#include "stdafx.h" #include "ext/phonebook/phonebook.h" #include "NativeAddressBook.h" #include "OutlookApp.h" #include <common/RhoStd.h> #define INITGUID #include <pimstore.h> #include <comutil.h> using namespace rho; using namespace rho::common; IMPLEMENT_LOGCLASS(CABRecord,"ABRecord"); IMPLEMENT_LOGCLASS(CABOutlookRecord,"ABOutlookRecord"); IMPLEMENT_LOGCLASS(CABSimRecord,"ABSimRecord"); IMPLEMENT_LOGCLASS(CNativeAddressBook,"NativeAddressBook"); // Note that return type is std::string, not LPCSTR!!! // It is required to get live object even after function exit // In case if it is LPCSTR we actually get pointer to the // dead object internal member std::string bstr2str(BSTR s) { _bstr_t bstr(s); return (LPCSTR)bstr; } std::string& CABRecord::getValue(std::string field) { return m_props[field]; } int CABRecord::setValue(std::string field,std::string value) { m_props[field] = value; return 1; } void CABRecord::enumValues(ab_callback_t proc,void* param) { std::map<std::string,std::string>::iterator it; for ( it = m_props.begin(); it != m_props.end(); it++ ) { (*proc)((*it).first.c_str(),(*it).second.c_str(),param); } } void CABRecord::dump() { LOG(INFO) + "Record dump ================================================"; std::map<std::string,std::string>::iterator it; for ( it = m_props.begin(); it != m_props.end(); it++ ) { LOG(INFO) + "[" + (*it).first.c_str() + "] -> [" + (*it).second.c_str() + "]"; } LOG(INFO) + "End of record dump ========================================="; } //============================================================================= CABOutlookRecord::CABOutlookRecord(IContact* pContact) : m_pContact(pContact) { m_type = eOutlookContact; m_modifyed = false; } CABOutlookRecord::~CABOutlookRecord() { if (m_pContact) { m_pContact->Release(); } } int CABOutlookRecord::load() { if (m_pContact) { long oid; if(SUCCEEDED(m_pContact->get_Oid(&oid) ) ) { char buf[128]; sprintf(buf,"{outlook %ld}",oid); setValue(RUBY_PB_ID,buf); } BSTR pwsz = NULL; if(SUCCEEDED(m_pContact->get_MobileTelephoneNumber(&pwsz) ) ) { if(pwsz[0]!=0) { std::string const &number = bstr2str(pwsz); setValue(RUBY_PB_MOBILE_NUMBER,number); } ::SysFreeString( pwsz); } if(SUCCEEDED(m_pContact->get_HomeTelephoneNumber(&pwsz) ) ) { if(pwsz[0]!=0) { std::string const &number = bstr2str(pwsz); setValue(RUBY_PB_HOME_NUMBER,number); } ::SysFreeString( pwsz); } if(SUCCEEDED(m_pContact->get_BusinessTelephoneNumber(&pwsz) ) ) { if(pwsz[0]!=0) { std::string const &number = bstr2str(pwsz); setValue(RUBY_PB_BUSINESS_NUMBER,number); } ::SysFreeString( pwsz); } if(SUCCEEDED(m_pContact->get_FirstName(&pwsz) ) ) { if(pwsz[0]!=0) { std::string const &name = bstr2str(pwsz); setValue(RUBY_PB_FIRST_NAME,name); } ::SysFreeString(pwsz); } if(SUCCEEDED(m_pContact->get_LastName(&pwsz) ) ) { if(pwsz[0]!=0) { std::string const &name = bstr2str(pwsz); setValue(RUBY_PB_LAST_NAME,name); } ::SysFreeString(pwsz); } if(SUCCEEDED(m_pContact->get_CompanyName(&pwsz) ) ) { if(pwsz[0]!=0) { std::string const &name = bstr2str(pwsz); setValue(RUBY_PB_COMPANY_NAME,name); } ::SysFreeString(pwsz); } if(SUCCEEDED(m_pContact->get_Email1Address(&pwsz) ) ) { if(pwsz[0]!