module Bulldog module HasAttachment # # Declare that this model has an attachment. # # TODO: example that shows all the options. # def has_attachment(name, &block) unless include?(InstanceMethods) extend ClassMethods include InstanceMethods end reflection = attachment_reflections[name] ||, name) reflection.configure(&block) attachment_reflections[name] = reflection define_attachment_accessors( define_attachment_attribute_methods( end module InstanceMethods def self.included(base) base.instance_variable_set(:@attachment_reflections, {}) # We need to store the attachment changes ourselves, since # they're unavailable in an after_save. base.before_save :store_original_attachments base.after_save :save_attachments base.after_save :clear_original_attachments base.before_save :update_attachment_timestamps base.after_destroy :destroy_attachments # Force initialization of attachments, as #destroy will freeze # the attributes afterwards. base.before_destroy :initialize_remaining_attachments %w[validation save create update].each do |event| base.send("before_#{event}", "process_attachments_for_before_#{event}") base.send("after_#{event}", "process_attachments_for_after_#{event}") end end def save_attachments attachment_reflections.each do |name, reflection| original_attachment = @original_attachments[name] and original_attachment.destroy _attachment_for(name).save end end def destroy_attachments attachment_reflections.each do |name, reflection| _attachment_for(name).destroy end end def update_attachment_timestamps attachment_reflections.each do |name, reflection| next unless send("#{name}_changed?") setter = "#{name}_updated_at=" if respond_to?(setter) send(setter, end end end def process_attachment(name, event, *args) reflection = attachment_reflections[name] or raise ArgumentError, "no such attachment: #{name}" _attachment_for(name).process(event, *args) end def attachment_reflection_for(name) self.class.attachment_reflections[name] end private # ------------------------------------------------------- # Prefixed with '_', as it would collide with paperclip otherwise. def _attachment_for(name) read_attribute(name) or initialize_attachment(name) end def initialize_attachment(name) if new_record? value = nil else reflection = attachment_reflection_for(name) file_name_column = reflection.column_name_for_stored_attribute(:file_name) file_name = file_name_column ? send(file_name_column) : nil if file_name_column && file_name.nil? value = nil else template = reflection.path_template style = reflection.styles[:original] original_path = Interpolation.interpolate(template, self, name, style, :basename => file_name) if File.exist?(original_path) value =, :file_name => file_name) else if file_name_column value = => file_name) else value = nil end end end end attachment = make_attachment_for(name, value) write_attribute_without_dirty(name, attachment) attachment.read_storable_attributes attachment end def assign_attachment(name, value) old_attachment = _attachment_for(name) unless old_attachment.value == value old_attachment.unload new_attachment = make_attachment_for(name, value) new_attachment.load write_attribute(name, new_attachment) end end def make_attachment_for(name, value) return Attachment.none(self, name) if value.nil? return value.copy_for(self) if value.is_a?(Attachment::Maybe) stream = reflection = attachment_reflection_for(name) type = reflection.detect_attachment_type(self, stream) Attachment.of_type(type, self, name, stream) end def store_original_attachments @original_attachments = {} attachment_reflections.each do |name, reflection| if send("#{name}_changed?") @original_attachments[name] = send("#{name}_was") end end end def clear_original_attachments # This can be unset if the record is resaved between store and # clear (e.g., in an after_save: store, save, store, clear, clear). if instance_variable_defined?(:@original_attachments) remove_instance_variable :@original_attachments end end def process_attachments_for_event(event, *args) self.class.attachment_reflections.each do |name, reflection| _attachment_for(, *args) end end def initialize_remaining_attachments self.attachment_reflections.each do |name, reflection| _attachment_for(name) # force initialization end end %w[validation save create update].each do |event| module_eval <<-EOS def process_attachments_for_before_#{event} process_attachments_for_event(:before_#{event}) end def process_attachments_for_after_#{event} process_attachments_for_event(:after_#{event}) end EOS end delegate :attachment_reflections, :to => 'self.class' end module ClassMethods def attachment_reflections @attachment_reflections ||= begin hash = {} superhash = superclass.attachment_reflections do |name, reflection| hash[name] = reflection.clone end hash end end def define_attachment_accessors(name) module_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ def #{name} _attachment_for(:#{name}) end def #{name}=(value) assign_attachment(:#{name}, value) end def #{name}? _attachment_for(:#{name}).present? end EOS end def define_attachment_attribute_methods(name) # HACK: Without this, methods defined via # #attribute_method_suffix (e.g., #ATTACHMENT_changed?) won't # be defined unless the attachment is assigned first. # ActiveRecord appears to give us no other way without # defining an after_initialize, which is slow. attribute_method_suffixes.each do |suffix| next unless suffix[0] == ?_ # skip =, ?. class_eval <<-EOS def #{name}#{suffix}(*args, &block) attribute#{suffix}('#{name}', *args, &block) end EOS end end end end end