module Walruz
# This module provides the methods that enable a subject to register
# the diferent actions that can be performed to it, and associates the policies
# that apply to each of these actions.
# == Associating policies with actions on the subject.
# To associate policies and actions related to a subject, we use the check_authorizations
# method, this will receive a Hash, where the keys are the name of the actions, and the values are the policies
# associated to this actions.
# === Example:
# class Profile < ActiveRecord::Base
# include Walruz::Subject
# belongs_to :user
# check_authorizations :read => ProfileReadPolicy,
# :update => ProfileUpdatePolicy
# end
# Once the actions are registered on the subject, you can check if an actor can perform
# an action on it, using the Walruz::Actor methods
module Subject
def self.included(base) # :nodoc:
base.class_eval do
def self._walruz_policies=(policies)
@_walruz_policies = policies
def self._walruz_policies
extend ClassMethods
module ClassMethods
# Stablishes the actions that can be made with a subject. You may
# specify as many actions as you like, and also you may have a default
# policy, that will get executed if a specified flag doesn't exist.
# You just have to pass the action :default, or the policy class only.
# Once you stablish the authorizations policies on a subject, you can
# check if an actor is able to interact with it via the Walruz::Actor methods
# @param [Hash] Set of actions with associated policies
# @return self
# @example
# # Without :default key
# class UserProfile
# check_authorizations :read => Policies::FriendPolicy,
# :write => Policies::OwnerPolicy
# end
# # With :default key
# class UserProfile
# check_authorizations :read => Policies::FriendPolicy,
# :write => Policies::OwnerPolicy,
# :default => Policies::AdminPolicy
# end
# # Without any key at all
# class UserProfile
# # this policy is the default one
# check_authorizations Policies::OwnerPolicy
# end
# @example Invoking the actions from the actor
# current_user.can?(:read, profile)
def check_authorizations(policy_map)
case policy_map
when Hash
self._walruz_policies = policy_map
self._walruz_policies = { :default => policy_map }