# ddbcli ddbcli is an interactive command-line client of Amazon DynamoDB. [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/ddbcli.png)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/ddbcli) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/winebarrel/ddbcli.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/winebarrel/ddbcli) ## Installation $ gem install ddbcli If you are not using RubyGems, you can use the script file that depend on only Ruby. see https://github.com/winebarrel/ddbcli/releases ```sh https://github.com/winebarrel/ddbcli/releases/download/x.x.x/ddbcli-x.x.x.gz gunzip -c ddbcli-0.x.x.gz > ddbcli chmod 755 ddbcli ``` ## Usage ```sh export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='...' export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='...' export AWS_REGION=ap-northeast-1 ddbcli -e 'show tables' # [ # "employees" # ] ddbcli # show prompt ``` ### Use DynamoDB Local $ ddbcli --url localhost:8000 ## Demo ![ddbcli demo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/winebarrel/ddbcli/master/etc/ddbcli-demo.gif) ## GROUP BY (Aggregate) ``` ap-northeast-1> select all gender from employees -> where birth_date begins_with '1960' -> | group_by(:gender) {|i| puts "DEBUG: 'i' contains: #{i[0, 3].inspect} ..."\; i.length }; DEBUG: 'i' contains: [{"gender"=>"M"}, {"gender"=>"M"}, {"gender"=>"M"}] ... DEBUG: 'i' contains: [{"gender"=>"F"}, {"gender"=>"F"}, {"gender"=>"F"}] ... { "M": 546, "F": 355 } // 2 rows in set (0.20 sec) ``` ## Use Global Secondary Indexes * [https://gist.github.com/winebarrel/7938971](https://gist.github.com/winebarrel/7938971) ## Use QueryFilter * [https://gist.github.com/winebarrel/cdfc59ff6188b1e49027](https://gist.github.com/winebarrel/cdfc59ff6188b1e49027) ## Enable ctrl-r (reverse-search-history) on OS X $ echo 'bind "^R" em-inc-search-prev' >> ~/.editrc ## Help ```sql ##### Query ##### SHOW TABLES [LIMIT num] [LIKE '...'] display a table list SHOW TABLE STATUS [LIKE '...'] display table statues SHOW REGIONS display a region list SHOW CREATE TABLE table_name display a CREATE TABLE statement CREATE TABLE table_name ( key_name {STRING|NUMBER|BINARY} HASH [, key_name {STRING|NUMBER|BINARY} RANGE] [, INDEX index1_name (attr1 {STRING|NUMBER|BINARY}) {ALL|KEYS_ONLY|INCLUDE (attr, ...)} , INDEX index2_name (attr2 {STRING|NUMBER|BINARY}) {ALL|KEYS_ONLY|INCLUDE (attr, ...)} , ...] [, GLOBAL INDEX index1_name (hash_attr1 {STRING|NUMBER|BINARY} [, range_attr1 {STRING|NUMBER|BINARY}]) {ALL|KEYS_ONLY|INCLUDE (attr, ...)} [READ = num WRITE = num] , GLOBAL INDEX index2_name (hash_attr2 {STRING|NUMBER|BINARY} [, range_attr2 {STRING|NUMBER|BINARY}]) {ALL|KEYS_ONLY|INCLUDE (attr, ...)} [READ = num WRITE = num] , ...] ) READ = num WRITE = num [STREAM = {true|false|NEW_IMAGE|OLD_IMAGE|NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES|KEYS_ONLY}] create a table CREATE TABLE table_name LIKE another_table_name [READ = num WRITE = num] [STREAM = {true|false|NEW_IMAGE|OLD_IMAGE|NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES|KEYS_ONLY}] create a table like another table DROP TABLE table_name [, table_name2, ...] delete tables ALTER TABLE table_name {READ = num WRITE = num|STREAM = {true|false|NEW_IMAGE|OLD_IMAGE|NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES|KEYS_ONLY}} update the provisioned throughput ALTER TABLE table_name CHANGE GLOBAL INDEX index_name READ = num WRITE = num update GSI provisioned throughput ALTER TABLE table_name ADD GLOBAL INDEX index_name (hash_attr1 {STRING|NUMBER|BINARY} [, range_attr1 {STRING|NUMBER|BINARY}]) {ALL|KEYS_ONLY|INCLUDE (attr, ...)} READ = num WRITE = num add GSI ALTER TABLE table_name DROP GLOBAL INDEX index_name delete GSI GET {*|attr1,attr2,...