require 'earth/locality/data_miner' CommercialBuildingEnergyConsumptionSurveyResponse.class_eval do data_miner do process 'Define some unit conversions' do Conversions.register :hundred_cubic_feet, :cubic_metres, 2.83168466 end import 'building characteristics from the 2003 EIA Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey', :url => '', :skip => 1, :headers => ["PUBID8", "REGION8", "CENDIV8", "SQFT8", "SQFTC8", "YRCONC8", "PBA8", "ELUSED8", "NGUSED8", "FKUSED8", "PRUSED8", "STUSED8", "HWUSED8", "CLIMATE8", "FREESTN8", "WLCNS8", "RFCNS8", "GLSSPC8", "EQGLSS8", "SUNGLS8", "BLDSHP8", "NFLOOR8", "ELEVTR8", "NELVTR8", "ESCLTR8", "NESLTR8", "YRCON8", "MONCON8", "RENOV8", "RENADD8", "RENRDC8", "RENCOS8", "RENEXT8", "RENINT8", "RENHVC8", "RENLGT8", "RENWIN8", "RENPLB8", "RENINS8", "RENOTH8", "GOVOWN8", "GOVTYP8", "OWNER8", "OWNOCC8", "NOCC8", "NOCCAT8", "MONUSE8", "PORVAC8", "OPEN248", "OPNMF8", "OPNWE8", "WKHRS8", "WKHRSC8", "NWKER8", "NWKERC8", "HT18", "HT28", "COOL8", "WATR8", "COOK8", "MANU8", "GENR8", "ADJWT8", "STRATUM8", "PAIR8"] do key 'id', :field_name => 'PUBID8' store 'census_region_number', :field_name => 'REGION8' store 'census_division_number', :field_name => 'CENDIV8' store 'climate_zone_number', :synthesize => { |row| row['CLIMATE8'].to_i == 7 ? nil : row['CLIMATE8'].to_i } store 'area', :field_name => 'SQFT8', :from_units => :square_feet, :to_units => :square_metres store 'principal_activity', :field_name => 'PBA8', :dictionary => { :input => 'principal_activity_code', :output => 'principal_activity', :url => '' } store 'floors', :field_name => 'NFLOOR8', :dictionary => { :input => 'floors_code', :output => 'floors', :url => '' } store 'construction_year', :field_name => 'YRCON8' store 'months_used', :field_name => 'MONUSE8' store 'weekly_hours', :field_name => 'WKHRS8' store 'stratum', :field_name => 'STRATUM8' store 'pair', :field_name => 'PAIR8' store 'weighting', :field_name => 'ADJWT8' end import 'building characteristics from the 2003 EIA Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey', :url => '', :skip => 1, :headers => ["PUBID8","REGION8","CENDIV8","SQFT8","SQFTC8","YRCONC8","PBA8","ELUSED8","NGUSED8","FKUSED8","PRUSED8","STUSED8","HWUSED8","ONEACT8","ACT18","ACT28","ACT38","ACT1PCT8","ACT2PCT8","ACT3PCT8","PBAPLUS8","VACANT8","RWSEAT8","PBSEAT8","EDSEAT8","FDSEAT8","HCBED8","NRSBED8","LODGRM8","FACIL8","FEDFAC8","FACACT8","MANIND8","PLANT8","FACDST8","FACDHW8","FACDCW8","FACELC8","BLDPLT8","ADJWT8","STRATUM8","PAIR8"] do key 'id', :field_name => 'PUBID8' store 'detailed_activity', :field_name => 'PBAPLUS8', :dictionary => { :input => 'detailed_activity_code', :output => 'detailed_activity', :url => '' } store 'first_activity', :field_name => 'ACT18', :dictionary => { :input => 'activity_code', :output => 'activity', :url => '' } store 'second_activity', :field_name => 'ACT28', :dictionary => { :input => 'activity_code', :output => 'activity', :url => '' } store 'third_activity', :field_name => 'ACT38', :dictionary => { :input => 'activity_code', :output => 'activity', :url => '' } store 'first_activity_share', :synthesize => { |row| row['ACT1PCT8'].blank? ? nil : row['ACT1PCT8'].to_f / 100.0 } store 'second_activity_share', :synthesize => { |row| row['ACT2PCT8'].blank? ? nil : row['ACT2PCT8'].to_f / 100.0 } store 'third_activity_share', :synthesize => { |row| row['ACT3PCT8'].blank? ? nil : row['ACT3PCT8'].to_f / 100.0 } store 'lodging_rooms', :field_name => 'LODGRM8' end import 'electricity use from the 2003 EIA Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey', :url => '', :skip => 1, :headers => ["PUBID8", "REGION8", "CENDIV8", "SQFT8", "SQFTC8", "YRCONC8", "PBA8", "ELUSED8", "NGUSED8", "FKUSED8", "PRUSED8", "STUSED8", "HWUSED8", "ADJWT8", "STRATUM8", "PAIR8", "HDD658", "CDD658", "MFUSED8", "MFBTU8", "MFEXP8", "ELCNS8", "ELBTU8", "ELEXP8", "ZELCNS8", "ZELEXP8"] do key 'id', :field_name => 'PUBID8' store 'heating_degree_days', :field_name => 'HDD658' store 'cooling_degree_days', :field_name => 'CDD658' store 'electricity_use', :synthesize => { |row| row['ELCNS8'].to_i }, :units => :kilowatt_hours end import 'fuel use characteristics from the 2003 EIA Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey', :url => '', :skip => 1, :headers => ["PUBID8", "REGION8", "CENDIV8", "SQFT8", "SQFTC8", "YRCONC8", "PBA8", "ELUSED8", "NGUSED8", "FKUSED8", "PRUSED8", "STUSED8", "HWUSED8", "ADJWT8", "STRATUM8", "PAIR8", "NGCNS8", "NGBTU8", "NGEXP8", "ZNGCNS8", "ZNGEXP8", "FKCNS8", "FKBTU8", "FKEXP8", "ZFKCNS8", "ZFKEXP8", "DHUSED8", "DHHT18", "DHHT28", "DHCOOL8", "DHWATR8", "DHCOOK8", "DHMANU8", "DHOTH8", "DHCNS8", "DHBTU8", "DHEXP8", "ZDHCNS8", "ZDHEXP8"] do key 'id', :field_name => 'PUBID8' store 'natural_gas_use', :field_name => 'NGCNS8', :from_units => :hundred_cubic_feet, :to_units => :cubic_metres #!!!!!!!!!!!! store 'fuel_oil_use', :field_name => 'FKCNS8', :from_units => :gallons, :to_units => :litres store 'district_heat_use', :field_name => 'DHBTU8', :from_units => :kbtus, :to_units => :megajoules end end end