#!/usr/bin/env ruby WINDOWS_HINTS = %w(-win32 win32- mswin mingw32) if defined? RUBY_PLATFORM and WINDOWS_HINTS.any? { |hint| RUBY_PLATFORM.include? hint } then puts 'This gem is not meant to be installed on Windows. Instead, please use:' puts 'gem install gosu --platform=i386-mingw32' exit 1 end puts 'The Gosu gem requires some libraries to be installed system-wide.' puts 'See the following site for a list:' puts 'https://github.com/jlnr/gosu/wiki/Getting-Started-on-Linux' puts BASE_FILES = %w( DirectoriesUnix.cpp FileUnix.cpp Graphics/Bitmap.cpp Graphics/BitmapColorKey.cpp Graphics/BitmapUtils.cpp Graphics/BlockAllocator.cpp Graphics/Color.cpp Graphics/Font.cpp Graphics/Graphics.cpp Graphics/Image.cpp Graphics/LargeImageData.cpp Graphics/TexChunk.cpp Graphics/Text.cpp Graphics/Texture.cpp Graphics/Transform.cpp Inspection.cpp IO.cpp Math.cpp RubyGosu_wrap.cxx Utility.cpp ) MAC_FILES = %w( Audio/AudioOpenAL.mm Graphics/BitmapApple.mm Graphics/TextMac.cpp Graphics/TextTouch.mm InputMac.mm TextInputMac.mm TimingApple.cpp UtilityApple.mm WindowMac.mm ) LINUX_FILES = %w( Audio/AudioOpenAL.cpp Graphics/BitmapFreeImage.cpp Graphics/TextUnix.cpp InputX.cpp TextInputX.cpp TimingUnix.cpp WindowX.cpp ) require 'mkmf' require 'fileutils' $INCFLAGS << " -I../ -I../GosuImpl" if `uname`.chomp == 'Darwin' then SOURCE_FILES = BASE_FILES + MAC_FILES # Apple curiously distributes libpng only inside X11 $INCFLAGS << " -I/usr/X11/include" # To make everything work with the Objective C runtime $CFLAGS << " -x objective-c++ -fobjc-gc -DNDEBUG" $LDFLAGS << " -L/usr/X11/lib -logg -lvorbis -lvorbisfile -liconv" %w(AudioToolbox IOKit OpenAL OpenGL AppKit ApplicationServices Foundation Carbon).each do |f| $LDFLAGS << " -framework #{f}" end # Symlink our pretty gosu.so into ../lib # FIXME gosu.rb should just look in the right place. FileUtils.ln_s("../linux/gosu.bundle", "../lib/gosu.bundle") else SOURCE_FILES = BASE_FILES + LINUX_FILES # Symlink our pretty gosu.so into ../lib # FIXME gosu.rb should just look in the right place. FileUtils.ln_s("../linux/gosu.so", "../lib/gosu.so") pkg_config("sdl") pkg_config("pangoft2") pkg_config("x11") pkg_config("gl") pkg_config("vorbisfile") pkg_config("openal") pkg_config("sndfile") have_header('SDL_ttf.h') if have_library('SDL_ttf', 'TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended') have_header('FreeImage.h') if have_library('freeimage', 'FreeImage_ConvertFromRawBits') have_header('AL/al.h') if have_library('openal') end # Copy all relevant C++ files into the current directory # FIXME Could be done by gem task instead. SOURCE_FILES.each do |file| FileUtils.cp("../GosuImpl/#{file}", File.basename(file).sub(/\.mm$/, '.cpp')) end create_makefile("gosu")