# Shopify CLI 2.0 Shopify Latest Version GitHub forks GitHub stars Commit Activity Contributors Latest Commits Twitter Followers License Powered by Ruby Shopify CLI 2.0 is a command line to help you build on Shopify. It's available as a Ruby gem and can be run and installed on Mac, Linux, and Windows systems. ## Note on Shopify CLI 2.0 versus Shopify CLI 3.0 ## Use 2.0 for developing themes. For developing apps and custom storefronts, we recommend using [Shopify CLI 3.0](https://github.com/Shopify/cli). ## Installation Check out our [installation steps](docs/users/installation.md). ## Contributing 👩‍💻 Shopify CLI is an [open source tool](/LICENSE) and everyone is welcome to help the community by [contributing](/docs/README.md) to the project. ## Help 🖐 If you encounter issues using the CLI or have feedback you'd like to share with us, below are some options: - [Open a GitHub issue](https://github.com/Shopify/shopify-cli/issues) - To report bugs or request new features, open an issue in the Shopify CLI repository. - [Shopify Community Forums](https://community.shopify.com/) - Visit our forums to connect with the community and learn more about Shopify CLI development.