require 'sfn' module Sfn class Command # Update command class Update < Command include Sfn::CommandModule::Base include Sfn::CommandModule::Template include Sfn::CommandModule::Stack # Run the stack creation command def execute! name_required! name = name_args.first stack_info = "#{ui.color('Name:', :bold)} #{name}" begin stack = provider.stacks.get(name) rescue Miasma::Error::ApiError::RequestError stack = nil end config[:compile_parameters] ||= if(config[:file]) s_name = [name] c_setter = lambda do |c_stack| if(c_stack.outputs) compile_params = c_stack.outputs.detect do |output| output.key == 'CompileState' end end if(compile_params) compile_params = MultiJson.load(compile_params.value) c_current = config[:compile_parameters].fetch(s_name.join('__'), config[:compile_parameters][s_name.join('__')] = compile_params.merge(c_current) end c_stack.nested_stacks(false).each do |n_stack| s_name.push(, s_name.pop end end if(stack) end ui.debug "Compile parameters - #{config[:compile_parameters]}" file = load_template_file(:stack => stack) stack_info << " #{ui.color('Path:', :bold)} #{config[:file]}" end unless(stack) ui.fatal "Failed to locate requested stack: #{ui.color(name, :red, :bold)}" raise "Failed to locate stack: #{name}" end "#{ui.color('SparkleFormation:', :bold)} #{ui.color('update', :green)}" unless(file) if(config[:template]) file = config[:template] stack_info << " #{ui.color('(template provided)', :green)}" else stack_info << " #{ui.color('(no template update)', :yellow)}" end end " -> #{stack_info}" if(file) if(config[:print_only]) ui.puts format_json(parameter_scrub!(template_content(file))) return end original_template = stack.template original_parameters = stack.parameters apply_stacks!(stack) populate_parameters!(file, :current_parameters => stack.root_parameters) update_template = stack.template if(config[:plan]) begin stack.template = original_template stack.parameters = original_parameters plan = build_planner(stack) if(plan) result = plan.generate_plan(file.dump, config_root_parameters) display_plan_information(result) end rescue => e unless(e.message.include?('Confirmation declined')) ui.error "Unexpected error when generating plan information: #{e.class} - #{e}" ui.debug "#{e.class}: #{e}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" ui.confirm 'Continue with stack update?' unless config[:plan_only] else raise end end if(config[:plan_only]) 'Plan only mode requested. Exiting.' exit 0 end end stack.parameters = config_root_parameters else apply_stacks!(stack) original_parameters = stack.parameters populate_parameters!(file, :current_parameters => stack.root_parameters) stack.parameters = config_root_parameters end if(config[:upload_root_template]) upload_result = store_template(name, file, stack.template_url = upload_result[:url] else stack.template = parameter_scrub!(template_content(file, :scrub)) end # Set options defined within config into stack instance for update request if(config[:merge_api_options]) config.fetch(:options, do |key, value| if(stack.respond_to?("#{key}=")) stack.send("#{key}=", value) end end end begin api_action!(:api_stack => stack) do if(config[:poll]) poll_stack( if(stack.reload.state == :update_complete) "Stack update complete: #{ui.color('SUCCESS', :green)}" namespace.const_get(:Describe).new({:outputs => true}, [name]).execute! else ui.fatal "Update of stack #{ui.color(name, :bold)}: #{ui.color('FAILED', :red, :bold)}" raise 'Stack did not reach a successful update completion state.' end else ui.warn 'Stack state polling has been disabled.' "Stack update initialized for #{ui.color(name, :green)}" end end rescue Miasma::Error::ApiError::RequestError => e if(e.message.downcase.include?