# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- class Map < Hash Version = '6.4.0' unless defined?(Version) Load = Kernel.method(:load) unless defined?(Load) class << Map def version Map::Version end def libdir(*args, &block) @libdir ||= File.expand_path(__FILE__).sub(/\.rb$/,'') libdir = args.empty? ? @libdir : File.join(@libdir, *args.map{|arg| arg.to_s}) ensure if block begin $LOAD_PATH.unshift(libdir) unless $LOAD_PATH.first==libdir module_eval(&block) ensure $LOAD_PATH.shift() if $LOAD_PATH.first==libdir end end end def load(*args, &block) libdir{ Load.call(*args, &block) } end def allocate super.instance_eval do @keys = [] self end end def new(*args, &block) allocate.instance_eval do initialize(*args, &block) self end end def for(*args, &block) if(args.size == 1 and block.nil?) return args.first if args.first.class == self end new(*args, &block) end def coerce(other) case other when Map other else allocate.update(other.to_hash) end end def conversion_methods @conversion_methods ||= ( map_like = ancestors.select{|ancestor| ancestor <= Map} type_names = map_like.map do |ancestor| name = ancestor.name.to_s.strip next if name.empty? name.downcase.gsub(/::/, '_') end.compact list = type_names.map{|type_name| "to_#{ type_name }"} list.each{|method| define_conversion_method!(method)} list ) end def define_conversion_method!(method) method = method.to_s.strip raise ArguementError if method.empty? module_eval(<<-__, __FILE__, __LINE__) unless public_method_defined?(#{ method.inspect }) def #{ method } self end true else false end __ end def add_conversion_method!(method) if define_conversion_method!(method) method = method.to_s.strip raise ArguementError if method.empty? module_eval(<<-__, __FILE__, __LINE__) unless conversion_methods.include?(#{ method.inspect }) conversion_methods.unshift(#{ method.inspect }) end __ true else false end end # iterate over arguments in pairs smartly. # def each_pair(*args, &block) size = args.size parity = size % 2 == 0 ? :even : :odd first = args.first if block.nil? result = [] block = lambda{|*kv| result.push(kv)} else result = args end return args if size == 0 if size == 1 conversion_methods.each do |method| if first.respond_to?(method) first = first.send(method) break end end if first.respond_to?(:each_pair) first.each_pair do |key, val| block.call(key, val) end return args end if first.respond_to?(:each_slice) first.each_slice(2) do |key, val| block.call(key, val) end return args end raise(ArgumentError, 'odd number of arguments for Map') end array_of_pairs = args.all?{|a| a.is_a?(Array) and a.size == 2} if array_of_pairs args.each do |pair| key, val, *ignored = pair block.call(key, val) end else 0.step(args.size - 1, 2) do |a| key = args[a] val = args[a + 1] block.call(key, val) end end args end alias_method '[]', 'new' def intersection(a, b) a, b, i = Map.for(a), Map.for(b), Map.new a.depth_first_each{|key, val| i.set(key, val) if b.has?(key)} i end def match(haystack, needle) intersection(haystack, needle) == needle end end # instance constructor # def keys @keys ||= [] end def initialize(*args, &block) case args.size when 0 super(&block) when 1 first = args.first case first when nil, false nil when Hash initialize_from_hash(first) when Array initialize_from_array(first) else if first.respond_to?(:to_hash) initialize_from_hash(first.to_hash) else initialize_from_hash(first) end end else initialize_from_array(args) end end def initialize_from_hash(hash) map = self map.update(hash) map.default = hash.default end def initialize_from_array(array) map = self Map.each_pair(array){|key, val| map[key] = val} end # support methods # def klass self.class end def Map.map_for(hash) map = klass.coerce(hash) map.default = hash.default map end def map_for(hash) klass.map_for(hash) end =begin def self.convert_key(key) key.kind_of?