# # ActiveFacts Generators. # Generate SQL for MySQL from an ActiveFacts vocabulary. # # Copyright (c) 2009 Daniel Heath. Read the LICENSE file. # require 'activefacts/vocabulary' require 'activefacts/persistence' module ActiveFacts module Generate class SQL #:nodoc: # Generate SQL for MySQL for an ActiveFacts vocabulary. # Invoke as # afgen --sql/mysql[=options] .cql # Options are comma or space separated: # * delay_fks Leave all foreign keys until the end, not just those that contain forward-references # * norma Translate valuetypes from NORMA to SQL Server class MYSQL private include Persistence ColumnNameMax = 63 DefaultCharColLength = 63 RESERVED_WORDS = %w{ ACCESSIBLE ADD ALL ALTER ANALYZE AND AS ASC ASENSITIVE BEFORE BETWEEN BIGINT BINARY BLOB BOTH BY CALL CASCADE CASE CHANGE CHAR CHARACTER CHECK COLLATE COLUMN CONNECTION CONDITION CONSTRAINT CONTINUE CONVERT CREATE CROSS CURRENT_DATE CURRENT_TIME CURRENT_TIMESTAMP CURRENT_USER CURSOR DATABASE DATABASES DAY_HOUR DAY_MICROSECOND DAY_MINUTE DAY_SECOND DEC DECIMAL DECLARE DEFAULT DELAYED DELETE DESC DESCRIBE DETERMINISTIC DISTINCT DISTINCTROW DIV DOUBLE DROP DUAL EACH ELSE ELSEIF ENCLOSED ESCAPED EXISTS EXIT EXPLAIN FALSE FETCH FLOAT FLOAT4 FLOAT8 FOR FORCE FOREIGN FROM FULLTEXT GRANT GROUP HAVING HIGH_PRIORITY HOUR_MICROSECOND HOUR_MINUTE HOUR_SECOND IF IGNORE IN INDEX INFILE INNER INOUT INSENSITIVE INSERT INT INT1 INT2 INT3 INT4 INT8 INTEGER INTERVAL INTO IS ITERATE JOIN KEY KEYS KILL LEADING LEAVE LEFT LIKE LIMIT LINEAR LINES LOAD LOCALTIME LOCALTIMESTAMP LOCK LONG LONGBLOB LONGTEXT LOOP LOW_PRIORITY MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT MATCH MEDIUMBLOB MEDIUMINT MEDIUMTEXT MIDDLEINT MINUTE_MICROSECOND MINUTE_SECOND MOD MODIFIES NATURAL NOT NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG NULL NUMERIC ON OPTIMIZE OPTION OPTIONALLY OR ORDER OUT OUTER OUTFILE PRECISION PRIMARY PROCEDURE PURGE RANGE READ READ_ONLY READS READ_WRITE READ_WRITE REAL REFERENCES REGEXP RELEASE RENAME REPEAT REPLACE REQUIRE RESTRICT RETURN REVOKE RIGHT RLIKE SCHEMA SCHEMAS SECOND_MICROSECOND SELECT SENSITIVE SEPARATOR SET SHOW SMALLINT SPATIAL SPECIFIC SQL SQL_BIG_RESULT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS SQLEXCEPTION SQL_SMALL_RESULT SQLSTATE SQLWARNING SSL STARTING STRAIGHT_JOIN TABLE TERMINATED THEN TINYBLOB TINYINT TINYTEXT TO TRAILING TRIGGER TRUE UNDO UNION UNIQUE UNLOCK UNSIGNED UPDATE UPGRADE USAGE USE USING UTC_DATE UTC_TIME UTC_TIMESTAMP VALUES VARBINARY VARCHAR VARCHARACTER VARYING WHEN WHERE WHILE WITH WRITE XOR YEAR_MONTH ZEROFILL }.inject({}){ |h,w| h[w] = true; h } def initialize(vocabulary, *options) @vocabulary = vocabulary @vocabulary = @vocabulary.Vocabulary.values[0] if ActiveFacts::API::Constellation === @vocabulary @delay_fks = options.include? "delay_fks" @norma = options.include? "norma" end def puts s @out.puts s end def go s puts s + ";\n\n" end def escape s # Escape SQL keywords and non-identifiers s = s[0...120] if s =~ /[^A-Za-z0-9_]/ || RESERVED_WORDS[s.upcase] "`#{s}`" else s end end # Return SQL type and (modified?) length for the passed NORMA base type def norma_type(type, length) sql_type = case type when "AutoCounter"; "INT" when "SignedInteger", "SignedSmallInteger" s = case when length <= 8; "TINYINT UNSIGNED" when length <= 16; "SMALLINT UNSIGNED" when length <= 24; "MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED" else "INT UNSIGNED" end length = nil s when "UnsignedInteger", "UnsignedSmallInteger", "UnsignedTinyInteger" s = case when length <= 8; "TINYINT" when length <= 16; "SMALLINT" when length <= 24; "MEDIUMINT" when length <= 32; "INT" else "BIGINT" end length = nil s when "Decimal"; "DECIMAL" when "FixedLengthText"; length ||= DefaultCharColLength "CHAR" when "VariableLengthText"; length ||= DefaultCharColLength "VARCHAR" # There are several large length text types; If you need to store more than 65k chars, look at using MEDIUMTEXT or LONGTEXT # CQL does not yet allow you to specify a length for LargeLengthText. when "LargeLengthText"; "TEXT" when "DateAndTime"; "DATETIME" when "Date"; "DATE" when "Time"; "TIME" when "AutoTimestamp"; "TIMESTAMP" when "Money"; "DECIMAL" # Warning: Max 65 kbytes. To use larger types, try MediumBlob (16mb) or LongBlob (4gb) when "PictureRawData"; "BLOB" when "VariableLengthRawData"; "BLOB" # Assuming you only want a boolean out of this. Should we specify length instead? when "BIT"; "BIT" else raise "SQL type unknown for NORMA type #{type}" end [sql_type, length] end public def generate(out = $>) #:nodoc: @out = out #go "CREATE SCHEMA #{@vocabulary.name}" tables_emitted = {} delayed_foreign_keys = [] @vocabulary.tables.each do |table| puts "CREATE TABLE #{escape table.name} (" pk = table.identifier_columns identity_column = pk[0] if pk.size == 1 && pk[0].is_auto_assigned fk_refs = table.references_from.select{|ref| ref.is_simple_reference } fk_columns = table.columns.select do |column| column.references[0].is_simple_reference end # We sort the columns here, not in the persistence layer, because it affects # the ordering of columns in an index :-(. columns = table.columns.sort_by { |column| column.name(nil) }.map do |column| name = escape column.name("") padding = " "*(name.size >= ColumnNameMax ? 1 : ColumnNameMax-name.size) type, params, restrictions = column.type restrictions = [] if (fk_columns.include?(column)) # Don't enforce VT restrictions on FK columns length = params[:length] length &&= length.to_i scale = params[:scale] scale &&= scale.to_i type, length = norma_type(type, length) if @norma sql_type = "#{type}#{ if !length "" else "(" + length.to_s + (scale ? ", #{scale}" : "") + ")" end }" identity = column == identity_column ? " AUTO_INCREMENT" : "" null = (column.is_mandatory ? "NOT " : "") + "NULL" check = check_clause(name, restrictions) comment = column.comment [ "-- #{comment}", "#{name}#{padding}#{sql_type}#{identity} #{null}#{check}" ] end.flatten pk_def = (pk.detect{|column| !column.is_mandatory} ? "UNIQUE(" : "PRIMARY KEY(") + pk.map{|column| escape column.name("")}*", " + ")" inline_fks = [] table.foreign_keys.each do |fk| fk_text = "FOREIGN KEY (" + fk.from_columns.map{|column| column.name}*", " + ") REFERENCES #{escape fk.to.name} (" + fk.to_columns.map{|column| column.name}*", " + ")" if !@delay_fks and # We don't want to delay all Fks (tables_emitted[fk.to] or # The target table has been emitted fk.to == table && !fk.to_columns.detect{|column| !column.is_mandatory}) # The reference columns already have the required indexes inline_fks << fk_text else delayed_foreign_keys << ("ALTER TABLE #{escape fk.from.name}\n\tADD " + fk_text) end end indices = table.indices inline_indices = [] delayed_indices = [] indices.each do |index| next if index.over == table && index.is_primary # Already did the primary keys abbreviated_column_names = index.abbreviated_column_names*"" column_names = index.column_names column_name_list = column_names.map{|n| escape(n)}*", " inline_indices << "UNIQUE(#{column_name_list})" end tables_emitted[table] = true puts("\t" + (columns + [pk_def] + inline_indices + inline_fks)*",\n\t") go ")" delayed_indices.each {|index_text| go index_text } end delayed_foreign_keys.each do |fk| go fk end end private def sql_value(value) value.is_a_string ? sql_string(value.literal) : value.literal end def sql_string(str) "'" + str.gsub(/'/,"''") + "'" end def check_clause(column_name, restrictions) return "" if restrictions.empty? # REVISIT: Merge all restrictions (later; now just use the first) " CHECK(" + restrictions[0].all_allowed_range_sorted.map do |ar| vr = ar.value_range min = vr.minimum_bound max = vr.maximum_bound if (min && max && max.value.literal == min.value.literal) "#{column_name} = #{sql_value(min.value)}" else inequalities = [ min && "#{column_name} >#{min.is_inclusive ? "=" : ""} #{sql_value(min.value)}", max && "#{column_name} <#{max.is_inclusive ? "=" : ""} #{sql_value(max.value)}" ].compact inequalities.size > 1 ? "(" + inequalities*" AND " + ")" : inequalities[0] end end*" OR " + ")" end end end end end