('no updates')) ui.warn "No updates detected for stack (#{})" else raise end end end def build_planner(stack) klass_name = stack.api.class.to_s.split('::').last if(Planner.const_defined?(klass_name)) Planner.const_get(klass_name).new(ui, config, arguments, stack) else warn "Failed to build planner for current provider. No provider implemented. (`#{klass_name}`)" nil end end def display_plan_information(result) ui.color('Pre-update resource planning report:', :bold) unless(print_plan_result(result)) 'No resources life cycle changes detected in this update!' end ui.confirm 'Apply this stack update?' unless config[:plan_only] end def print_plan_result(info, names=[]) said_any_things = false unless(info[:stacks].empty?) info[:stacks].each do |s_name, s_info| result = print_plan_result(s_info, [*names, s_name].compact) said_any_things ||= result end end unless(names.flatten.compact.empty?) said_things = false ui.puts ui.puts " #{ui.color('Update plan for:', :bold)} #{ui.color(names.join(' > '), :blue)}" unless(info[:unknown].empty?) ui.puts " #{ui.color('!!! Unknown update effect:', :red, :bold)}" print_plan_items(info, :unknown, :red) ui.puts said_any_things = said_things = true end unless(info[:unavailable].empty?) ui.puts " #{ui.color('Update request not allowed:', :red, :bold)}" print_plan_items(info, :unavailable, :red) ui.puts said_any_things = said_things = true end unless(info[:replace].empty?) ui.puts " #{ui.color('Resources to be replaced:', :red, :bold)}" print_plan_items(info, :replace, :red) ui.puts said_any_things = said_things = true end unless(info[:interrupt].empty?) ui.puts " #{ui.color('Resources to be interrupted:', :yellow, :bold)}" print_plan_items(info, :interrupt, :yellow) ui.puts said_any_things = said_things = true end unless(info[:removed].empty?) ui.puts " #{ui.color('Resources to be removed:', :red, :bold)}" print_plan_items(info, :removed, :red) ui.puts said_any_things = said_things = true end unless(info[:added].empty?) ui.puts " #{ui.color('Resources to be added:', :green, :bold)}" print_plan_items(info, :added, :green) ui.puts said_any_things = said_things = true end unless(said_things) ui.puts " #{ui.color('No resource lifecycle changes detected!', :green)}" ui.puts said_any_things = true end end said_any_things end # Print planning items # # @param info [Hash] plan # @param key [Symbol] key of items # @param color [Symbol] color to flag def print_plan_items(info, key, color) max_name = info[key] max_type = info[key]{|i|i[:type]}.map(&:size).max max_p = info[key]{|i| i.fetch(:diffs, [])}.flatten(1).map{|d| d.fetch(:property_name, :path).to_s.size}.max max_o = info[key]{|i| i.fetch(:diffs, [])}.flatten(1).map{|d| d[:original].to_s.size}.max info[key].each do |name, val| ui.print ' ' * 6 ui.print ui.color("[#{val[:type]}]", color) ui.print ' ' * (max_type - val[:type].size) ui.print ' ' * 4 ui.print ui.color(name, :bold) unless(val[:properties].nil? || val[:properties].empty?) ui.print ' ' * (max_name - name.size) ui.print ' ' * 4 ui.print "Reason: Updated properties: `#{val[:properties].join('`, `')}`" end ui.puts if(config[:diffs]) unless(val[:diffs].empty?) p_name = nil val[:diffs].each do |diff| if(!diff[:updated].nil? || !diff[:original].nil?) p_name = diff.fetch(:property_name, :path) ui.print ' ' * 8 ui.print "#{p_name}: " ui.print ' ' * (max_p - p_name.size) ui.print ui.color("-#{diff[:original]}", :red) unless diff[:original].nil? ui.print ' ' * (max_o - diff[:original].to_s.size) ui.print ' ' if(diff[:updated] == Sfn::Planner::RUNTIME_MODIFIED) ui.puts ui.color("+#{diff[:original]} ", :green) else if(diff[:updated].nil?) ui.puts else ui.puts ui.color("+#{diff[:updated].to_s.gsub('__MODIFIED_REFERENCE_VALUE__', '')}", :green) end end end end ui.puts if p_name end end end end end end end