NAME raptcha SYNOPSIS low drain bamage, storage-less, session-less, plugin-less, zero admin, single-source-file secure captcha system for ruby and/or rails DESCRIPTION raptcha manages image generation via a streaming controller. the result is that no disk storage is ever needed for captcha images. it also manages authentication via blowfish encoded hidden fields, obviating the need for session/database interaction for captcha validation. the library is useful outside of rails, even from the command line. INSTALL DEPENDS ### sudo port install ImageMagick rb-rmagick GEM gem install raptcha --no-wrappers SINGLE FILE INTO RAILS APP cp raptcha.rb ./app/lib/ URIS EXAMPLES GENERATE A SET OF TAGS TO FOR CAPTCHA PLUS FORM INPUT FIELDS Raptcha.input :foreground => 'pink', :background => 'mauve', :distort => 'low' GENERATE AN INLINE (Base64 encoded png) INPUT TAG SET Raptcha.input(( :inline => true, :foreground => 'pink', :distort => 'low', :width => 142, :height => 42, :type => 'jpg' )) USING IN RAILS 1) setup the raptcha controller prompt:~/rails_root/ > raptcha generate controller 2) use in your controllers class WickedEasyController < ApplicationController def form @valid = Raptcha.valid? params render :inline => <<-rhtml valid :<%= valid %>
<%= Raptcha.input %>
rhtml end end COMMAND LINE USAGE ruby raptcha.rb foreground:pink > pink.png && display ping.png ruby raptcha.rb generate lib SAMPLES see DOC vim raptcha.rb