require 'minitest/mock' require 'test_helper' class BulkInsertWorkerTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase setup do @insert = Testing.connection, Testing.table_name, 'id', %w(greeting age happy created_at updated_at color)) @now = end test "empty insert is not pending" do assert_equal false, @insert.pending? end test "pending_count should describe size of pending set" do assert_equal 0, @insert.pending_count @insert.add ["Hello", 15, true, @now, @now] assert_equal 1, @insert.pending_count end test "default set size" do assert_equal 500, @insert.set_size end test "adding row to insert makes insert pending" do @insert.add ["Hello", 15, true, @now, @now] assert_equal true, @insert.pending? end test "add should default timestamp columns to current time" do now = @insert.add ["Hello", 15, true]! record = Testing.first assert_operator record.created_at, :>=, now assert_operator record.updated_at, :>=, now end test "default timestamp columns should be equivalent for the entire batch" do @insert.add ["Hello", 15, true] @insert.add ["Howdy", 20, false]! first, second = Testing.all assert_equal first.created_at.to_f, second.created_at.to_f assert_equal first.created_at.to_f, first.updated_at.to_f end test "add should use database default values when present" do @insert.add greeting: "Hello", age: 20, happy: false! record = Testing.first assert_equal record.color, "chartreuse" end test "explicit nil should override defaults" do @insert.add greeting: "Hello", age: 20, happy: false, color: nil! record = Testing.first assert_nil record.color end test "add should allow values given as Hash" do @insert.add greeting: "Yo", age: 20, happy: false, created_at: @now, updated_at: @now! record = Testing.first assert_not_nil record assert_equal "Yo", record.greeting assert_equal 20, record.age assert_equal false, record.happy? end test "add should save automatically when overflowing set size" do @insert.set_size = 1 @insert.add ["Hello", 15, true, @now, @now] @insert.add ["Yo", 20, false, @now, @now] assert_equal 1, Testing.count assert_equal "Hello", Testing.first.greeting end test "add_all should append all items to the set" do @insert.add_all [ [ "Hello", 15, true ], { greeting: "Hi", age: 55, happy: true } ] assert_equal 2, @insert.pending_count end test "save! makes insert not pending" do @insert.add ["Hello", 15, true, @now, @now]! assert_equal false, @insert.pending? end test "save! when not pending should do nothing" do assert_no_difference 'Testing.count' do! end end test "save! inserts pending records" do @insert.add ["Yo", 15, false, @now, @now] @insert.add ["Hello", 25, true, @now, @now]! yo = Testing.find_by(greeting: 'Yo') hello = Testing.find_by(greeting: 'Hello') assert_not_nil yo assert_equal 15, yo.age assert_equal false, yo.happy? assert_not_nil hello assert_equal 25, hello.age assert_equal true, hello.happy? end test "save! does not add to result sets when not returning primary keys" do @insert.add greeting: "first" @insert.add greeting: "second"! assert_equal 0, @insert.result_sets.count end test "save! adds to result sets when returning primary keys" do worker = Testing.connection, Testing.table_name, 'id', %w(greeting age happy created_at updated_at color), 500, false, false, true ) assert_no_difference -> { worker.result_sets.count } do! end worker.add greeting: "first" worker.add greeting: "second"! assert_equal 1, worker.result_sets.count worker.add greeting: "third" worker.add greeting: "fourth"! assert_equal 2, worker.result_sets.count end test "initialized with empty result sets array" do new_worker = Testing.connection, Testing.table_name, 'id', %w(greeting age happy created_at updated_at color) ) assert_instance_of(Array, new_worker.result_sets) assert_empty new_worker.result_sets end test "save! calls the after_save handler" do x = 41 @insert.after_save do x += 1 end @insert.add ["Yo", 15, false, @now, @now] @insert.add ["Hello", 25, true, @now, @now]! assert_equal 42, x end test "after_save stores a block as a proc" do @insert.after_save do "hello" end assert_equal "hello", @insert.after_save_callback.