#--- # Excerpted from "Scripted GUI Testing With Ruby", # published by The Pragmatic Bookshelf. # Copyrights apply to this code. It may not be used to create training material, # courses, books, articles, and the like. Contact us if you are in doubt. # We make no guarantees that this code is fit for any purpose. # Visit http://www.pragmaticprogrammer.com/titles/idgtr for more book information. #--- require 'spec_helper' describe 'The main window' do it_should_behave_like 'a new document' it 'launches with a welcome message' do @note.text.should include('Welcome') end it 'exits without a prompt if nothing has changed' do @note.exit! @note.should_not have_prompted(:to_confirm_exit) end it 'prompts before exiting if the document has changed' do @note.text = 'changed' @note.exit! @note.should have_prompted(:to_confirm_exit) end it 'offers information about the program' do @note.about @note.should have_prompted(:with_help_text) end end describe 'Saving a document for the first time' do it_should_behave_like 'a new document' it 'requires a password' do @note.save_as 'MyNote' @note.should have_prompted(:for_password) end end describe 'The password assignment prompt' do it_should_behave_like 'a new document' it 'ignores the new password if cancelled' do @note.text = 'changed' @note.save_as 'MyNote', :cancel_password => true @note.exit! @note.should have_prompted(:to_confirm_exit) end it 'ignores an unconfirmed password' do @note.text = 'changed' @note.save_as 'SavedNote', :confirmation => 'mismatch' @note.should have_prompted(:with_error) @note.exit! @note.should have_prompted(:to_confirm_exit) end end describe 'The password entry prompt' do it_should_behave_like 'a saved document' it 'ignores the password if cancelled' do note = Note.open 'SavedNote', :cancel_password => true note.should_not be_running end it 'exits with an error message for an invalid password' do note = Note.open 'SavedNote', :password => 'invalid' note.should_not be_running note.should have_prompted(:with_error) end end describe 'A previously saved document' do it_should_behave_like 'a saved document' it_should_behave_like 'a reopened document' it 'preserves and encrypts the contents of the file' do @note.text.should include('Welcome') IO.read(@note.path).should_not include('Welcome') end it 'does not require a password on subsequent saves' do @note.text = 'changed' @note.exit! :save_as => 'MyNote' @note.should_not have_prompted(:for_password) end it 'supports changing the password' do @note.change_password \ :old_password => 'password', :password => 'new' @note.exit! @note = Note.open 'SavedNote', :password => 'new' @note.should_not have_prompted(:with_error) @note.should be_running end end describe 'The editor' do it_should_behave_like 'a new document' it 'supports multiple levels of undo' do @note.text = 'abc' @note.undo @note.text.should == 'ab' @note.undo @note.text.should == 'a' end it 'supports copying and pasting text' do @note.text = 'itchy' @note.select_all @note.copy @note.text.should == 'itchy' @note.text = 'scratchy' @note.select_all @note.paste @note.text.should == 'itchy' end it 'supports cutting and pasting text' do @note.text = 'pineapple' @note.select_all @note.cut @note.text.should be_empty @note.text = 'mango' @note.select_all @note.paste @note.text.should == 'pineapple' end end describe 'The Find window' do it_should_behave_like 'a new document' it_should_behave_like 'a searchable document' it 'supports searching forward' do @note.go_to :beginning @note.find @term @note.selection.begin.should == @first_match @note.find_next @note.selection.begin.should == @second_match end it 'supports searching backward' do @note.go_to :end @note.find @term, :direction => :back @note.selection.begin.should == @reverse_match end it 'can restrict its search to whole words' do pending 'on hold' do @note.go_to :beginning @note.find @term, :whole_word => true @note.selection.begin.should == @word_match end end it 'can restrict its search to exact case matches' do @note.go_to :beginning @note.find @term, :exact_case => true @note.selection.begin.should == @case_match end end