(Symbol) ? key.to_s : key end =end def self.convert_key(key) key = key.kind_of?(Symbol) ? key.to_s : key end def convert_key(key) if klass.respond_to?(:convert_key) klass.convert_key(key) else Map.convert_key(key) end end def self.convert_value(value) conversion_methods.each do |method| #return convert_value(value.send(method)) if value.respond_to?(method) hashlike = value.is_a?(Hash) if hashlike and value.respond_to?(method) value = value.send(method) break end end case value when Hash coerce(value) when Array value.map!{|v| convert_value(v)} else value end end def convert_value(value) if klass.respond_to?(:convert_value) klass.convert_value(value) else Map.convert_value(value) end end alias_method('convert_val', 'convert_value') def convert(key, val) [convert_key(key), convert_value(val)] end def copy default = self.default self.default = nil copy = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(self)) rescue Dup.bind(self).call() copy.default = default copy ensure self.default = default end Dup = instance_method(:dup) unless defined?(Dup) def dup copy end def clone copy end def default(key = nil) key.is_a?(Symbol) && include?(key = key.to_s) ? self[key] : super end def default=(value) raise ArgumentError.new("Map doesn't work so well with a non-nil default value!") unless value.nil? end # writer/reader methods # alias_method '__set__', '[]=' unless method_defined?('__set__') alias_method '__get__', '[]' unless method_defined?('__get__') alias_method '__update__', 'update' unless method_defined?('__update__') def []=(key, val) key, val = convert(key, val) keys.push(key) unless has_key?(key) __set__(key, val) end alias_method 'store', '[]=' def [](key) key = convert_key(key) __get__(key) end def fetch(key, *args, &block) key = convert_key(key) super(key, *args, &block) end def key?(key) super(convert_key(key)) end alias_method 'include?', 'key?' alias_method 'has_key?', 'key?' alias_method 'member?', 'key?' def update(*args) Map.each_pair(*args){|key, val| store(key, val)} self end alias_method 'merge!', 'update' def merge(*args) copy.update(*args) end alias_method '+', 'merge' def reverse_merge(hash) map = copy hash.each{|key, val| map[key] = val unless map.key?(key)} map end def reverse_merge!(hash) replace(reverse_merge(hash)) end def values array = [] keys.each{|key| array.push(self[key])} array end alias_method 'vals', 'values' def values_at(*keys) keys.map{|key| self[key]} end def first [keys.first, self[keys.first]] end def last [keys.last, self[keys.last]] end # iterator methods # def each_with_index keys.each_with_index{|key, index| yield([key, self[key]], index)} self end def each_key keys.each{|key| yield(key)} self end def each_value keys.each{|key| yield self[key]} self end def each keys.each{|key| yield(key, self[key])} self end alias_method 'each_pair', 'each' # mutators # def delete(key) key = convert_key(key) keys.delete(key) super(key) end def clear keys.clear super end def delete_if to_delete = [] keys.each{|key| to_delete.push(key) if yield(key)} to_delete.each{|key| delete(key)} self end # See: https://github.com/rubinius/rubinius/blob/98c516820d9f78bd63f29dab7d5ec9bc8692064d/kernel/common/hash19.rb#L476-L484 def keep_if( &block ) raise RuntimeError.new( "can't modify frozen #{ self.class.name }" ) if frozen? return to_enum( :keep_if ) unless block_given? each { | key , val | delete key unless yield( key , val ) } self end def replace(*args) clear update(*args) end # ordered container specific methods # def shift unless empty? key = keys.first val = delete(key) [key, val] end end def unshift(*args) Map.each_pair(*args) do |key, val| if key?(key) delete(key) else keys.unshift(key) end __set__(key, val) end self end def push(*args) Map.each_pair(*args) do |key, val| if key?