require 'ipaddr' require 'logger' require 'net/http' require 'socket' require 'http_scanner/version' class HttpScanner attr_writer :logger def initialize @mutex = @queue = @results = [] end def logger @logger ||= do |logger| logger.progname = 'http_scanner' end end # Scans the local network and returns an array of IP addresses of systems that # return text containing the signature. # # @param signature [String] Case sensitive string to be searched for in the # HTML of scanned systems. # @param opts [Hash] Additional options. # @option opts [Fixnum] :threads Size of the thread pool to use to scan the # local network. Defaults to 255 threads. # @return [Array] IP addresses of systems with a positive match. def scan(signature, opts = {}) ip_range = local_ip_range addresses = get_ips_in_range(ip_range[:ip_start], ip_range[:ip_end]) addresses.each do |address| @queue << address end threads = [] (opts[:threads] || 255).times do threads << do thread_results = scan_thread(@queue, signature) @mutex.synchronize do @results.concat(thread_results) end end end threads.each do |thread| begin thread.join rescue => e logger.error "Caught error in thread:" logger.error e end end @results end protected def local_ip_range ip_local = local_ip ip = ip_local.split('.') ip_start = "#{ip[0]}.#{ip[1]}.#{ip[2]}.1" ip_end = "#{ip[0]}.#{ip[1]}.#{ip[2]}.255" logger.debug "Local IP address: #{ip_local}" logger.debug "Local IP range: #{ip_start}...#{ip_end}" { ip_start: ip_start, ip_end: ip_end } end def get_ips_in_range(start_ip, end_ip) start_ip = end_ip = (start_ip..end_ip).map(&:to_s) end def local_ip ip = Socket.ip_address_list.detect(&:ipv4_private?) ip.ip_address if ip end def scan_thread(queue, signature) results = [] loop do addr = queue.pop(true) uri = URI.parse("http://#{addr}/") http = begin Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, read_timeout: 2, open_timeout: 2) rescue logger.debug('#{addr}: connection error') nil end if http body = '' begin http.get('/') do |chunk| body += chunk end rescue nil end if body.include?(signature) logger.debug "#{addr}: string found" results << addr else logger.debug "#{addr}: string not found" end http.finish end end rescue ThreadError results = results.uniq results end end