} FROM table_name WHERE key1 = '...' AND ... get items INSERT INTO table_name (attr1, attr2, ...) VALUES ('val1', 'val2', ...), ('val3', 'val4', ...), ... INSERT INTO table_name SELECT ... INSERT INTO table_name SELECT ALL ... create items UPDATE table_name {SET|ADD} attr1 = 'val1', ... WHERE key1 = '...' AND ... UPDATE ALL table_name {SET|ADD} attr1 = 'val1', ... [WHERE attr1 = '...' AND ...] [LIMIT limit] update items ("UPDATE" can update only one record. Please use "UPDATE ALL", when you update more than one.) UPDATE table_name DEL[ETE] attr1, ... WHERE key1 = '...' AND ... UPDATE ALL table_name DEL[ETE] attr1, ... [WHERE attr1 = '...' AND ...] [LIMIT limit] update items (delete attribute) DELETE FROM table_name WHERE key1 = '...' AND .. DELETE ALL FROM table_name WHERE [WHERE attr1 = '...' AND ...] [ORDER {ASC|DESC}] [LIMIT limit] delete items ("DELETE" can delete only one record. Please use "DELETE ALL", when you update more than one.) SELECT {*|attr1,attr2,...|COUNT(*)} FROM table_name [USE INDEX (index_name)] [WHERE key1 = '...' AND ...] [HAVING attr1 = '...' AND ...] [ORDER {ASC|DESC}] [LIMIT limit] SELECT ALL {*|attr1,attr2,...|COUNT(*)} FROM table_name [USE INDEX (index_name)] [WHERE attr1 = '...' AND ...] [LIMIT limit] SELECT segment/total_segments {*|attr1,attr2,...|COUNT(*)} FROM table_name [USE INDEX (index_name)] [WHERE attr1 = '...' AND ...] [LIMIT limit] query using the Query/Scan action see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/QueryAndScan.html DESC[RIBE] table_name display information about the table USE region_or_endpoint change an endpoint NEXT display a continuation of a result (NEXT statement is published after SELECT statement) ##### Type ##### String 'London Bridge is...', "is falling down..." ... Number 10, 100, 0.3 ... Binary x'123456789abcd...', x"123456789abcd..." ... Identifier `ABCD...` or Non-keywords Set ('String', 'String', ...), (1, 2, 3, ...) List ['String', (1, 2, 3), {foo: 'FOO', bar: 'BAR'}, ...] Map {key1:'String', "key2":(1, 2, 3), key3: ['FOO', 'BAR'], ...} Bool true, false Null null ##### Operator ##### Query (SELECT) = | <= | < | >= | > | BEGINS_WITH | BETWEEN see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference/API_Query.html#DDB-Query-request-KeyConditions Scan (SELECT ALL), QueryFilter (HAVING) = | <> | != | <= | < | >= | > | IS NOT NULL | IS NULL | CONTAINS | NOT CONTAINS | BEGINS_WITH | IN | BETWEEN see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference/API_Scan.html#DDB-Scan-request-ScanFilter, http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference/API_Query.html#DDB-Query-request-QueryFilter ##### Pass to Ruby/Shell ##### Ryby query | ruby_script ex) SELECT ALL * FROM employees WHERE gender = 'M' | birth_date.map {|i| Time.parse(i) }; [ "1957-09-16 00:00:00 +0900", "1954-12-16 00:00:00 +0900", "1964-05-23 00:00:00 +0900", ... Shell query ! shell_command ex) SELECT ALL * FROM employees LIMIT 10 ! sort; {"birth_date"=>"1957-09-16", "emp_no"=>452020,... {"birth_date"=>"1963-07-14", "emp_no"=>16998, ... {"birth_date"=>"1964-04-30", "emp_no"=>225407,... ... ##### Output to a file ##### Overwrite SELECT ALL * FROM employees > 'foo.json'; Append SELECT ALL * FROM employees >> 'foo.json'; ##### Command ##### .help display this message .quit | .exit exit ddbcli .consistent (true|false)? display ConsistentRead parameter or changes it .iteratable (true|false)? display iteratable option or changes it all results are displayed if true .debug (true|false)? display a debug status or changes it .retry NUM? display number of times of a retry or changes it .retry_interval SECOND? display a retry interval second or changes it .timeout SECOND? display a timeout second or changes it .version display a version ``` # Test ```sh # http://dynamodb-preview.s3-website-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/dynamodb_local_latest_preview.tar.gz java -Djava.library.path=./DynamoDBLocal_lib -jar DynamoDBLocal.jar & bundle install bundle exec rake ```