(key) delete(key) else keys.push(key) end __set__(key, val) end self end def pop unless empty? key = keys.last val = delete(key) [key, val] end end # equality / sorting / matching support # def ==(other) case other when Map return false if keys != other.keys super(other) when Hash self == Map.from_hash(other, self) else false end end def <=>(other) cmp = keys <=> klass.coerce(other).keys return cmp unless cmp.zero? values <=> klass.coerce(other).values end def =~(hash) to_hash == klass.coerce(hash).to_hash end # reordering support # def reorder(order = {}) order = Map.for(order) map = Map.new keys = order.depth_first_keys | depth_first_keys keys.each{|key| map.set(key, get(key))} map end def reorder!(order = {}) replace(reorder(order)) end # support for building ordered hasshes from a map's own image # def Map.from_hash(hash, order = nil) map = Map.for(hash) map.reorder!(order) if order map end def invert inverted = klass.allocate inverted.default = self.default keys.each{|key| inverted[self[key]] = key } inverted end def reject(&block) dup.delete_if(&block) end def reject!(&block) hash = reject(&block) self == hash ? nil : hash end def select array = [] each{|key, val| array << [key,val] if yield(key, val)} array end def inspect(*args, &block) require 'pp' unless defined?(PP) PP.pp(self, '') end # conversions # def conversion_methods self.class.conversion_methods end conversion_methods.each do |method| module_eval(<<-__, __FILE__, __LINE__) def #{ method } self end __ end def to_hash hash = Hash.new(default) each do |key, val| val = val.to_hash if val.respond_to?(:to_hash) hash[key] = val end hash end def to_yaml( opts = {} ) map = self YAML.quick_emit(self.object_id, opts){|out| out.map('!omap'){|m| map.each{|k,v| m.add(k, v)}} } end def to_array array = [] each{|*pair| array.push(pair)} array end alias_method 'to_a', 'to_array' def to_list list = [] each_pair do |key, val| list[key.to_i] = val if(key.is_a?(Numeric) or key.to_s =~ %r/^\d+$/) end list end def to_s to_array.to_s end # oh rails - would that map.rb existed before all this non-sense... # def stringify_keys!; self end def stringify_keys; dup end def symbolize_keys!; self end def symbolize_keys; dup end def to_options!; self end def to_options; dup end def with_indifferent_access!; self end def with_indifferent_access; dup end # a sane method missing that only supports writing values or reading # *previously set* values # def method_missing(*args, &block) method = args.first.to_s case method when /=$/ key = args.shift.to_s.chomp('=') value = args.shift self[key] = value when /\?$/ key = args.shift.to_s.chomp('?') self.has?( key ) else key = method unless has_key?(key) return(block ? fetch(key, &block) : super(*args)) end self[key] end end def respond_to?(method, *args, &block) has_key = has_key?(method) setter = method.to_s =~ /=\Z/o !!((!has_key and setter) or has_key or super) end def id return self[:id] if has_key?(:id) return self[:_id] if has_key?(:_id) raise NoMethodError end # support for compound key indexing and depth first iteration # def get(*keys) keys = key_for(keys) if keys.size <= 1 if !self.has_key?(keys.first) && block_given? return yield else return self[keys.first] end end keys, key = keys[0..-2], keys[-1] collection = self keys.each do |k| if Map.collection_has?(collection, k) collection = Map.collection_key(collection, k) else collection = nil end unless collection.respond_to?('[]') leaf = collection return leaf end end if !Map.collection_has?(collection, key) && block_given? default_value = yield else Map.collection_key(collection, key) end end def has?(*keys) keys = key_for(keys) collection = self return Map.collection_has?(collection, keys.first) if keys.size <= 1 keys, key = keys[0..-2], keys[-1] keys.each do |k| if Map.collection_has?(collection, k) collection = Map.collection_key(collection, k) else collection = nil end return collection unless collection.respond_to?('[]') end return false unless(collection.is_a?(Hash) or collection.is_a?