# frozen_string_literal: true module RuboCop module AST # Provides methods for traversing an AST. # Does not transform an AST; for that, use Parser::AST::Processor. # Override methods to perform custom processing. Remember to call `super` # if you want to recursively process descendant nodes. module Traversal # Only for debugging. # @api private class DebugError < RuntimeError end TYPE_TO_METHOD = Hash.new { |h, type| h[type] = :"on_#{type}" } def walk(node) return if node.nil? send(TYPE_TO_METHOD[node.type], node) nil end # @api private module CallbackCompiler SEND = 'send(TYPE_TO_METHOD[child.type], child)' assign_code = 'child = node.children[%i]' code = "#{assign_code}\n#{SEND}" TEMPLATE = { skip: '', always: code, nil?: "#{code} if child" }.freeze def def_callback(type, *signature, arity: signature.size..signature.size, arity_check: ENV.fetch('RUBOCOP_DEBUG', nil) && self.arity_check(arity), body: self.body(signature, arity_check)) type, *aliases = type lineno = caller_locations(1, 1).first.lineno module_eval(<<~RUBY, __FILE__, lineno) # rubocop:disable Style/EvalWithLocation def on_#{type}(node) # def on_send(node) #{body} # # body ... nil # nil end # end RUBY aliases.each do |m| alias_method "on_#{m}", "on_#{type}" end end def body(signature, prelude) signature .map.with_index do |arg, i| TEMPLATE[arg].gsub('%i', i.to_s) end .unshift(prelude) .join("\n") end def arity_check(range) <<~RUBY n = node.children.size raise DebugError, [ 'Expected #{range} children, got', n, 'for', node.inspect ].join(' ') unless (#{range}).cover?(node.children.size) RUBY end end private_constant :CallbackCompiler extend CallbackCompiler send_code = CallbackCompiler::SEND ### arity == 0 no_children = %i[true false nil self cbase zsuper redo retry forward_args forwarded_args match_nil_pattern forward_arg lambda empty_else kwnilarg __FILE__ __LINE__ __ENCODING__] ### arity == 0..1 opt_symbol_child = %i[restarg kwrestarg] opt_node_child = %i[splat kwsplat match_rest] ### arity == 1 literal_child = %i[int float complex rational str sym lvar ivar cvar gvar nth_ref back_ref arg blockarg shadowarg kwarg match_var] many_symbol_children = %i[regopt] node_child = %i[not match_current_line defined? arg_expr pin if_guard unless_guard match_with_trailing_comma] node_or_nil_child = %i[block_pass preexe postexe] NO_CHILD_NODES = (no_children + opt_symbol_child + literal_child).to_set.freeze private_constant :NO_CHILD_NODES # Used by Commissioner ### arity > 1 symbol_then_opt_node = %i[lvasgn ivasgn cvasgn gvasgn] symbol_then_node_or_nil = %i[optarg kwoptarg] node_then_opt_node = %i[while until module sclass] ### variable arity many_node_children = %i[dstr dsym xstr regexp array hash pair mlhs masgn or_asgn and_asgn rasgn mrasgn undef alias args super yield or and while_post until_post iflipflop eflipflop match_with_lvasgn begin kwbegin return in_match match_alt break next match_as array_pattern array_pattern_with_tail hash_pattern const_pattern find_pattern index indexasgn procarg0 kwargs] many_opt_node_children = %i[case rescue resbody ensure for when case_match in_pattern irange erange match_pattern match_pattern_p] ### Callbacks for above def_callback no_children def_callback opt_symbol_child, :skip, arity: 0..1 def_callback opt_node_child, :nil?, arity: 0..1 def_callback literal_child, :skip def_callback node_child, :always def_callback node_or_nil_child, :nil? def_callback symbol_then_opt_node, :skip, :nil?, arity: 1..2 def_callback symbol_then_node_or_nil, :skip, :nil? def_callback node_then_opt_node, :always, :nil? def_callback many_symbol_children, :skip, arity_check: nil def_callback many_node_children, body: <<~RUBY node.children.each { |child| #{send_code} } RUBY def_callback many_opt_node_children, body: <<~RUBY node.children.each { |child| #{send_code} if child } RUBY ### Other particular cases def_callback :const, :nil?, :skip def_callback :casgn, :nil?, :skip, :nil?, arity: 2..3 def_callback :class, :always, :nil?, :nil? def_callback :def, :skip, :always, :nil? def_callback :op_asgn, :always, :skip, :always def_callback :if, :always, :nil?, :nil? def_callback :block, :always, :always, :nil? def_callback :numblock, :always, :skip, :nil? def_callback :defs, :always, :skip, :always, :nil? def_callback %i[send csend], body: <<~RUBY node.children.each_with_index do |child, i| next if i == 1 #{send_code} if child end RUBY ### generic processing of any other node (forward compatibility) defined = instance_methods(false) .grep(/^on_/) .map { |s| s.to_s[3..].to_sym } # :on_foo => :foo to_define = ::Parser::Meta::NODE_TYPES.to_a to_define -= defined to_define -= %i[numargs ident] # transient to_define -= %i[blockarg_expr restarg_expr] # obsolete to_define -= %i[objc_kwarg objc_restarg objc_varargs] # mac_ruby def_callback to_define, body: <<~RUBY node.children.each do |child| next unless child.class == Node #{send_code} end RUBY MISSING = to_define if ENV['RUBOCOP_DEBUG'] end end end