``` ,____ |---.\ ___ | ` / .-\ ./=) | |"|_/\/| ; |-;| /_| / \_| |/ \ | / \/\( | | / |` ) | / \ _/ | /--._/ \ | `/|) | / / | | .' | | / \ | (_.-.__.__./ / ``` # Grim Grim is a simple gem for extracting (reaping) a page from a pdf and converting it to an image as well as extract the text from the page as a string. It basically gives you an easy to use api to ghostscript, imagemagick, and pdftotext specific to this use case. ## Prerequisites You will need ghostscript, imagemagick, and poppler installed. On the Mac (OSX) I highly recommend using [Homebrew](http://mxcl.github.com/homebrew/) to get them installed. ```bash $ brew install ghostscript imagemagick poppler ``` ## Installation ```bash $ gem install grim ``` ## Usage ```ruby pdf = Grim.reap("/path/to/pdf") # returns Grim::Pdf instance for pdf count = pdf.count # returns the number of pages in the pdf png = pdf[3].save('/path/to/image.png') # will return true if page was saved or false if not text = pdf[3].text # returns text as a String pdf.each do |page| puts page.text end ``` We also support using other processors (the default is whatever version of Imagemagick/Ghostscript is in your path). ```ruby # specifying one processor with specific ImageMagick and GhostScript paths Grim.processor = Grim::ImageMagickProcessor.new({:imagemagick_path => "/path/to/convert", :ghostscript_path => "/path/to/gs"}) # multiple processors with fallback if first fails, useful if you need multiple versions of convert/gs Grim.processor = Grim::MultiProcessor.new([ Grim::ImageMagickProcessor.new({:imagemagick_path => "/path/to/6.7/convert", :ghostscript_path => "/path/to/9.04/gs"}), Grim::ImageMagickProcessor.new({:imagemagick_path => "/path/to/6.6/convert", :ghostscript_path => "/path/to/9.02/gs"}) ]) pdf = Grim.reap('/path/to/pdf') ``` You can even specify a Windows executable :zap: ```ruby # specifying another ghostscript executable, win64 in this example # the ghostscript/bin folder still has to be in the PATH for this to work Grim.processor = Grim::ImageMagickProcessor.new({:ghostscript_path => "gswin64c.exe"}) pdf = Grim.reap('/path/to/pdf') ``` `Grim::ImageMagickProcessor#save` supports several options as well: ```ruby pdf = Grim.reap("/path/to/pdf") pdf[0].save('/path/to/image.png', { :width => 600, # defaults to 1024 :density => 72, # defaults to 300 :quality => 60, # defaults to 90 :colorspace => "CMYK", # defaults to "RGB" :alpha => "Activate" # not used when not set }) ``` ## Reference * [jonmagic.com: Grim](http://jonmagic.com/blog/archives/2011/09/06/grim/) * [jonmagic.com: Grim MultiProcessor](http://jonmagic.com/blog/archives/2011/10/06/grim-multiprocessor-to-the-rescue/) ## Contributors * [@jonmagic](https://github.com/jonmagic) * [@jnunemaker](https://github.com/jnunemaker) * [@bryckbost](https://github.com/bryckbost) * [@bkeepers](https://github.com/bkeepers) * [@BobaFaux](https://github.com/BobaFaux) * [@Rubikan](https://github.com/Rubikan) * [@victormier](https://github.com/victormier) ## License See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for details.