/** * State-based routing for AngularJS 1.x * @version v1.0.25 * @link https://ui-router.github.io * @license MIT License, http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT */ (function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('angular')) : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'angular'], factory) : (global = global || self, factory(global['@uirouter/angularjs-state-events'] = {}, global.angular)); }(this, (function (exports, ng_from_import) { 'use strict'; /** @publicapi @module ng1 */ /** */ /** @hidden */ var ng_from_global = angular; /** @hidden */ var ng = ng_from_import && ng_from_import.module ? ng_from_import : ng_from_global; /** * # Legacy state events * * Polyfill implementation of the UI-Router 0.2.x state events. * * The 0.2.x state events are deprecated. We recommend moving to Transition Hooks instead, as they * provide much more flexibility, support async, and provide the context (the Transition, etc) necessary * to implement meaningful application behaviors. * * To enable these state events, include the `stateEvents.js` file in your project, e.g., * ``` * * ``` * and also make sure you depend on the `ui.router.state.events` angular module, e.g., * ``` * angular.module("myApplication", ['ui.router', 'ui.router.state.events'] * ``` * * @publicapi @module ng1_state_events */ /** */ /** * An event broadcast on `$rootScope` when the state transition **begins**. * * ### Deprecation warning: use [[TransitionService.onStart]] instead * * You can use `event.preventDefault()` * to prevent the transition from happening and then the transition promise will be * rejected with a `'transition prevented'` value. * * Additional arguments to the event handler are provided: * - `toState`: the Transition Target state * - `toParams`: the Transition Target Params * - `fromState`: the state the transition is coming from * - `fromParams`: the parameters from the state the transition is coming from * - `options`: any Transition Options * - `$transition$`: the [[Transition]] * * #### Example: * ```js * $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function(event, transition) { * event.preventDefault(); * // transitionTo() promise will be rejected with * // a 'transition prevented' error * }) * ``` * * @event $stateChangeStart * @deprecated */ var $stateChangeStart; /** * An event broadcast on `$rootScope` if a transition is **cancelled**. * * ### Deprecation warning: use [[TransitionService.onStart]] instead * * Additional arguments to the event handler are provided: * - `toState`: the Transition Target state * - `toParams`: the Transition Target Params * - `fromState`: the state the transition is coming from * - `fromParams`: the parameters from the state the transition is coming from * - `options`: any Transition Options * - `$transition$`: the [[Transition]] that was cancelled * * @event $stateChangeCancel * @deprecated */ var $stateChangeCancel; /** * An event broadcast on `$rootScope` once the state transition is **complete**. * * ### Deprecation warning: use [[TransitionService.onStart]] and [[Transition.promise]], or [[Transition.onSuccess]] * * Additional arguments to the event handler are provided: * - `toState`: the Transition Target state * - `toParams`: the Transition Target Params * - `fromState`: the state the transition is coming from * - `fromParams`: the parameters from the state the transition is coming from * - `options`: any Transition Options * - `$transition$`: the [[Transition]] that just succeeded * * @event $stateChangeSuccess * @deprecated */ var $stateChangeSuccess; /** * An event broadcast on `$rootScope` when an **error occurs** during transition. * * ### Deprecation warning: use [[TransitionService.onStart]] and [[Transition.promise]], or [[Transition.onError]] * * It's important to note that if you * have any errors in your resolve functions (javascript errors, non-existent services, etc) * they will not throw traditionally. You must listen for this $stateChangeError event to * catch **ALL** errors. * * Additional arguments to the event handler are provided: * - `toState`: the Transition Target state * - `toParams`: the Transition Target Params * - `fromState`: the state the transition is coming from * - `fromParams`: the parameters from the state the transition is coming from * - `error`: The reason the transition errored. * - `options`: any Transition Options * - `$transition$`: the [[Transition]] that errored * * @event $stateChangeError * @deprecated */ var $stateChangeError; /** * An event broadcast on `$rootScope` when a requested state **cannot be found** using the provided state name. * * ### Deprecation warning: use [[StateService.onInvalid]] instead * * The event is broadcast allowing any handlers a single chance to deal with the error (usually by * lazy-loading the unfound state). A `TargetState` object is passed to the listener handler, * you can see its properties in the example. You can use `event.preventDefault()` to abort the * transition and the promise returned from `transitionTo()` will be rejected with a * `'transition aborted'` error. * * Additional arguments to the event handler are provided: * - `unfoundState` Unfound State information. Contains: `to, toParams, options` properties. * - `fromState`: the state the transition is coming from * - `fromParams`: the parameters from the state the transition is coming from * - `options`: any Transition Options * * #### Example: * ```js * // somewhere, assume lazy.state has not been defined * $state.go("lazy.state", { a: 1, b: 2 }, { inherit: false }); * * // somewhere else * $scope.