() end test "after_save_callback can be set as a proc" do @insert.after_save_callback = -> do "hello" end assert_equal "hello", @insert.after_save_callback.() end test "save! calls the before_save handler" do x = 41 @insert.before_save do x += 1 end @insert.add ["Yo", 15, false, @now, @now] @insert.add ["Hello", 25, true, @now, @now]! assert_equal 42, x end test "before_save stores a block as a proc" do @insert.before_save do "hello" end assert_equal "hello", @insert.before_save_callback.() end test "before_save_callback can be set as a proc" do @insert.before_save_callback = -> do "hello" end assert_equal "hello", @insert.before_save_callback.() end test "before_save can manipulate the set" do @insert.before_save do |set| set.reject!{|row| row[0] == "Yo"} end @insert.add ["Yo", 15, false, @now, @now] @insert.add ["Hello", 25, true, @now, @now]! yo = Testing.find_by(greeting: 'Yo') hello = Testing.find_by(greeting: 'Hello') assert_nil yo assert_not_nil hello end test "save! doesn't blow up if before_save emptying the set" do @insert.before_save do |set| set.clear end @insert.add ["Yo", 15, false, @now, @now] @insert.add ["Hello", 25, true, @now, @now]! yo = Testing.find_by(greeting: 'Yo') hello = Testing.find_by(greeting: 'Hello') assert_nil yo assert_nil hello end test "adapter dependent default methods" do assert_equal @insert.adapter_name, 'SQLite' assert_equal @insert.insert_sql_statement, "INSERT INTO \"testings\" (\"greeting\",\"age\",\"happy\",\"created_at\",\"updated_at\",\"color\") VALUES " @insert.add ["Yo", 15, false, nil, nil] assert_equal @insert.compose_insert_query, "INSERT INTO \"testings\" (\"greeting\",\"age\",\"happy\",\"created_at\",\"updated_at\",\"color\") VALUES ('Yo',15,0,NULL,NULL,'chartreuse')" end test "adapter dependent mysql methods" do connection = Testing.connection connection.stub :adapter_name, 'MySQL' do mysql_worker = connection, Testing.table_name, 'id', %w(greeting age happy created_at updated_at color), 500, # batch size true # ignore ) assert_equal mysql_worker.adapter_name, 'MySQL' assert_equal (mysql_worker.adapter_name == 'MySQL'), true assert_equal mysql_worker.ignore, true assert_equal ((mysql_worker.adapter_name == 'MySQL') & mysql_worker.ignore), true mysql_worker.add ["Yo", 15, false, nil, nil] assert_equal mysql_worker.compose_insert_query, "INSERT IGNORE INTO \"testings\" (\"greeting\",\"age\",\"happy\",\"created_at\",\"updated_at\",\"color\") VALUES ('Yo',15,0,NULL,NULL,'chartreuse')" end end test "adapter dependent mysql methods work for mysql2" do connection = Testing.connection connection.stub :adapter_name, 'Mysql2' do mysql_worker = connection, Testing.table_name, 'id', %w(greeting age happy created_at updated_at color), 500, # batch size true, # ignore true) # update_duplicates assert_equal mysql_worker.adapter_name, 'Mysql2' assert mysql_worker.ignore mysql_worker.add ["Yo", 15, false, nil, nil] assert_equal mysql_worker.compose_insert_query, "INSERT IGNORE INTO \"testings\" (\"greeting\",\"age\",\"happy\",\"created_at\",\"updated_at\",\"color\") VALUES ('Yo',15,0,NULL,NULL,'chartreuse') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `greeting`=VALUES(`greeting`), `age`=VALUES(`age`), `happy`=VALUES(`happy`), `created_at`=VALUES(`created_at`), `updated_at`=VALUES(`updated_at`), `color`=VALUES(`color`)" end end test "adapter dependent Mysql2Spatial methods" do connection = Testing.connection connection.stub :adapter_name, 'Mysql2Spatial' do mysql_worker = connection, Testing.table_name, 'id', %w(greeting age happy created_at updated_at color), 500, # batch size true) # ignore assert_equal mysql_worker.adapter_name, 'Mysql2Spatial' mysql_worker.add ["Yo", 15, false, nil, nil] assert_equal mysql_worker.compose_insert_query, "INSERT IGNORE INTO \"testings\" (\"greeting\",\"age\",\"happy\",\"created_at\",\"updated_at\",\"color\") VALUES ('Yo',15,0,NULL,NULL,'chartreuse')" end end test "adapter dependent postgresql methods" do connection = Testing.connection connection.stub :adapter_name, 'PostgreSQL' do pgsql_worker = connection, Testing.table_name, 'id', %w(greeting age happy created_at updated_at color), 500, # batch size true, # ignore false, # update duplicates true # return primary keys ) pgsql_worker.add ["Yo", 