# encoding: utf-8 require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../spec_helper.rb") describe Her::Model::ORM do context "mapping data to Ruby objects" do before do api = Her::API.new api.setup :url => "https://api.example.com" do |builder| builder.use Her::Middleware::FirstLevelParseJSON builder.use Faraday::Request::UrlEncoded builder.adapter :test do |stub| stub.get("/users/1") { |env| [200, {}, { :id => 1, :name => "Tobias Fünke" }.to_json] } stub.get("/users") { |env| [200, {}, [{ :id => 1, :name => "Tobias Fünke" }, { :id => 2, :name => "Lindsay Fünke" }].to_json] } stub.get("/admin_users") { |env| [200, {}, [{ :admin_id => 1, :name => "Tobias Fünke" }, { :admin_id => 2, :name => "Lindsay Fünke" }].to_json] } stub.get("/admin_users/1") { |env| [200, {}, { :admin_id => 1, :name => "Tobias Fünke" }.to_json] } end end spawn_model "Foo::User" do uses_api api end spawn_model "Foo::AdminUser" do uses_api api primary_key :admin_id end end it "maps a single resource to a Ruby object" do @user = Foo::User.find(1) @user.id.should == 1 @user.name.should == "Tobias Fünke" @admin = Foo::AdminUser.find(1) @admin.id.should == 1 @admin.name.should == "Tobias Fünke" end it "maps a collection of resources to an array of Ruby objects" do @users = Foo::User.all @users.length.should == 2 @users.first.name.should == "Tobias Fünke" @users = Foo::AdminUser.all @users.length.should == 2 @users.first.name.should == "Tobias Fünke" end it "handles new resource" do @new_user = Foo::User.new(:fullname => "Tobias Fünke") @new_user.new?.should be_true @new_user.fullname.should == "Tobias Fünke" @existing_user = Foo::User.find(1) @existing_user.new?.should be_false end it 'handles new resource with custom primary key' do @new_user = Foo::AdminUser.new(:fullname => 'Lindsay Fünke', :id => -1) @new_user.should be_new @existing_user = Foo::AdminUser.find(1) @existing_user.should_not be_new end end context "mapping data, metadata and error data to Ruby objects" do before do api = Her::API.new api.setup :url => "https://api.example.com" do |builder| builder.use Her::Middleware::SecondLevelParseJSON builder.use Faraday::Request::UrlEncoded builder.adapter :test do |stub| stub.get("/users") { |env| [200, {}, { :data => [{ :id => 1, :name => "Tobias Fünke" }, { :id => 2, :name => "Lindsay Fünke" }], :metadata => { :total_pages => 10, :next_page => 2 }, :errors => ["Oh", "My", "God"] }.to_json] } stub.post("/users") { |env| [200, {}, { :data => { :name => "George Michael Bluth" }, :metadata => { :foo => "bar" }, :errors => ["Yes", "Sir"] }.to_json] } end end spawn_model :User do uses_api api end end it "handles metadata on a collection" do @users = User.all @users.metadata[:total_pages].should == 10 end it "handles error data on a collection" do @users = User.all @users.errors.length.should == 3 end it "handles metadata on a resource" do @user = User.create(:name => "George Michael Bluth") @user.metadata[:foo].should == "bar" end it "handles error data on a resource" do @user = User.create(:name => "George Michael Bluth") @user.response_errors.should == ["Yes", "Sir"] end end context "defining custom getters and setters" do before do api = Her::API.new api.setup :url => "https://api.example.com" do |builder| builder.use Her::Middleware::FirstLevelParseJSON builder.use Faraday::Request::UrlEncoded builder.adapter :test do |stub| stub.get("/users/1") { |env| [200, {}, { :id => 1, :friends => ["Maeby", "GOB", "Anne"] }.to_json] } stub.get("/users/2") { |env| [200, {}, { :id => 1 }.to_json] } end end spawn_model :User do uses_api api belongs_to :organization def friends=(val) val = val.gsub("\r", "").split("\n").map { |friend| friend.gsub(/^\s*\*\s*/, "") } if val and val.is_a?(String) @attributes[:friends] = val end def friends @attributes[:friends].map { |friend| "* #{friend}" }.join("\n") end end end it "handles custom setters" do @user = User.find(1) @user.friends.should == "* Maeby\n* GOB\n* Anne" @user.instance_eval do @attributes[:friends] = ["Maeby", "GOB", "Anne"] end end it "handles custom getters" do @user = User.new @user.friends = "* George\n* Oscar\n* Lucille" @user.friends.should == "* George\n* Oscar\n* Lucille" @user.instance_eval do @attributes[:friends] = ["George", "Oscar", "Lucille"] end end end context "finding resources" do before do api = Her::API.new api.setup :url => "https://api.example.com" do |builder| builder.use Her::Middleware::FirstLevelParseJSON builder.use Faraday::Request::UrlEncoded