require 'epitools' class Path ## initializers def initialize(newpath) self.path = newpath end def self.glob(str) Dir[str].map { |entry| new(entry) } end def self.[](path) case path when Path path when String if path =~ %r{^[a-z\-]+://}i # URL? elsif path =~ /[\?\*]/ and not path =~ /\\[\?\*]/ # contains glob chars? (unescaped) glob(path) else new(path) end end end ## setters attr_writer :base attr_writer :dirs def path=(newpath) if File.exists? newpath if newpath self.dir = newpath else self.dir, self.filename = File.split(newpath) end else if newpath.endswith(File::SEPARATOR) # ends in '/' self.dir = newpath else self.dir, self.filename = File.split(newpath) end end end def filename=(newfilename) if newfilename.nil? @ext, @base = nil, nil else ext = File.extname(newfilename) if ext.blank? @ext = nil @base = newfilename else self.ext = ext if pos = newfilename.rindex(ext) @base = newfilename[0...pos] end end end end def dir=(newdir) @dirs = File.expand_path(newdir).split(File::SEPARATOR)[1..-1] end def ext=(newext) if newext.blank? @ext = nil elsif newext.startswith('.') @ext = newext[1..-1] else @ext = newext end end ## getters # The directories in the path, split into an array. (eg: ['usr', 'src', 'linux']) attr_reader :dirs # The filename without an extension attr_reader :base # The file extension, including the . (eg: ".mp3") attr_reader :ext # Joins and returns the full path def path if d = dir File.join(d, (filename || "") ) else "" end end # The current directory (with a trailing /) def dir if dirs File::SEPARATOR + File.join(*dirs) else nil end end def filename if base if ext base + "." + ext else base end else nil end end def exts extensions = basename.split('.')[1..-1] extensions += [@ext] if @ext extensions end ## fstat info def exists? File.exists? path end def size File.size path end def mtime File.mtime path end def ctime File.ctime path end def atime File.atime path end def dir? path end def file? File.file? path end def symlink? File.symlink? path end def uri? false end def url? uri? end ## aliases alias_method :to_path, :path alias_method :to_str, :path alias_method :to_s, :path alias_method :pathname, :path alias_method :basename, :base alias_method :basename=, :base= alias_method :extname, :ext alias_method :extname=, :ext= alias_method :dirname, :dir alias_method :dirname=, :dir= alias_method :extension, :ext alias_method :extension=, :ext= alias_method :directory, :dir alias_method :directory=, :dir= alias_method :directory?, :dir? ## comparisons include Comparable def <=>(other) self.path <=> other.path end ## appending # # Path["/etc"]/"passwd" == Path["/etc/passwd"] # def /(other) File.join(self, other) ) end ## opening/reading files def open(mode="rb", &block) if block_given?, mode, &block) else, mode) end end alias_method :io, :open alias_method :stream, :open def read(length=nil, offset=nil), length, offset) end def ls; Path[File.join(path, "*")]; end def ls_r; Path[File.join(path, "**/*")]; end ## modifying files # # Append # def append(data=nil)"ab") do |f| if data and not block_given? f.write(data) else yield f end end end alias_method :<<, :append # # Write a string, truncating the file # def write(data=nil)"wb") do |f| if data and not block_given? f.write(data) else yield f end end end # # Examples: # Path["SongySong.mp3"].rename(:basename=>"Songy Song") # Path["Songy Song.mp3"].rename(:ext=>"aac") # Path["Songy Song.aac"].rename(:dir=>"/music2") # Path["/music2/Songy Song.aac"].exists? #=> true # def rename(options) raise "Options must be a Hash" unless options.is_a? Hash dest = self.with(options) raise "Error: destination (#{dest.inspect}) already exists" if dest.exists? File.rename(path, dest) self.path = dest.path # become dest end # # Renames the file the specified full path (like Dir.rename.) # def