15, false, nil, nil] assert_equal pgsql_worker.compose_insert_query, "INSERT INTO \"testings\" (\"greeting\",\"age\",\"happy\",\"created_at\",\"updated_at\",\"color\") VALUES ('Yo',15,0,NULL,NULL,'chartreuse') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING RETURNING id" end end test "adapter dependent postgresql methods (no ignore, no update_duplicates)" do connection = Testing.connection connection.stub :adapter_name, 'PostgreSQL' do pgsql_worker = connection, Testing.table_name, 'id', %w(greeting age happy created_at updated_at color), 500, # batch size false, # ignore false, # update duplicates true # return primary keys ) pgsql_worker.add ["Yo", 15, false, nil, nil] assert_equal pgsql_worker.compose_insert_query, "INSERT INTO \"testings\" (\"greeting\",\"age\",\"happy\",\"created_at\",\"updated_at\",\"color\") VALUES ('Yo',15,0,NULL,NULL,'chartreuse') RETURNING id" end end test "adapter dependent postgresql methods (with update_duplicates)" do connection = Testing.connection connection.stub :adapter_name, 'PostgreSQL' do pgsql_worker = connection, Testing.table_name, 'id', %w(greeting age happy created_at updated_at color), 500, # batch size false, # ignore %w(greeting age happy), # update duplicates true # return primary keys ) pgsql_worker.add ["Yo", 15, false, nil, nil] assert_equal pgsql_worker.compose_insert_query, "INSERT INTO \"testings\" (\"greeting\",\"age\",\"happy\",\"created_at\",\"updated_at\",\"color\") VALUES ('Yo',15,0,NULL,NULL,'chartreuse') ON CONFLICT(greeting, age, happy) DO UPDATE SET greeting=EXCLUDED.greeting, age=EXCLUDED.age, happy=EXCLUDED.happy, created_at=EXCLUDED.created_at, updated_at=EXCLUDED.updated_at, color=EXCLUDED.color RETURNING id" end end test "adapter dependent PostGIS methods" do connection = Testing.connection connection.stub :adapter_name, 'PostGIS' do pgsql_worker = connection, Testing.table_name, 'id', %w(greeting age happy created_at updated_at color), 500, # batch size true, # ignore false, # update duplicates true # return primary keys ) pgsql_worker.add ["Yo", 15, false, nil, nil] assert_equal pgsql_worker.compose_insert_query, "INSERT INTO \"testings\" (\"greeting\",\"age\",\"happy\",\"created_at\",\"updated_at\",\"color\") VALUES ('Yo',15,0,NULL,NULL,'chartreuse') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING RETURNING id" end end test "adapter dependent sqlite3 methods (with lowercase adapter name)" do sqlite_worker = Testing.connection, Testing.table_name, 'id', %w(greeting age happy created_at updated_at color), 500, # batch size true) # ignore sqlite_worker.adapter_name = 'sqlite3' sqlite_worker.add ["Yo", 15, false, nil, nil] assert_equal sqlite_worker.compose_insert_query, "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO \"testings\" (\"greeting\",\"age\",\"happy\",\"created_at\",\"updated_at\",\"color\") VALUES ('Yo',15,0,NULL,NULL,'chartreuse')" end test "adapter dependent sqlite3 methods (with stylecase adapter name)" do sqlite_worker = Testing.connection, Testing.table_name, 'id', %w(greeting age happy created_at updated_at color), 500, # batch size true) # ignore sqlite_worker.adapter_name = 'SQLite' sqlite_worker.add ["Yo", 15, false, nil, nil] assert_equal sqlite_worker.compose_insert_query, "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO \"testings\" (\"greeting\",\"age\",\"happy\",\"created_at\",\"updated_at\",\"color\") VALUES ('Yo',15,0,NULL,NULL,'chartreuse')" end test "mysql adapter can update duplicates" do connection = Testing.connection connection.stub :adapter_name, 'MySQL' do mysql_worker = connection, Testing.table_name, 'id', %w(greeting age happy created_at updated_at color), 500, # batch size false, # ignore true # update_duplicates ) mysql_worker.add ["Yo", 15, false, nil, nil] assert_equal mysql_worker.compose_insert_query, "INSERT INTO \"testings\" (\"greeting\",\"age\",\"happy\",\"created_at\",\"updated_at\",\"color\") VALUES ('Yo',15,0,NULL,NULL,'chartreuse') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `greeting`=VALUES(`greeting`), `age`=VALUES(`age`), `happy`=VALUES(`happy`), `created_at`=VALUES(`created_at`), `updated_at`=VALUES(`updated_at`), `color`=VALUES(`color`)" end end end