakada-san :0.6.10 * fixed the bug that outputed HTML can have conflicted anchor and id. * improved performance. * corrected English of README.rd. thanks. > Robert Gustavsson * fixed DTD declaration of XHTML. thanks. > Narushima * fixed the bug around formatting man page. * separeted (({Visitor#apply_to_Reference})) into (({Visitor#apply_to_Reference_with_*}))s. :0.6.9 * fixed the bug that rd/dot.rd2rc isn't installed. thanks. > MUSHA * fixed the bug that module RD don't have class RDElement for backward compatibility. * fixed error occuring in error handler when "false" is the triger of parser error. :0.6.8 * version printing. * fixed the bug around Label conflict. * made (({outline-regexp})) buffer-local. thanks. > Yamaguchi * fixed error message for empty RD. * fixed the bug around parsing MethodList, empty Headline. :0.6.7 * fixed a bug about method index. thanks. > tam, knu * changed quotation in Reference of rd-mode.el. thanks. > rubikitch * fixed documentation. thanks. > hgs * fixed a bug about temporary file. thanks. > Nakada * changed usage of optparse. thanks. > Nakada * now rd2html-lib.rb output XHTML 1.0 Transitional. * --html-lang option for rd2html-lib. * now inline parser allow (('(('\a\'))')). * fixed a bug of missing '&' escape in URL text. * error messages for syntax error become more useful. * fixed mis-numbering of error messages for Inline syntax error. * now '======' is not regarded as Headline. * come to catch the exception which (({File.expand_path("~")})) throws on Windows. * missing/strscan.rb is removed.(strscan-0.6.x include pure Ruby version of it.) :0.6.6 * Comment support. * missing/rd{block,inline}parser.tab.rb -> missing/rd/... * workaroud bug around syntax of quoted strings in Reference. * added the declarations of tokens. (require Racc 1.1.5 or later.) * remove

for TextBlock in ListItem if the ListItem has only one Block. * fixed bug around DescList. * remove backtrase from error message when ParserError occured. * fixed bug of (({RDVisitor#method_parse})). thanks. > Knu * fixed bug.((({sort -> sort!}))) thanks. > Knu * fixed rd-mode.el. thanks. > Rubikitch * make install now uses ftools.rb instead of OS-dependent install command. thanks. > Komatsu * made rd2 well-working on DOSISH OS. thanks. > Nagasawa :0.6.5 * missing/strscan.rb is added. this is for Win users who cannot compile extlib and install Racc. * rd2man is updated by Watanabe. thanks. > Watanabe * bug fix. thanks. > Rubikitch :0.6.4 * Test code for Reference to other file, include Nakada's RMI patch. thanks. > Nakada * Make block level parser exactly line oriented. * Indentation support functions for Verbatim in rd-mode.el. thanks. > Rubikitch * Function (({rd-show-label-list})) is added. thanks. > Rubikitch, Nakada * Bug fix * RDtool should prevent line break in Verb? * Parser should pass empty RD, and warn precisely.(50%) * when Verbatim after Lists with same indent, parse will fail. * implicit FILTER select for --with-part of rd2.(Fixed by Nakada) * an implicit bug(?).(Fixed by Nakada) * default Title of output HTML is empty.