module Wikipedia class Page def initialize(json) require 'json' @json = json @data = JSON::load(json) end def page @data['query']['pages'].values.first end def content page['revisions'].first['*'] if page['revisions'] end def sanitized_content self.class.sanitize(content) end def redirect? content && content.match(/\#REDIRECT\s*\[\[(.*?)\]\]/i) end def redirect_title if matches = redirect? matches[1] end end def title page['title'] end def fullurl page['fullurl'] end def editurl page['editurl'] end def text page['extract'] end def summary s = (page['extract'].split(pattern="=="))[0].strip end def categories page['categories'].map {|c| c['title'] } if page['categories'] end def links page['links'].map {|c| c['title'] } if page['links'] end def extlinks page['extlinks'].map {|c| c['*'] } if page['extlinks'] end def images page['images'].map {|c| c['title'] } if page['images'] end def image_url page['imageinfo'].first['url'] if page['imageinfo'] end def image_descriptionurl page['imageinfo'].first['descriptionurl'] if page['imageinfo'] end def image_urls {|img| img.image_url } end def image_descriptionurls {|img| img.image_descriptionurl } end def coordinates page['coordinates'].first.values if page['coordinates'] end def raw_data @data end def image_metadata unless @cached_image_metadata if list = images filtered = {|i| i =~ /:.+\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|svg)$/i && !i.include?("LinkFA-star") } @cached_image_metadata = {|title| Wikipedia.find_image(title) } end end @cached_image_metadata || [] end def templates page['templates'].map {|c| c['title'] } if page['templates'] end def json @json end def self.sanitize( s ) if s s = s.dup # strip anything inside curly braces! while s =~ /\{\{[^\{\}]+?\}\}/ s.gsub!(/\{\{[^\{\}]+?\}\}/, '') end # strip info box s.sub!(/^\{\|[^\{\}]+?\n\|\}\n/, '') # strip internal links s.gsub!(/\[\[([^\]\|]+?)\|([^\]\|]+?)\]\]/, '\2') s.gsub!(/\[\[([^\]\|]+?)\]\]/, '\1') # strip images and file links s.gsub!(/\[\[Image:[^\[\]]+?\]\]/, '') s.gsub!(/\[\[File:[^\[\]]+?\]\]/, '') # convert bold/italic to html s.gsub!(/'''''(.+?)'''''/, '\1') s.gsub!(/'''(.+?)'''/, '\1') s.gsub!(/''(.+?)''/, '\1') # misc s.gsub!(/]*>[\s\S]*?<\/ref>/, '') s.gsub!(//, '') s.gsub!(' ', ' ') s.strip! # create paragraphs sections = s.split("\n\n") if sections.size > 1 s = {|s| "


" }.join("\n") end s end end end end