require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') describe Octopus::Proxy do let(:proxy) { } describe "creating a new instance" do it "should initialize all shards and groups" do proxy.instance_variable_get(:@shards).keys.to_set.should == [:postgresql_shard, :alone_shard, :aug2011, :canada, :brazil, :aug2009, :russia, :aug2010, :master, :sqlite_shard].to_set proxy.instance_variable_get(:@groups).should == {:country_shards=>[:canada, :brazil, :russia], :history_shards=>[:aug2009, :aug2010, :aug2011]} end it "should initialize the block attribute as false" do proxy.block.should be_false end it "should initialize replicated attribute as false" do proxy.instance_variable_get(:@replicated).should be_false end it "should not verify connections for default" do proxy.instance_variable_get(:@verify_connection).should be_false end it "should work with thiking sphinx" do proxy.instance_variable_get(:@config).should == {:adapter=>"mysql", :password=>"", :database=>"octopus_shard1", :username=>"root"} end describe "should raise error if you have duplicated shard names" do before(:each) do set_octopus_env("production_raise_error") end it "should raise the error" do lambda { proxy }.should raise_error("You have duplicated shard names!") end end describe "should initialize just the master when you don't have a shards.yml file" do before(:each) do set_octopus_env("crazy_enviroment") end it "should initialize just the master shard" do proxy.instance_variable_get(:@shards).keys.should == [:master] end it "should not initialize the groups variable" do proxy.instance_variable_get(:@groups).should == {} end it "should not initialize replication" do proxy.instance_variable_get(:@replicated).should be_nil end end end describe "when you have a replicated enviroment" do before(:each) do set_octopus_env("production_replicated") end it "should have the replicated attribute as true" do proxy.instance_variable_get(:@replicated).should be_true end it "should initialize the list of shards" do proxy.instance_variable_get(:@slaves_list).should == ["slave1", "slave2", "slave3", "slave4"] end end describe "when you have a rails application" do before(:each) do Rails = mock() set_octopus_env("octopus_rails") end it "should initialize correctly octopus common variables for the enviroments" do Rails.stub!(:env).and_return('staging') Octopus.instance_variable_set(:@rails_env, nil) Octopus.config() proxy.instance_variable_get(:@replicated).should be_true proxy.instance_variable_get(:@verify_connection).should be_true Octopus.enviroments.should == ["staging", "production"] end it "should initialize correctly the shards for the staging enviroment" do Rails.stub!(:env).and_return('staging') proxy.instance_variable_get(:@shards).keys.to_set.should ==[:slave1, :slave2, :master]) end it "should initialize correctly the shards for the production enviroment" do Rails.stub!(:env).and_return('production') proxy.instance_variable_get(:@shards).keys.to_set.should ==[:slave3, :slave4, :master]) end describe "using the master connection" do before(:each) do Rails.stub!(:env).and_return('development') end it "should use the master connection" do user = User.create!(:name =>"Thiago") = "New Thiago" User.find_by_name("New Thiago").should_not be_nil end it "should work when using using syntax" do user = User.using(:russia).create!(:name =>"Thiago") = "New Thiago" User.using(:russia).find_by_name("New Thiago").should == user User.find_by_name("New Thiago").should == user end it "should work when using blocks" do Octopus.using(:russia) do @user = User.create!(:name =>"Thiago") end User.find_by_name("Thiago").should == @user end it "should work with associations" do u = Client.create!(:name => "Thiago") i = Item.create(:name => "Item") u.items << i end end after(:each) do Object.send(:remove_const, :Rails) Octopus.instance_variable_set(:@config, nil) Octopus.instance_variable_set(:@rails_env, nil) end end describe "returning the correct connection" do describe "should return the shard name" do it "when current_shard is empty" do proxy.shard_name.should == :master end it "when current_shard is a single shard" do proxy.current_shard = :canada proxy.shard_name.should == :canada end it "when current_shard is more than one shard" do proxy.current_shard = [:russia, :brazil] proxy.shard_name.should == :russia end end describe "should return the connection based on shard_name" do it "when current_shard is empty" do proxy.select_connection().should == proxy.instance_variable_get(:@shards)[:master].connection() end it "when current_shard is a single shard" do proxy.current_shard = :canada proxy.select_connection().should == proxy.instance_variable_get(:@shards)[:canada].connection() end end end end