(Array)) Map.collection_has?(collection, key) end def Map.blank?(value) return value.blank? if value.respond_to?(:blank?) case value when String value.strip.empty? when Numeric value == 0 when false true else value.respond_to?(:empty?) ? value.empty? : !value end end def blank?(*keys) return empty? if keys.empty? !has?(*keys) or Map.blank?(get(*keys)) end def Map.collection_key(collection, key, &block) case collection when Array begin key = Integer(key) rescue raise(IndexError, "(#{ collection.inspect })[#{ key.inspect }]") end collection[key] when Hash collection[key] else raise(IndexError, "(#{ collection.inspect })[#{ key.inspect }]") end end def collection_key(*args, &block) Map.collection_key(*args, &block) end def Map.collection_has?(collection, key, &block) has_key = case collection when Array key = (Integer(key) rescue -1) (0...collection.size).include?(key) when Hash collection.has_key?(key) else raise(IndexError, "(#{ collection.inspect })[#{ key.inspect }]") end block.call(key) if(has_key and block) has_key end def collection_has?(*args, &block) Map.collection_has?(*args, &block) end def Map.collection_set(collection, key, value, &block) set_key = false case collection when Array begin key = Integer(key) rescue raise(IndexError, "(#{ collection.inspect })[#{ key.inspect }]=#{ value.inspect }") end set_key = true collection[key] = value when Hash set_key = true collection[key] = value else raise(IndexError, "(#{ collection.inspect })[#{ key.inspect }]=#{ value.inspect }") end block.call(key) if(set_key and block) [key, value] end def collection_set(*args, &block) Map.collection_set(*args, &block) end def set(*args) case when args.empty? return [] when args.size == 1 && args.first.is_a?(Hash) hash = args.shift else hash = {} value = args.pop key = Array(args).flatten hash[key] = value end strategy = hash.map{|key, value| [Array(key), value]} strategy.each do |key, value| leaf_for(key, :autovivify => true) do |leaf, k| Map.collection_set(leaf, k, value) end end self end def add(*args) case when args.empty? return [] when args.size == 1 && args.first.is_a?(Hash) hash = args.shift else hash = {} value = args.pop key = Array(args).flatten hash[key] = value end exploded = Map.explode(hash) exploded[:branches].each do |key, type| set(key, type.new) unless get(key).is_a?(type) end exploded[:leaves].each do |key, value| set(key, value) end self end def Map.explode(hash) accum = {:branches => [], :leaves => []} hash.each do |key, value| Map._explode(key, value, accum) end branches = accum[:branches] leaves = accum[:leaves] sort_by_key_size = proc{|a,b| a.first.size <=> b.first.size} branches.sort!(&sort_by_key_size) leaves.sort!(&sort_by_key_size) accum end def Map._explode(key, value, accum = {:branches => [], :leaves => []}) key = Array(key).flatten case value when Array accum[:branches].push([key, Array]) value.each_with_index do |v, k| Map._explode(key + [k], v, accum) end when Hash accum[:branches].push([key, Map]) value.each do |k, v| Map._explode(key + [k], v, accum) end else accum[:leaves].push([key, value]) end accum end def Map.add(*args) args.flatten! args.compact! Map.for(args.shift).tap do |map| args.each{|arg| map.add(arg)} end end def Map.combine(*args) Map.add(*args) end def combine!(*args, &block) add(*args, &block) end def combine(*args, &block) dup.tap do |map| map.combine!(*args, &block) end end def leaf_for(key, options = {}, &block) leaf = self key = Array(key).flatten k = key.first key.each_cons(2) do |a, b| exists = Map.collection_has?(leaf, a) case b when Numeric if options[:autovivify] Map.collection_set(leaf, a, Array.new) unless exists end when String, Symbol if options[:autovivify] Map.collection_set(leaf, a, Map.new) unless exists end end leaf = Map.collection_key(leaf, a) k = b end block ? block.call(leaf, k) : [leaf, k] end def rm(*args) paths, path = args.partition{|arg| arg.is_a?