Cyclid ====== # Documentation See for full documentation, including [installation instructions]( # Developement Cyclid is an Open Source project and we welcome contributions. These instructions will help you get your development environment set up to develop & test Cyclid. ## Getting started ``` $ rbenv install 2.3.1 $ bundle install --path vendor/bundle $ bundle exec rake db:migrate $ CYCLID_CONFIG=config/development bundle exec bin/cyclid-db-init ``` Cyclid requires a Redis server for Sidekiq; you can either run a Redis server on your local machine or run `bundle exec rake redis` to start one. You can start Cyclid under Webrick with `bundle exec rake rackup`, and then start Sidekiq with `bundle exec rake sidekiq`, or you can run both under Guard with `bundle exec rake guard`. The Cyclid development server will run on localhost port 8361, which is the standard Cyclid API port. `cyclid-db-init` will create sqlite3 database and the initial `admin` user and `admins` group. You'll need to make a note of the HMAC secret that is automatically generated & printed so that you can configure the Cyclid client to connect to your development server. ## Testing RSpec tests are included. Run `bundle exec rake spec` to run the tests and generate a coverage report into the `coverage` directory. The tests do not affect any databases and external API calls are mocked. The Cyclid source code is also expected to pass Rubocop; run `bundle exec rake rubocop` to lint the code. ## Documentation Cyclid uses YARD to generate documentation for both the Ruby API (internal Modules, Classes & Methods) and the REST API. Run `bundle exec rake doc` to generate both sets of documentation. The Ruby documentation is placed in the `doc/api` directory, and the REST API documentation is placed in the `doc/rest` directory. User documentation is hosted on [Read the Docs]( The source can be found in the [Cyclid-docs]( repository.