$on('$stateNotFound', function(event, transition) { * function(event, unfoundState, fromState, fromParams){ * console.log(unfoundState.to); // "lazy.state" * console.log(unfoundState.toParams); // {a:1, b:2} * console.log(unfoundState.options); // {inherit:false} + default options * }); * ``` * * @event $stateNotFound * @deprecated */ var $stateNotFound; (function () { var isFunction = ng.isFunction, isString = ng.isString; function applyPairs(memo, keyValTuple) { var key, value; if (Array.isArray(keyValTuple)) key = keyValTuple[0], value = keyValTuple[1]; if (!isString(key)) throw new Error('invalid parameters to applyPairs'); memo[key] = value; return memo; } function stateChangeStartHandler($transition$) { if (!$transition$.options().notify || !$transition$.valid() || $transition$.ignored()) return; var $injector = $transition$.injector(); var $stateEvents = $injector.get('$stateEvents'); var $rootScope = $injector.get('$rootScope'); var $state = $injector.get('$state'); var $urlRouter = $injector.get('$urlRouter'); var enabledEvents = $stateEvents.provider.enabled(); var toParams = $transition$.params('to'); var fromParams = $transition$.params('from'); if (enabledEvents.$stateChangeSuccess) { var startEvent = $rootScope.$broadcast('$stateChangeStart', $transition$.to(), toParams, $transition$.from(), fromParams, $transition$.options(), $transition$); if (startEvent.defaultPrevented) { if (enabledEvents.$stateChangeCancel) { $rootScope.$broadcast('$stateChangeCancel', $transition$.to(), toParams, $transition$.from(), fromParams, $transition$.options(), $transition$); } // Don't update and resync url if there's been a new transition started. see issue #2238, #600 if ($state.transition == null) $urlRouter.update(); return false; } // right after global state is updated var successOpts = { priority: 9999 }; $transition$.onSuccess({}, function () { $rootScope.$broadcast('$stateChangeSuccess', $transition$.to(), toParams, $transition$.from(), fromParams, $transition$.options(), $transition$); }, successOpts); } if (enabledEvents.$stateChangeError) { $transition$.promise['catch'](function (error) { if (error && (error.type === 2 /* RejectType.SUPERSEDED */ || error.type === 3) /* RejectType.ABORTED */) return; var evt = $rootScope.$broadcast('$stateChangeError', $transition$.to(), toParams, $transition$.from(), fromParams, error, $transition$.options(), $transition$); if (!evt.defaultPrevented) { $urlRouter.update(); } }); } } stateNotFoundHandler.$inject = ['$to$', '$from$', '$state', '$rootScope', '$urlRouter']; function stateNotFoundHandler($to$, $from$, injector) { var $state = injector.get('$state'); var $rootScope = injector.get('$rootScope'); var $urlRouter = injector.get('$urlRouter'); var redirect = { to: $to$.identifier(), toParams: $to$.params(), options: $to$.options() }; var e = $rootScope.$broadcast('$stateNotFound', redirect, $from$.state(), $from$.params()); if (e.defaultPrevented || e.retry) $urlRouter.update(); function redirectFn() { return $state.target(redirect.to, redirect.toParams, redirect.options); } if (e.defaultPrevented) { return false; } else if (e.retry || !!$state.get(redirect.to)) { return e.retry && isFunction(e.retry.then) ? e.retry.then(redirectFn) : redirectFn(); } } $StateEventsProvider.$inject = ['$stateProvider']; function $StateEventsProvider($stateProvider) { $StateEventsProvider.prototype.instance = this; var runtime = false; var allEvents = ['$stateChangeStart', '$stateNotFound', '$stateChangeSuccess', '$stateChangeError']; var enabledStateEvents = allEvents.map(function (e) { return [e, true]; }).reduce(applyPairs, {}); function assertNotRuntime() { if (runtime) throw new Error('Cannot enable events at runtime (use $stateEventsProvider'); } /** * Enables the deprecated UI-Router 0.2.x State Events * [ '$stateChangeStart', '$stateNotFound', '$stateChangeSuccess', '$stateChangeError' ] */ this.enable = function () { var events = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { events[_i] = arguments[_i]; } assertNotRuntime(); if (!events || !events.length) events = allEvents; events.forEach(function (event) { return (enabledStateEvents[event] = true); }); }; /** * Disables the deprecated UI-Router 0.2.x State Events * [ '$stateChangeStart', '$stateNotFound', '$stateChangeSuccess', '$stateChangeError' ] */ this.disable = function () { var events = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { events[_i] = arguments[_i]; } assertNotRuntime(); if (!events || !events.length) events = allEvents; events.forEach(function (event) { return delete enabledStateEvents[event]; }); }; this.enabled = function () { return enabledStateEvents; }; this.$get = $get; $get.$inject = ['$transitions']; function $get($transitions) { runtime = true; if (enabledStateEvents['$stateNotFound']) $stateProvider.onInvalid(stateNotFoundHandler); if (enabledStateEvents.$stateChangeStart) $transitions.onBefore({}, stateChangeStartHandler, { priority: 1000 }); return { provider: $StateEventsProvider.prototype.instance, }; } } ng .module('ui.router.state.events', ['ui.router.state']) .provider('$stateEvents', $StateEventsProvider) .run([ '$stateEvents', function ($stateEvents) { /* Invokes $get() */ }, ]); })(); exports.$stateChangeCancel = $stateChangeCancel; exports.$stateChangeError = $stateChangeError; exports.$stateChangeStart = $stateChangeStart; exports.$stateChangeSuccess = $stateChangeSuccess; exports.$stateNotFound = $stateNotFound; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); }))); //# sourceMappingURL=stateEvents.js.map