(Array)} paths.push(path) paths.each do |path| if path.size == 1 delete(*path) next end branch, leaf = path[0..-2], path[-1] collection = get(branch) case collection when Hash key = leaf collection.delete(key) when Array index = leaf collection.delete_at(index) else raise(IndexError, "(#{ collection.inspect }).rm(#{ path.inspect })") end end paths end def forcing(forcing=nil, &block) @forcing ||= nil if block begin previous = @forcing @forcing = forcing block.call() ensure @forcing = previous end else @forcing end end def forcing?(forcing=nil) @forcing ||= nil @forcing == forcing end def apply(other) Map.for(other).depth_first_each do |keys, value| set(keys => value) unless !get(keys).nil? end self end def Map.alphanumeric_key_for(key) return key if key.is_a?(Numeric) digity, stringy, digits = %r/^(~)?(\d+)$/iomx.match(key).to_a digity ? stringy ? String(digits) : Integer(digits) : key end def alphanumeric_key_for(key) Map.alphanumeric_key_for(key) end def self.key_for(*keys) return keys.flatten end def key_for(*keys) self.class.key_for(*keys) end ## TODO - technically this returns only leaves so the name isn't *quite* right. re-factor for 3.0 # def Map.depth_first_each(enumerable, path = [], accum = [], &block) Map.pairs_for(enumerable) do |key, val| path.push(key) if((val.is_a?(Hash) or val.is_a?(Array)) and not val.empty?) Map.depth_first_each(val, path, accum) else accum << [path.dup, val] end path.pop() end if block accum.each{|keys, val| block.call(keys, val)} else accum end end def Map.depth_first_keys(enumerable, path = [], accum = [], &block) accum = Map.depth_first_each(enumerable, path = [], accum = [], &block) accum.map!{|kv| kv.first} accum end def Map.depth_first_values(enumerable, path = [], accum = [], &block) accum = Map.depth_first_each(enumerable, path = [], accum = [], &block) accum.map!{|kv| kv.last} accum end def Map.pairs_for(enumerable, *args, &block) if block.nil? pairs, block = [], lambda{|*pair| pairs.push(pair)} else pairs = false end result = case enumerable when Hash enumerable.each_pair(*args, &block) when Array enumerable.each_with_index(*args) do |val, key| block.call(key, val) end else enumerable.each_pair(*args, &block) end pairs ? pairs : result end def Map.breadth_first_each(enumerable, accum = [], &block) levels = [] keys = Map.depth_first_keys(enumerable) keys.each do |key| key.size.times do |i| k = key.slice(0, i + 1) level = k.size - 1 levels[level] ||= Array.new last = levels[level].last levels[level].push(k) unless last == k end end levels.each do |level| level.each do |key| val = enumerable.get(key) block ? block.call(key, val) : accum.push([key, val]) end end block ? enumerable : accum end def Map.keys_for(enumerable) keys = enumerable.respond_to?(:keys) ? enumerable.keys : Array.new(enumerable.size){|i| i} end def depth_first_each(*args, &block) Map.depth_first_each(enumerable=self, *args, &block) end def depth_first_keys(*args, &block) Map.depth_first_keys(enumerable=self, *args, &block) end def depth_first_values(*args, &block) Map.depth_first_values(enumerable=self, *args, &block) end def breadth_first_each(*args, &block) Map.breadth_first_each(enumerable=self, *args, &block) end def contains(other) other = other.is_a?(Hash) ? Map.coerce(other) : other breadth_first_each{|key, value| return true if value == other} return false end alias_method 'contains?', 'contains' ## for rails' extract_options! compat # def extractable_options? true end ## for mongoid type system support # def serialize(object) ::Map.for(object) end def deserialize(object) ::Map.for(object) end def Map.demongoize(object) Map.for(object) end def Map.evolve(object) Map.for(object) end def mongoize self end end module Kernel private def Map(*args, &block) Map.new(*args, &block) end end Map.load('struct.rb') Map.load('options.rb') Map.load('params.rb')