require 'test_helper' module ActionController class Base def render_to_string(opts = {}) opts.to_s end def self.alias_method_chain(_target, _feature); end end end module ActionControllerMock class Base def render(_) [:base] end def render_to_string; end def self.after_action(_); end end end class PdfHelperTest < ActionController::TestCase module SomePatch def render(_) super.tap do |s| s << :patched end end end def setup @ac = end def teardown @ac = nil end test 'should prerender header and footer :template options' do options = @ac.send(:prerender_header_and_footer, :header => { :html => { :template => 'hf.html.erb' } }) assert_match %r{^file:\/\/\/.*wicked_header_pdf.*\.html}, options[:header][:html][:url] end test 'should not interfere with already prepended patches' do # Emulate railtie if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR >= 5 # this spec tests the following: # if another gem prepends a render method to ActionController::Base # before wicked_pdf does, does calling render trigger an infinite loop? # this spec fails with 6392bea1fe3a41682dfd7c20fd9c179b5a758f59 because PdfHelper # aliases the render method prepended by the other gem to render_without_pdf, then # base_evals its own definition of render, which calls render_with_pdf -> render_without_pdf. # If the other gem uses the prepend inhertinance pattern (calling super instead of aliasing), # when it calls super it calls the base_eval'd version of render instead of going up the # inheritance chain, causing an infinite loop. # This fiddling with consts is required to get around the fact that PdfHelper checks # that it is being prepended to ActionController::Base OriginalBase = ActionController::Base ActionController.send(:remove_const, :Base) ActionController.const_set(:Base, ActionControllerMock::Base) # Emulate another gem being loaded before wicked ActionController::Base.prepend(SomePatch) ActionController::Base.prepend(::WickedPdf::PdfHelper) begin # test that wicked's render method is actually called ac = ac.expects(:render_with_wicked_pdf) ac.render(:cats) # test that calling render does not trigger infinite loop ac = assert_equal [:base, :patched], ac.render(:cats) rescue SystemStackError assert_equal true, false # force spec failure ensure ActionController.send(:remove_const, :Base) ActionController.const_set(:Base, OriginalBase) end end end test 'should call after_action instead of after_filter when able' do ActionController::Base.expects(:after_filter).with(:clean_temp_files).never ActionController::Base.expects(:after_action).with(:clean_temp_files).once ActionController::Base.class_eval do include ::WickedPdf::PdfHelper end end end