=0) { std::string const &address = bstr2str(pwsz); setValue(RUBY_PB_EMAIL_ADDRESS,address); } ::SysFreeString(pwsz); } } return 1; } void CABOutlookRecord::saveValues() { const char* value = getValue(RUBY_PB_MOBILE_NUMBER).c_str(); if (value!=NULL) { m_pContact->put_MobileTelephoneNumber(_bstr_t(value)); } value = getValue(RUBY_PB_HOME_NUMBER).c_str(); if (value!=NULL) { m_pContact->put_HomeTelephoneNumber(_bstr_t(value)); } value = getValue(RUBY_PB_BUSINESS_NUMBER).c_str(); if (value!=NULL) { m_pContact->put_BusinessTelephoneNumber(_bstr_t(value)); } value = getValue(RUBY_PB_FIRST_NAME).c_str(); if (value!=NULL) { m_pContact->put_FirstName(_bstr_t(value)); } value = getValue(RUBY_PB_LAST_NAME).c_str(); if (value!=NULL) { m_pContact->put_LastName(_bstr_t(value)); } value = getValue(RUBY_PB_COMPANY_NAME).c_str(); if (value!=NULL) { m_pContact->put_CompanyName(_bstr_t(value)); } value = getValue(RUBY_PB_EMAIL_ADDRESS).c_str(); if (value!=NULL) { m_pContact->put_Email1Address(_bstr_t(value)); } } int CABOutlookRecord::save() { if (m_pContact) { saveValues(); m_pContact->Save(); } return 1; } int CABOutlookRecord::remove() { if (m_pContact) { m_pContact->Delete(); } return 1; } //============================================================================= CNativeAddressBook::CNativeAddressBook() : m_outlookItems(NULL), m_hSim(0) { } CNativeAddressBook::~CNativeAddressBook() { if(m_outlookItems) { m_outlookItems->Release(); } if (m_hSim) closeSimAB(); } int CNativeAddressBook::openAB() { initSimAB(); COutlookApp* pApp = COutlookApp::Create(); return pApp->getApp() != 0; } int CNativeAddressBook::getAllRecords(std::vector<CABRecord*>& records) { getAllSimPhonebookRecords(records); return getAllOutlookRecords(records); } CABRecord* CNativeAddressBook::getRecord(char* id) { char recordType[20]; long recordId; if ( sscanf(id, "{%s %ld}", recordType, &recordId) == 2 ) { LOG(INFO) + "get Record " + recordId + " of " + recordType +" type"; if (strcmp(recordType,"outlook")==0) { return getOutlookRecord(recordId); } else if (strcmp(recordType,"sim")==0) { return getSimRecord(recordId); } } return NULL; } int CNativeAddressBook::addRecord(CABRecord* record) { return addOutlookRecord((CABOutlookRecord*)record); } int CNativeAddressBook::deleteRecord(CABRecord* record) { return 1; } //============================================================================= bool CNativeAddressBook::getOutlookItems() { IPOutlookApp* pApp = COutlookApp::getInstance()->getApp(); if( (pApp!=NULL)&&(m_outlookItems==NULL)) { // IFolder* polFolder; HRESULT res = pApp->GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts, &polFolder); if (res != S_OK) { // QueryInterface failed. LOG(ERROR) + "GetDefaultFolder failed."; return false; } res = polFolder->get_Items(&m_outlookItems); if (res != S_OK) { // QueryInterface failed. polFolder->Release(); LOG(ERROR) + "get_Items failed."; return false; } polFolder->Release(); } return true; } int CNativeAddressBook::getAllOutlookRecords(std::vector<CABRecord*>& records) { IPOutlookApp* pApp = COutlookApp::getInstance()->getApp(); if(pApp && getOutlookItems()) { int size; m_outlookItems->get_Count(&size); IContact * pContact; CABOutlookRecord *pRecord; for(int index = 1; index <= size; ++index) { m_outlookItems->Item(index, (IDispatch**)&pContact); pRecord = new CABOutlookRecord(pContact); if(pRecord) { pRecord->load(); records.push_back(pRecord); } else { pContact->Release(); } } } return 1; } CABRecord* CNativeAddressBook::getOutlookRecord(long oid) { IPOutlookApp* pApp = COutlookApp::getInstance()->getApp(); if(pApp && getOutlookItems()) { DWORD index; if(S_OK==GetItemIndexFromOid(m_outlookItems,oid,&index)) { IContact * pContact; CABOutlookRecord *pRecord; if (SUCCEEDED(m_outlookItems->Item(1+index, (IDispatch**)&pContact))) { pRecord = new CABOutlookRecord(pContact); if(pRecord) { pRecord->load(); return pRecord; } else { pContact->Release(); } } } } return NULL; } int CNativeAddressBook::addOutlookRecord(CABOutlookRecord* record) { IPOutlookApp* pApp = COutlookApp::getInstance()->getApp(); if(pApp && getOutlookItems()) { if(SUCCEEDED(m_outlookItems->Add((IDispatch**)&record->m_pContact))) { record->save(); } } return 1; } bool CNativeAddressBook::initSimAB() { HRESULT h = SimInitialize(0, NULL, 0, &m_hSim); if (SUCCEEDED(h)) { if (SUCCEEDED(SimGetDevCaps(m_hSim, SIM_CAPSTYPE_ALL, &m_SimCaps))) { return true; } LOG(ERROR) + "Failed to get SIM capabilities."; SimDeinitialize(m_hSim); m_hSim = NULL; } LOG(ERROR) + "Failed to init SIM. Error=" + (int)h; return false; } bool CNativeAddressBook::closeSimAB() { SimDeinitialize(m_hSim); return false; } CABRecord* CNativeAddressBook::getSimRecord(int id) { CABSimRecord *pRecord; HRESULT hr = 0; pRecord = new CABSimRecord(id, m_hSim); if(pRecord) { if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pRecord->load())) { return pRecord; } else { if (SIM_E_NOTFOUND) LOG(ERROR) + "Failed to get SIM entry"; } } else { LOG(ERROR) + "No more memory"; } return NULL; } int CNativeAddressBook::getAllSimPhonebookRecords(std::vector<CABRecord*>& records) { CABSimRecord *pRecord; HRESULT hr = 0; for(DWORD i = m_SimCaps.dwMinPBIndex; i <= m_SimCaps.dwMaxPBIndex; i++) { pRecord = new CABSimRecord(i, m_hSim); if(pRecord) { if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pRecord->load())) records.push_back(pRecord); else { if (SIM_E_NOTFOUND) break; LOG(ERROR) + "Failed to get SIM entry"; } } else { LOG(ERROR) + "No more memory"; } } return SUCCEEDED(hr) ? 1 : 0; } CABSimRecord::CABSimRecord(int index, HSIM hSim) { m_hSim = hSim; m_index = index; } CABSimRecord::~CABSimRecord() { } int CABSimRecord::load() { SIMPHONEBOOKENTRY entry; String name, address; HRESULT hr = SimReadPhonebookEntry(m_hSim, SIM_PBSTORAGE_SIM, m_index, &entry); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { char buf[128]; sprintf(buf,"{sim %ld}", m_index); setValue(RUBY_PB_ID,buf); setValue(RUBY_PB_FIRST_NAME, convertToStringA(entry.lpszText)); setValue(RUBY_PB_MAIN_MUMBER, convertToStringA(entry.lpszAddress)); } return hr; } int CABSimRecord::save() { return 0; } int CABSimRecord::remove() { return 0; } void CABSimRecord::saveValues() { }