/** * * Run 'grunt' to generate JS and CSS in folder 'dist' and site in folder '_site' * * * Run 'grunt watch' to automatically regenerate '_site' when you change files in 'src' or in 'website' * */ module.exports = function(grunt) { 'use strict'; var jekyllConfig = "isLocal : false \r\n"+ "permalink: /:title/ \r\n"+ "exclude: ['.json', '.rvmrc', '.rbenv-version', 'README.md', 'Rakefile', 'changelog.md', 'compiler.jar', 'private', 'magnific-popup.sublime-project', 'magnific-popup.sublime-workspace', '.htaccess'] \r\n"+ "auto: true \r\n"+ "mfpversion: <%= pkg.version %> \r\n"+ "pygments: true \r\n"; // Project configuration. grunt.initConfig({ // Metadata. pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('magnific-popup.jquery.json'), banner: '/*! <%= pkg.title || pkg.name %> - v<%= pkg.version %> - ' + '<%= grunt.template.today("yyyy-mm-dd") %>\n' + '<%= pkg.homepage ? "* " + pkg.homepage + "\\n" : "" %>' + '* Copyright (c) <%= grunt.template.today("yyyy") %> <%= pkg.author.name %>; */\n', // Task configuration. clean: { files: ['dist'] }, sass: { dist: { files: { 'dist/magnific-popup.css': 'src/css/main.scss' } } }, jshint: { all: [ 'Gruntfile.js', 'src/js/*.js' ], options: { jshintrc: '.jshintrc' } }, mfpbuild: { all: { src: [ 'inline', 'ajax', 'image', 'zoom', 'iframe', 'gallery', 'retina', 'fastclick' ], basePath: 'src/js/', dest: 'dist/jquery.magnific-popup.js', banner: '<%= banner %>' } }, jekyll: { dev: { src: 'website', dest: '_site', url: 'local', raw: jekyllConfig + "url: local" }, production: { src: 'website', dest: '_production', url: 'production', raw: jekyllConfig + "url: production" } }, copy: { main: { files: [ {src: ['dist/**'], dest: 'website/'} ] }, dev: { files: [ {src: ['dist/**'], dest: '_site/'} ] } }, uglify: { my_target: { files: { 'dist/jquery.magnific-popup.min.js': ['dist/jquery.magnific-popup.js'] }, preserveComments: 'some' }, options: { preserveComments: 'some' } }, watch: { // for development run 'grunt watch' jekyll: { files: ['website/**'], tasks: ['jekyll:dev', 'copy:dev'] }, files: ['src/**'], tasks: [ 'sass', 'mfpbuild', 'copy:dev', 'uglify'] }, cssmin: { compress: { files: { "website/site-assets/all.min.css": ["website/site-assets/site.css", "website/dist/magnific-popup.css"] } } } }); // Makes Magnific Popup JS file. // grunt mfpbuild --mfp-exclude=ajax,image grunt.task.registerMultiTask('mfpbuild', 'Makes Magnific Popup JS file.', function() { var files = this.data.src, includes = grunt.option('mfp-exclude'), basePath = this.data.basePath, newContents = this.data.banner + ";(function($) {\n"; if(includes) { includes = includes.split(/[\s,]+/); // 'a,b,c' => ['a','b','c'] var removeA = function (arr) { var what, a = arguments, L = a.length, ax; while (L > 1 && arr.length) { what = a[--L]; while ((ax= arr.indexOf(what)) !== -1) { arr.splice(ax, 1); } } return arr; }; includes.forEach(function( name ) { if(name) { grunt.log.writeln( 'removed "'+name +'"' ); files = removeA(files, name); } }); } files.unshift('core'); grunt.log.writeln( 'Your build is made of:'+files ); files.forEach(function( name ) { // Wrap each module with a pience of code to be able to exlude it, stolen for modernizr.com newContents += "\n/*>>"+name+"*/\n"; newContents += grunt.file.read( basePath + name + '.js' ) + '\n'; newContents += "\n/*>>"+name+"*/\n"; }); newContents+= " _checkInstance(); })(window.jQuery || window.Zepto);"; grunt.file.write( this.data.dest, newContents ); }); // These plugins provide necessary tasks. grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-clean'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-concat'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-uglify'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-jshint'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-watch'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-sass'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-copy'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-jekyll'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-cssmin'); // Default task. grunt.registerTask('default', ['sass', 'mfpbuild', 'uglify', 'copy', 'jekyll:dev']); grunt.registerTask('production', ['sass', 'mfpbuild', 'uglify', 'copy', 'cssmin', 'jekyll:production']); grunt.registerTask('nosite', ['sass', 'mfpbuild', 'uglify']); grunt.registerTask('hint', ['jshint']); };