rename_to(path) rename :path=>path end alias_method :mv, :rename_to { :mkdir => "Dir.mkdir", :mkdir_p =>"FileUtils.mkdir_p" }.each do |method, expression| class_eval %{ def #{method} if exists? if directory? false else raise "Error: Tried to make a directory over top of an existing file." end else #{expression}(path) true end end } end def cp_r(dest) FileUtils.cp_r(path, dest) #if Path[dest].exists? end def join(other) if uri? Path[URI.join(path, other).to_s] else Path[File.join(path, other)] end end def ln_s(dest) dest = Path[dest] FileUtils.ln_s self, dest end ## Dangerous methods. def rm if directory? and not symlink? Dir.rmdir(self) == 0 else File.unlink(self) == 1 end end alias_method :"delete!", :rm alias_method :"unlink!", :rm alias_method :"remove!", :rm def truncate(offset=0) File.truncate(self, offset) end ## Checksums def sha1 Digest::SHA1.file(self).hexdigest end def sha2 Digest::SHA2.file(self).hexdigest end def md5 Digest::MD5.file(self).hexdigest end alias_method :md5sum, :md5 # def gzip gz_filename = self.with(:filename=>filename+".gz") raise "#{gz_filename} already exists" if gz_filename.exists? open("rb") do |input| do |gzip| IO.copy_stream(input, gzip) end end gz_filename end def gzip! gzipped = self.gzip self.rm self.path = gzipped.path end def gunzip raise "Not a .gz file" unless ext == "gz" gunzipped = self.with(:ext=>nil)"wb") do |out| do |gunzip| IO.copy_stream(gunzip, out) end end gunzipped end def gunzip! gunzipped = self.gunzip self.rm self.path = gunzipped.path end # # Return the IO object for this file. # def io open end alias_method :stream, :io def =~(pattern) path =~ pattern end ## Class method versions of FileUtils-like things %w[ mkdir mkdir_p sha1 sha2 md5 rm truncate ].each do |method| class_eval %{ def self.#{method}(path) Path[path].#{method} end } end # Mimetype finding and magic (requires 'mimemagic' gem) # # Find the file's mimetype (first from file extension, then by magic) # def mimetype mimetype_from_ext || magic end alias_method :identify, :mimetype # # Find the file's mimetype (only using the file extension) # def mimetype_from_ext MimeMagic.by_extension(ext) end # # Find the file's mimetype (by magic) # def magic open { |io| MimeMagic.by_magic(io) } end def ext_by_magic # TODO: return the extension for the mime type. raise NotImplementedError end ############################################################################ ## Class Methods # # TODO: Remove the tempfile when the Path object is garbage collected or freed. # def self.tmpfile(prefix="tmp") path = Path[ ] yield path if block_given? path end alias_class_method :tempfile, :tmpfile def self.home Path[ENV['HOME']] end def self.pwd File.expand_path Dir.pwd end def self.pushd @@dir_stack ||= [] @@dir_stack.push pwd end def self.popd @@dir_stack ||= [pwd] @@dir_stack.pop end def; Dir.chdir(dest); end def; Path[path].ls end def self.ls_r(path); Path[path].ls_r; end def self.ln_s(src, dest); Path[src].ln_s(dest); end ## TODO: Verbose mode #def self.verbose=(value); @@verbose = value; end #def self.verbose; @@verbose ||= false; end if PATH_SEPARATOR = ";" BINARY_EXTENSION = ".exe" else PATH_SEPARATOR = ":" BINARY_EXTENSION = "" end def self.which(bin) ENV["PATH"].split(PATH_SEPARATOR).find do |path| result = (Path[path] / (bin + BINARY_EXTENSION)) return result if result.exists? end nil end end # # A wrapper for URL objects. # class Path::URL < Path attr_reader :uri def initialize(uri) @uri = URI.parse(uri) self.path = @uri.path end def uri? true end def host end def query if query = uri.query query.to_params else nil end end def to_s uri.to_s end end # # Path("/some/path") is an alias for Path["/some/path"] # def Path(*args) Path[*args] end if $0 == __FILE__ require 'ruby-debug' #Path.pry #Path[""].pry debugger Path["?"] end