#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.expand_path('../../lib/riemann/tools', __FILE__) class Riemann::Tools::Elasticsearch include Riemann::Tools require 'faraday' require 'json' opt :read_timeout, 'Faraday read timeout', type: :int, default: 2 opt :open_timeout, 'Faraday open timeout', type: :int, default: 1 opt :es_host, 'Elasticsearch host', default: "localhost" opt :es_port, 'Elasticsearch port', type: :int, default: 9200 # Handles HTTP connections and GET requests safely def safe_get(uri) # Handle connection timeouts response = nil begin connection = Faraday.new(uri) response = connection.get do |req| req.options[:timeout] = options[:read_timeout] req.options[:open_timeout] = options[:open_timeout] end rescue => e report(:host => uri.host, :service => "elasticsearch health", :state => "critical", :description => "HTTP connection error: #{e.class} - #{e.message}" ) end response end def health_url "http://#{options[:es_host]}:#{options[:es_port]}/_cluster/health" end def tick uri = URI(health_url) response = safe_get(uri) return if response.nil? if response.status != 200 report(:host => uri.host, :service => "elasticsearch health", :state => "critical", :description => "HTTP connection error: #{response.status} - #{response.body}" ) else # Assuming that a 200 will give json json = JSON.parse(response.body) cluster_name = json.delete("cluster_name") cluster_status = json.delete("status") state = case cluster_status when "green" "ok" when "yellow" "warning" when "red" "critical" end report(:host => uri.host, :service => "elasticsearch health", :state => state, :description => "Elasticsearch cluster: #{cluster_name} - #{cluster_status}") json.each_pair do |k,v| report(:host => uri.host, :service => "elasticsearch #{k}", :metric => v, :description => "Elasticsearch cluster #{k}" ) end end end end Riemann::Tools::Elasticsearch.run