title: CallbackMediaParticipant
## PureCloud::CallbackMediaParticipant

## Properties

|Name | Type | Description | Notes|
|------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------|
| **id** | **String** | The unique participant ID. | [optional] |
| **name** | **String** | The display friendly name of the participant. | [optional] |
| **address** | **String** | The participant address. | [optional] |
| **start_time** | **DateTime** | The time when this participant joined the conversation. Date time is represented as an ISO-8601 string. For example: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ | [optional] |
| **connected_time** | **DateTime** | The time when this participant went connected on the conversation. Date time is represented as an ISO-8601 string. For example: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ | [optional] |
| **end_time** | **DateTime** | The time when this participant when disconnected on the conversation. Date time is represented as an ISO-8601 string. For example: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ | [optional] |
| **start_hold_time** | **DateTime** | The time when this participant's hold started. Date time is represented as an ISO-8601 string. For example: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ | [optional] |
| **purpose** | **String** | The participant's purpose.  Values can be: 'agent', 'user', 'customer', 'external', 'acd', 'ivr | [optional] |
| **state** | **String** | The participant's state.  Values can be: 'alerting', 'connected', 'disconnected', 'dialing', 'contacting | [optional] |
| **direction** | **String** | The participant's direction.  Values can be: 'inbound' or 'outbound' | [optional] |
| **disconnect_type** | **String** | The reason the participant was disconnected from the conversation. | [optional] |
| **held** | **BOOLEAN** | Value is true when the participant is on hold. | [optional] [default to false]|
| **wrapup_required** | **BOOLEAN** | Value is true when the participant requires wrap-up. | [optional] [default to false]|
| **wrapup_prompt** | **String** | The wrap-up prompt indicating the type of wrap-up to be performed. | [optional] |
| **user** | [**UriReference**](UriReference.html) | The PureCloud user for this participant. | [optional] |
| **queue** | [**UriReference**](UriReference.html) | The PureCloud queue for this participant. | [optional] |
| **attributes** | **Hash<String, String>** | A list of ad-hoc attributes for the participant. | [optional] |
| **error_info** | [**ErrorBody**](ErrorBody.html) | If the conversation ends in error, contains additional error details. | [optional] |
| **script** | [**UriReference**](UriReference.html) | The Engage script that should be used by this participant. | [optional] |
| **wrapup_timeout_ms** | **Integer** | The amount of time the participant has to complete wrap-up. | [optional] |
| **wrapup_skipped** | **BOOLEAN** | Value is true when the participant has skipped wrap-up. | [optional] [default to false]|
| **outbound_preview** | [**DialerPreview**](DialerPreview.html) |  | [optional] |
| **callback_numbers** | **Array<String>** |  | [optional] |
| **callback_user_name** | **String** |  | [optional] |
| **skip_enabled** | **BOOLEAN** |  | [optional] [default to false]|
| **timeout_seconds** | **Integer** |  | [optional] |
| **callback_scheduled_time** | **DateTime** | Date time is represented as an ISO-8601 string. For example: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ | [optional] |
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