Class Index [+]



Public Class Methods

new() click to toggle source
    # File lib/taskjuggler/apps/Tj3Daemon.rb, line 26
26:     def initialize
27:       super
28:       @mandatoryArgs = '[<tjp file> [<tji file> ...] ...]'
30:       @log = LogFile.instance
31:       @log.logFile = File.join(Dir.getwd, "/#{AppConfig.appName}.log")
32:       @log.appName = AppConfig.appName
33:       @daemonize = true
34:       @uriFile = File.join(Dir.getwd, '.tj3d.uri')
35:       @port = nil
36:       @webServer = false
37:       @webServerPort = nil
38:     end

Public Instance Methods

appMain(files) click to toggle source
    # File lib/taskjuggler/apps/Tj3Daemon.rb, line 75
75:     def appMain(files)
76:       begin
77:         broker =
78:         @rc.configure(self, 'global')
79:         @rc.configure(@log, 'global.log')
80:         @rc.configure(broker, 'global')
81:         @rc.configure(broker, 'daemon')
83:         # Set some config variables if corresponding data was provided via the
84:         # command line.
85:         broker.port = @port if @port
86:         broker.uriFile = @uriFile.untaint
87:         broker.enableWebServer = @webServer
88:         broker.webServerPort = @webServerPort if @webServerPort
89:         broker.projectFiles = sortInputFiles(files) unless files.empty?
90:         broker.daemonize = @daemonize
91:         # Create log files for standard IO for each child process if the daemon
92:         # is not disconnected from the terminal.
93:         broker.logStdIO = !@daemonize
95:         return broker.start
96:       rescue TjRuntimeError
97:         return 1
98:       end
99:     end
processArguments(argv) click to toggle source
    # File lib/taskjuggler/apps/Tj3Daemon.rb, line 40
40:     def processArguments(argv)
41:       super do
42:         @opts.banner += The TaskJuggler daemon can be used to quickly generate reports for a numberof scheduled projects that are resident in memory. Once the daemon has beenstarted tj3client can be used to control it.
43:         @opts.on('-d', '--dont-daemonize',
44:                  format("Don't put program into daemon mode. Keep it " +
45:                         'connected to the terminal and show debug output.')) do
46:           @daemonize = false
47:         end
48:         @opts.on('-p', '--port <NUMBER>', Integer,
49:                  format('Use the specified TCP/IP port to serve tj3client ' +
50:                         'requests (Default: 8474).')) do |arg|
51:           @port = arg
52:         end
53:         @opts.on('--urifile', String,
54:                  format('If the port is 0, use this file to store the URI ' +
55:                         'of the server.')) do |arg|
56:           @uriFile = arg
57:         end
58:         @opts.on('-w', '--webserver',
59:                  format('Start a web server that serves the reports of ' +
60:                         'the loaded projects.')) do
61:           @webServer = true
62:         end
63:         @opts.on('--webserver-port <NUMBER>', Integer,
64:                  format('Use the specified TCP/IP port to serve web browser ' +
65:                         'requests (Default: 8080).')) do |arg|
66:           @webServerPort = arg
67:         end
68:       end
69:     end

Private Instance Methods

sortInputFiles(files) click to toggle source

Sort the provided input files into groups of projects. Each *.tjp file starts a new project. A *.tjp file may be followed by any number of *.tji files. The result is an Array of projects. Each consists of an Array like this: [ , (, …) ].

     # File lib/taskjuggler/apps/Tj3Daemon.rb, line 107
107:     def sortInputFiles(files)
108:       projects = []
109:       project = nil
110:       files.each do |file|
111:         if file[4..1] == '.tjp'
112:           # The project master file determines the working directory. If it's
113:           # an absolute file name, that directory will become the working
114:           # directory. If it's a relative file name, the current working
115:           # directory will be kept.
116:           if file[0] == '/'
117:             # Absolute file name
118:             workingDir = File.dirname(file)
119:             fileName = File.basename(file)
120:           else
121:             # Relative file name
122:             workingDir = Dir.getwd
123:             fileName = file
124:           end
125:           project = [ workingDir, fileName ]
126:           projects << project
127:         elsif file[4..1] == '.tji'
128:           # .tji files are optional. But if they are specified, they must
129:           # always follow the master file in the list.
130:           if project.nil?
131:             error("You must specify a '.tjp' file before the '.tji' files")
132:           end
133:           project << file
134:         else
135:           error("Project files must have a '.tjp' or '.tji' extension")
136:         end
137:       end
139:       projects
140:     end

Disabled; run with --debug to generate this.


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