builder.adapter :test do |stub| stub.get("/users/1") { |env| [200, {}, { :id => 1, :age => 42 }.to_json] } stub.get("/users/2") { |env| [200, {}, { :id => 2, :age => 34 }.to_json] } stub.get("/users?age=42") { |env| [200, {}, [{ :id => 1, :age => 42 }].to_json] } stub.get("/users?age=40") { |env| [200, {}, [{ :id => 1, :age => 40 }].to_json] } end end spawn_model :User do uses_api api end end it "handles finding by a single id" do @user = User.find(1) @user.id.should == 1 end it "handles finding by multiple ids" do @users = User.find(1, 2) @users.should be_kind_of(Array) @users.length.should == 2 @users[0].id.should == 1 @users[1].id.should == 2 end it "handles finding by an array of ids" do @users = User.find([1, 2]) @users.should be_kind_of(Array) @users.length.should == 2 @users[0].id.should == 1 @users[1].id.should == 2 end it "handles finding by an array of ids of length 1" do @users = User.find([1]) @users.should be_kind_of(Array) @users.length.should == 1 @users[0].id.should == 1 end it "handles finding with other parameters" do @users = User.where(:age => 42).all @users.should be_kind_of(Array) @users.should be_all { |u| u.age == 42 } end it "handles finding with other parameters and scoped" do @users = User.scoped @users.where(:age => 42).should be_all { |u| u.age == 42 } @users.where(:age => 40).should be_all { |u| u.age == 40 } end end context "creating resources" do before do Her::API.setup :url => "https://api.example.com" do |builder| builder.use Her::Middleware::FirstLevelParseJSON builder.use Faraday::Request::UrlEncoded builder.adapter :test do |stub| stub.post("/users") { |env| [200, {}, { :id => 1, :fullname => Faraday::Utils.parse_query(env[:body])['fullname'], :email => Faraday::Utils.parse_query(env[:body])['email'] }.to_json] } stub.post("/companies") { |env| [200, {}, { :errors => ["name is required"] }.to_json] } end end spawn_model "Foo::User" spawn_model "Foo::Company" end it "handle one-line resource creation" do @user = Foo::User.create(:fullname => "Tobias Fünke", :email => "tobias@bluth.com") @user.id.should == 1 @user.fullname.should == "Tobias Fünke" @user.email.should == "tobias@bluth.com" end it "handle resource creation through Model.new + #save" do @user = Foo::User.new(:fullname => "Tobias Fünke") @user.save.should be_true @user.fullname.should == "Tobias Fünke" end it "returns false when #save gets errors" do @company = Foo::Company.new @company.save.should be_false end it "don't overwrite data if response is empty" do @company = Foo::Company.new(:name => 'Company Inc.') @company.save.should be_false @company.name.should == "Company Inc." end end context "updating resources" do before do Her::API.setup :url => "https://api.example.com" do |builder| builder.use Her::Middleware::FirstLevelParseJSON builder.use Faraday::Request::UrlEncoded builder.adapter :test do |stub| stub.get("/users/1") { |env| [200, {}, { :id => 1, :fullname => "Tobias Fünke" }.to_json] } stub.put("/users/1") { |env| [200, {}, { :id => 1, :fullname => "Lindsay Fünke" }.to_json] } end end spawn_model "Foo::User" end it "handle resource data update without saving it" do @user = Foo::User.find(1) @user.fullname.should == "Tobias Fünke" @user.fullname = "Kittie Sanchez" @user.fullname.should == "Kittie Sanchez" end it "handle resource update through the .update class method" do @user = Foo::User.save_existing(1, { :fullname => "Lindsay Fünke" }) @user.fullname.should == "Lindsay Fünke" end it "handle resource update through #save on an existing resource" do @user = Foo::User.find(1) @user.fullname = "Lindsay Fünke" @user.save @user.fullname.should == "Lindsay Fünke" end end context "deleting resources" do before do Her::API.setup :url => "https://api.example.com" do |builder| builder.use Her::Middleware::FirstLevelParseJSON builder.use Faraday::Request::UrlEncoded builder.adapter :test do |stub| stub.get("/users/1") { |env| [200, {}, { :id => 1, :fullname => "Tobias Fünke", :active => true }.to_json] } stub.delete("/users/1") { |env| [200, {}, { :id => 1, :fullname => "Lindsay Fünke", :active => false }.to_json] } end end spawn_model "Foo::User" end it "handle resource deletion through the .destroy class method" do @user = Foo::User.destroy_existing(1) @user.active.should be_false @user.should be_destroyed end it "handle resource deletion through #destroy on an existing resource" do @user = Foo::User.find(1) @user.destroy @user.active.should be_false @user.should be_destroyed end end end