(Fixed by Nakada) * rmi2html.rb hasn't "#! /usr/bin/env ruby" as first line. :0.6.3 * rd/rd2html-lib, rd/rd2html-opt: new commandline options to set HTML Title. * rd/rd2man-lib: bug fix. thanks. > Dave * rd2: come to use /usr/bin/env trick. thanks too. > Dave * rd/rdinlineparser: A workaround for Regexp option change of Ruby 1.5.x. * util/rd-mode.el: code clean up. thanks. > Rubikitch * util/rd-mode.el: come to set indent-tabs-mode to nil. :0.6.2 * rd/rdblockparser: RD Include bug fix. thanks. > Arai * rd/rdinlineparser: Reference filename bug fix. * rd/rdvisitor: RMI bug caused by ruby-1.5's change of Symbol is fixed. thanks. > Nakada * util/rd-mode: some utility functions are added. thanks. > Nakada :0.6.1 * rd/rd2man-lib: added. thanks! > Watanabe * rd/rdblockparser: textblock rule become neat. * rd/rdblockparser: bug about List parse is fixed. * rd/rdblockparser: come to cut whitelines at the end of Verbatim. * rd/rdvisitor: (({apply_to_Include}))'s bug fixed. * rd/rd2html-lib:

for Verbatim is removed. * rd2: change RD into man style. * rd2: option --out-code. * doc/rd-draft.rd: misspellings are fixed. thanks. > Yanagawa, Nakada, Sugihara * doc/rd-draft.rd.ja: added. * util/rd-mode.el: patch marged. thanks. > rubikitch :0.6.0 * parser tuning up. thanks for advice. > Aoki * MethodList. thanks. > Arai * error message. thanks. > Aoki * method index.(experimental) * more useful front-end.(come to use OptionParser) * structure is widely changed. * bug fix. thanks. > Nakada * now rdvisitor defines target label (e.g. HTML's anchor) of MethodList more meaningfully. * block parser: R/S conflicts are resolved by Aoki. thanks! > Aoki * inline parser:all Reference feature are covered. * inline parser come to use strscan.so. * inline parser: logic are changed. lexer becomes more simple. * rd2html-lib: ?? what is it? W3C hasn't defined such a element! ;-p * (({RefToElement})) and (({RefToURL})) disappeared. by now, (({Reference})) represent both type of reference. on the other hand, (({Reference::Label})) and its subclass are defined. * rd2html-lib: temporary disable Index. * rd-draft.rd: up-to-date. thank you for advice. > Hugh * util/rd-mode.el: rd-insert-url patch is marged. thanks. > rubikitch * rdtoolconf.rb is added, and Makefile is removed. thanks. > Takahashi * rd/filter: module (({RD::Filter::FileInclude})). thanks. > Nakada :0.5.7 * bug fix. thanks. > Nakada :0.5.5 * repacked version. :0.5.4 * filter.(undocumented) * BLANKLINE |--> WHITELINE * bug fix. thanks. > Arai :0.5.3 * Include (RD and target format). * require Racc 0.10.3 or later. * utils/rd-mode.el. thanks. > Arai * doc/rd-draft.rd. :0.5.2 * into RD module. * rd2html-mindex.rb experimental release. * apply some patches. thanks. > Arai & Hiwada * bug fix. :0.5.0 * reborned for new RD. * \cle's util/rdswap.rb. thanks > \cle :0.2.2 (1999/08/17) * bad LaTeX format is fixed.(rd2latex-lib.rb) thanks > gotoken * bug in parse of Verbatim is fixed.(rdfmt.rb) * bug in parse of term part of DescListItem is fixed. (rdfmt.rb, rd2html-lib.rb, rd2latex-lib.rb) * latex metachar-escape bug is fixed. :0.2.1 (1999/08/15) * Index become available.(rd2html-lib.rb)(EXPERIMENTAL) :0.2.0 (1999/08/15) * script design change.(rdfmt.rb, rd2html) * insert "\n" into the end of line of " EUC-JP).(README.jp) :0.1.2 (1999/08/13) * brief English document inside rd2html.(rd2html) * Japanese document is now "README.jp".(README.jp) * HISTORY :0.1.1 (1999/08/13) * patch for HTML format mistake.(rd2html-lib.rb) Thanks > gotoken * fix a mistake of document(rd2html) :0.1.0 (1999/08/12) * first release version = ABOUT BUG REPORT If you find a bug in RDtool, please add new ((<"issues at gihtub"|URL:https://github.com/uwabami/rdtool/issues>)), or E-mail me (()). =end