require "uri" require "onelogin/ruby-saml/logging" require "onelogin/ruby-saml/utils" # Only supports SAML 2.0 module OneLogin module RubySaml # SAML2 Metadata. XML Metadata Builder # class Metadata # Return SP metadata based on the settings. # @param settings [OneLogin::RubySaml::Settings|nil] Toolkit settings # @param pretty_print [Boolean] Pretty print or not the response # (No pretty print if you gonna validate the signature) # @param valid_until [DateTime] Metadata's valid time # @param cache_duration [Integer] Duration of the cache in seconds # @return [String] XML Metadata of the Service Provider # def generate(settings, pretty_print=false, valid_until=nil, cache_duration=nil) meta_doc = add_xml_declaration(meta_doc) root = add_root_element(meta_doc, settings, valid_until, cache_duration) sp_sso = add_sp_sso_element(root, settings) add_sp_certificates(sp_sso, settings) add_sp_service_elements(sp_sso, settings) add_extras(root, settings) embed_signature(meta_doc, settings) output_xml(meta_doc, pretty_print) end protected def add_xml_declaration(meta_doc) meta_doc <<'1.0', 'UTF-8') end def add_root_element(meta_doc, settings, valid_until, cache_duration) namespaces = { "xmlns:md" => "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata" } if settings.attribute_consuming_service.configured? namespaces["xmlns:saml"] = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" end root = meta_doc.add_element("md:EntityDescriptor", namespaces) root.attributes["ID"] = OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.uuid root.attributes["entityID"] = settings.sp_entity_id if settings.sp_entity_id root.attributes["validUntil"] = valid_until.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z') if valid_until root.attributes["cacheDuration"] = "PT" + cache_duration.to_s + "S" if cache_duration root end def add_sp_sso_element(root, settings) root.add_element "md:SPSSODescriptor", { "protocolSupportEnumeration" => "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol", "AuthnRequestsSigned" =>[:authn_requests_signed], "WantAssertionsSigned" =>[:want_assertions_signed], } end # Add KeyDescriptor if messages will be signed / encrypted # with SP certificate, and new SP certificate if any def add_sp_certificates(sp_sso, settings) cert = settings.get_sp_cert cert_new = settings.get_sp_cert_new for sp_cert in [cert, cert_new] if sp_cert cert_text = Base64.encode64(sp_cert.to_der).gsub("\n", '') kd = sp_sso.add_element "md:KeyDescriptor", { "use" => "signing" } ki = kd.add_element "ds:KeyInfo", {"xmlns:ds" => ""} xd = ki.add_element "ds:X509Data" xc = xd.add_element "ds:X509Certificate" xc.text = cert_text if[:want_assertions_encrypted] kd2 = sp_sso.add_element "md:KeyDescriptor", { "use" => "encryption" } ki2 = kd2.add_element "ds:KeyInfo", {"xmlns:ds" => ""} xd2 = ki2.add_element "ds:X509Data" xc2 = xd2.add_element "ds:X509Certificate" xc2.text = cert_text end end end sp_sso end def add_sp_service_elements(sp_sso, settings) if settings.single_logout_service_url sp_sso.add_element "md:SingleLogoutService", { "Binding" => settings.single_logout_service_binding, "Location" => settings.single_logout_service_url, "ResponseLocation" => settings.single_logout_service_url } end if settings.name_identifier_format nameid = sp_sso.add_element "md:NameIDFormat" nameid.text = settings.name_identifier_format end if settings.assertion_consumer_service_url sp_sso.add_element "md:AssertionConsumerService", { "Binding" => settings.assertion_consumer_service_binding, "Location" => settings.assertion_consumer_service_url, "isDefault" => true, "index" => 0 } end if settings.attribute_consuming_service.configured? sp_acs = sp_sso.add_element "md:AttributeConsumingService", { "isDefault" => "true", "index" => settings.attribute_consuming_service.index } srv_name = sp_acs.add_element "md:ServiceName", { "xml:lang" => "en" } srv_name.text = settings.attribute_consuming_service.attributes.each do |attribute| sp_req_attr = sp_acs.add_element "md:RequestedAttribute", { "NameFormat" => attribute[:name_format], "Name" => attribute[:name], "FriendlyName" => attribute[:friendly_name], "isRequired" => attribute[:is_required] || false } unless attribute[:attribute_value].nil? Array(attribute[:attribute_value]).each do |value| sp_attr_val = sp_req_attr.add_element "saml:AttributeValue" sp_attr_val.text = value.to_s end end end end # With OpenSSO, it might be required to also include # # sp_sso end # can be overridden in subclass def add_extras(root, _settings) root end def embed_signature(meta_doc, settings) return unless[:metadata_signed] private_key = settings.get_sp_key cert = settings.get_sp_cert return unless private_key && cert meta_doc.sign_document(private_key, cert,[:signature_method],[:digest_method]) end def output_xml(meta_doc, pretty_print) ret = '' # pretty print the XML so IdP administrators can easily see what the SP supports if pretty_print meta_doc.write(ret, 1) else ret = meta_doc.to_s end ret end end end end