# -*- coding: binary -*- require 'rex/socket' require 'rex/socket/tcp_server' require 'rex/io/stream_server' require 'rex/socket/x509_certificate' require 'timeout' ### # # This class provides methods for interacting with an SSL wrapped TCP server. It # implements the StreamServer IO interface. # ### module Rex::Socket::SslTcpServer @@loaded_openssl = false begin require 'openssl' @@loaded_openssl = true require 'openssl/nonblock' rescue ::Exception end include Rex::Socket::TcpServer ## # # Factory # ## def self.create(hash = {}) hash['Proto'] = 'tcp' hash['Server'] = true hash['SSL'] = true self.create_param(Rex::Socket::Parameters.from_hash(hash)) end # # Wrapper around the base class' creation method that automatically sets # the parameter's protocol to TCP and sets the server flag to true. # def self.create_param(param) param.proto = 'tcp' param.server = true param.ssl = true Rex::Socket.create_param(param) end def initsock(params = nil) raise RuntimeError, 'No OpenSSL support' unless @@loaded_openssl if params && params.sslctx && params.sslctx.kind_of?(OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext) self.sslctx = params.sslctx else self.sslctx = makessl(params) end super end # (see TcpServer#accept) def accept(opts = {}) sock = super() return if not sock begin ssl = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket.new(sock, self.sslctx) if not allow_nonblock?(ssl) begin Timeout::timeout(3.5) { ssl.accept } rescue ::Timeout::Error => e sock.close raise ::OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError end else begin ssl.accept_nonblock # Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.0/1.9.1 uses a standard Errno rescue ::Errno::EAGAIN, ::Errno::EWOULDBLOCK IO::select(nil, nil, nil, 0.10) retry # Ruby 1.9.2+ uses IO::WaitReadable/IO::WaitWritable rescue ::Exception => e if ::IO.const_defined?('WaitReadable') and e.kind_of?(::IO::WaitReadable) IO::select( [ ssl ], nil, nil, 0.10 ) retry end if ::IO.const_defined?('WaitWritable') and e.kind_of?(::IO::WaitWritable) IO::select( nil, [ ssl ], nil, 0.10 ) retry end raise e end end sock.extend(Rex::Socket::SslTcp) sock.sslsock = ssl sock.sslctx = self.sslctx return sock rescue ::OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError sock.close nil end end # # Parse a certificate in unified PEM format that contains a private key and # one or more certificates. The first certificate is the primary, while any # additional certificates are treated as intermediary certificates. This emulates # the behavior of web servers like nginx. # # @param [String] ssl_cert # @return [String, String, Array] def self.ssl_parse_pem(ssl_cert) Rex::Socket::X509Certificate.parse_pem(ssl_cert) end # # Shim for the ssl_parse_pem module method # def ssl_parse_pem(ssl_cert) Rex::Socket::SslTcpServer.ssl_parse_pem(ssl_cert) end # # Generate a realistic-looking but obstensibly fake SSL # certificate. This matches a typical "snakeoil" cert. # # @return [String, String, Array] def self.ssl_generate_certificate yr = 24*3600*365 vf = Time.at(Time.now.to_i - rand(yr * 3) - yr) vt = Time.at(vf.to_i + (10 * yr)) cn = Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha_lower(rand(8)+2) key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(2048){ } cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new cert.version = 2 cert.serial = (rand(0xFFFFFFFF) << 32) + rand(0xFFFFFFFF) cert.subject = OpenSSL::X509::Name.new([["CN", cn]]) cert.issuer = OpenSSL::X509::Name.new([["CN", cn]]) cert.not_before = vf cert.not_after = vt cert.public_key = key.public_key ef = OpenSSL::X509::ExtensionFactory.new(nil,cert) cert.extensions = [ ef.create_extension("basicConstraints","CA:FALSE") ] ef.issuer_certificate = cert cert.sign(key, OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.new) [key, cert, nil] end # # Shim for the ssl_generate_certificate module method # def ssl_generate_certificate Rex::Socket::SslTcpServer.ssl_generate_certificate end # # Create a new ssl context. If +ssl_cert+ is not given, generates a new # key and a leaf certificate with random values. # # @param [Rex::Socket::Parameters] params # @return [::OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext] def makessl(params) if params.ssl_cert key, cert, chain = ssl_parse_pem(params.ssl_cert) else key, cert, chain = ssl_generate_certificate end ctx = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.new() ctx.key = key ctx.cert = cert ctx.extra_chain_cert = chain ctx.options = 0 if params.ssl_cipher ctx.ciphers = params.ssl_cipher end # Older versions of OpenSSL do not export the OP_NO_COMPRESSION symbol if defined?(OpenSSL::SSL::OP_NO_COMPRESSION) # enable/disable the SSL/TLS-level compression if params.ssl_compression ctx.options &= ~OpenSSL::SSL::OP_NO_COMPRESSION else ctx.options |= OpenSSL::SSL::OP_NO_COMPRESSION end end ctx.session_id_context = Rex::Text.rand_text(16) return ctx end # # This flag determines whether to use the non-blocking openssl # API calls when they are available. This is still buggy on # Linux/Mac OS X, but is required on Windows # def allow_nonblock?(sock=self.sock) avail = sock.respond_to?(:accept_nonblock) if avail and Rex::Compat.is_windows return true end false end attr_accessor :sslctx end