#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: utf-8 require 'loggability' require 'pathname' require 'mongrel2/config' require 'mongrel2/handler' # An example of a WebSocket (RFC6455) Mongrel2 application that echoes back whatever # (non-control) frames you send it. It will also ping all of its clients and disconnect # ones that don't reply within a given period. class WebSocketEchoServer < Mongrel2::Handler include Mongrel2::WebSocket::Constants # Number of seconds to wait between heartbeat PING frames HEARTBEAT_RATE = 5.0 # Number of seconds to wait for a data frame or a PONG before considering # a socket idle SOCKET_IDLE_TIMEOUT = 15.0 # Add an instance variable to keep track of connections, and one for the # heartbeat thread. def initialize( * ) super @connections = {} @heartbeat = nil end ###### public ###### # A Hash of last seen times keyed by [sender ID, connection ID] tuple attr_reader :connections # The Thread that sends PING frames to connected sockets and cull any # that don't reply within SOCKET_IDLE_TIMEOUT seconds attr_reader :heartbeat # Called by Mongrel2::Handler when it starts accepting requests. Overridden # to start up the heartbeat thread. def start_accepting_requests self.start_heartbeat super end # Called by Mongrel2::Handler when the server is restarted. Overridden to # restart the heartbeat thread. def restart self.stop_heartbeat super self.start_heartbeat end # Called by Mongrel2::Handler when the server is shut down. Overridden to # stop the heartbeat thread. def shutdown self.stop_heartbeat super end # Mongrel2 will send a disconnect notice when a client's connection closes; # delete the connection when it does. def handle_disconnect( request ) self.log.info "Client %d: disconnect." % [ request.conn_id ] self.connections.delete( [request.sender_id, request.conn_id] ) return nil end # Non-websocket (e.g., plain HTTP) requests would ordinarily just get # a 204 NO CONTENT response, but we tell Mongrel2 to just drop such connections # immediately. def handle( request ) self.log.info "Regular HTTP request (%s): closing channel." % [ request ] self.conn.reply_close( request ) return nil end # Handle the initial handshake. Assumes no sub-protocols or protocol version # checks are necessary. def handle_websocket_handshake( handshake ) self.log.info "Handshake from %s" % [ handshake.remote_ip ] response = handshake.response( handshake.protocols.first ) @connections[ [handshake.sender_id, handshake.conn_id] ] = Time.now return response end # This is the main handler for WebSocket requests. Each frame comes in as a # Mongrel::WebSocket::Frame object, and then is dispatched according to what # opcode it has. def handle_websocket( frame ) # Log each frame self.log.info "%s/%d: %s%s [%s]: %p" % [ frame.sender_id, frame.conn_id, frame.opcode.to_s.upcase, frame.fin? ? '' : '(cont)', frame.headers.x_forwarded_for, frame.payload.read( 20 ), ] frame.payload.rewind # If a client sends an invalid frame, close their connection, but politely. if !frame.valid? self.log.error " invalid frame from client: %s" % [ frame.errors.join(';') ] res = frame.response( :close ) res.set_status( CLOSE_PROTOCOL_ERROR ) return res end # Update the 'last-seen' time unless the connection is closing unless frame.opcode == :close @connections[ [frame.sender_id, frame.conn_id] ] = Time.now end # Use the opcode to decide what method to call self.log.debug "Handling a %s frame." % [ frame.opcode ] handler = self.method( "handle_%s_frame" % [frame.opcode] ) return handler.call( frame ) end # Handle TEXT, BINARY, and CONTINUATION frames by replying with an echo of the # same data. Fragmented frames get echoed back as-is without any reassembly. def handle_text_frame( frame ) self.log.info "Echoing data frame: %p" % [ frame ] # Make the response frame response = frame.response response.fin = frame.fin? IO.copy_stream( frame.payload, response.payload ) return response end alias_method :handle_binary_frame, :handle_text_frame alias_method :handle_continuation_frame, :handle_text_frame # Handle close frames def handle_close_frame( frame ) # There will still be a connection slot if this close originated with # the client. In that case, reply with the ACK CLOSE frame self.conn.reply( frame.response(:close) ) if self.connections.delete( [frame.sender_id, frame.conn_id] ) self.conn.reply_close( frame ) return nil end # Handle a PING frame; the response is a PONG with the same payload. def handle_ping_frame( frame ) return frame.response end # Handle a PONG frame; nothing really to do def handle_pong_frame( frame ) return nil end # Start a thread that will periodically ping connected sockets and remove any # connections that don't reply def start_heartbeat self.log.info "Starting heartbeat thread." @heartbeat = Thread.new do Thread.current.abort_on_exception = true self.log.debug " Heartbeat thread started: %p" % [ Thread.current ] # Use a thread-local variable to signal the thread to shut down Thread.current[ :shutdown ] = false until Thread.current[ :shutdown ] # If there are active connections, remove any that have # timed out and ping the rest unless self.connections.empty? self.cull_idle_sockets self.ping_all_sockets end self.log.debug " heartbeat thread sleeping" sleep( HEARTBEAT_RATE ) self.log.debug " heartbeat thread waking up" end self.log.info "Hearbeat thread exiting." end end # Tell the heartbeat thread to exit. def stop_heartbeat @heartbeat[ :shutdown ] = true @heartbeat.run.join if @heartbeat.alive? end # Disconnect any sockets that haven't sent any frames for at least # SOCKET_IDLE_TIMEOUT seconds. def cull_idle_sockets self.log.debug "Culling idle sockets." earliest = Time.now - SOCKET_IDLE_TIMEOUT self.connections.each do |(sender_id, conn_id), lastframe| next unless earliest > lastframe # Make a CLOSE frame frame = Mongrel2::WebSocket::Frame.new( sender_id, conn_id, '', {}, '' ) frame.opcode = :close frame.set_status( CLOSE_EXCEPTION ) # Use the connection directly so we can send a frame and close the # connection self.conn.reply( frame ) self.conn.send_close( sender_id, conn_id ) end end # Send a PING frame to all connected sockets. def ping_all_sockets self.log.debug "Pinging all connected sockets." self.connections.each do |(sender_id, conn_id), hash| frame = Mongrel2::WebSocket::Frame.new( sender_id, conn_id, '', {}, 'heartbeat' ) frame.opcode = :ping frame.fin = true self.log.debug " %s/%d: PING" % [ sender_id, conn_id ] self.conn.reply( frame ) end self.log.debug " done with pings." end end # class RequestDumper Loggability.level = $DEBUG||$VERBOSE ? :debug : :info Loggability.format_as( :color ) if $stdin.tty? # Point to the config database, which will cause the handler to use # its ID to look up its own socket info. Mongrel2::Config.configure( :configdb => 'examples.sqlite' ) WebSocketEchoServer.run( 'ws-echo' )