== About login_sugar is a modification of salted_login generator 1.1.1 that works out of the box on Rails 1.1.6 Changes: - tests all pass out of the box on Rails >= 1.1.4 - using ActiveRecord::Migrations for db setup - put underscores in first_name and last_name user attributes - replaced Mock Time extension with a Mock Clock. - README_USER_LOGIN is a one stop readme - contains a default configuration zip - session references se symbols - localization removed More about salted_login_generator at http://rubyforge.org/projects/salted-login == Prerequisite If you are on Windoze, see http://wiki.rubyonrails.com/rails/pages/iconv/ == Installation If you are working with a fresh rails 1.1.6 project, you can unzip the included default_login_sugar_setup.zip file in your RAILS_ROOT directory. It contains preconfigured application controller, environment.rb, application_helper.rb and test_helper.rb that should work if you used User as your controller names when running the generator. If you do this, you can skip down to the PHASE II section below. BUT DON'T DO THIS IF YOU HAVE ALREADY MODIFIED YOUR RAILS APP as it will overwrite your existing files. Of course, you should have those under source control anyhow... - PHASE I - After generating the login system, edit your app/controllers/application.rb file. The beginning of your ApplicationController should look something like this: require 'user_system' class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base include UserSystem helper :user model :user before_filter :authenticate_user Add the following at the end of your config/environment.rb file: require 'environments/user_environment' Add the following line to the top of your test/test_helper.rb: require 'user_notify' - PHASE II - Under the 'environments' subdirectory, you'll find user_environment.rb. Edit this file as necessary. Import the user model into the database. You'll have to create your development and test databases first and configure your config/database.yml appropriately. Note, if you are using mysql you will need to edit test/fixtures/users.yml and make the indicated change on the last fixture. You can use the provided migration script in db/migrate/migration_login_sugar__rename_this_to_fit_your_project.rb. This model is meant as an example and you can extend it, however I suggest first completing the stock installation and running the tests to confirm installation, then create a new migration to add your new columns. Rename db/migrate/migration_login_sugar__rename_this_to_fit_your_project.rb to db/migrate/###_login_sugar.rb where ### is the proper new migration level. For example, if this is your first migration for this rails project, use 001. If you name it something other than ###_login_sugar.rb then you'll need to edit the file and change the class name of the migration in the class definition as well. Then run: rake migrate && rake db:test:clone Go ahead and run the unit and functional tests now: rake These should all pass. Finally, you must properly configure ActionMailer for your mail settings. For example, I have the following in config/environments/development.rb (for a .Mac account, and without my username and password, obviously): ActionMailer::Base.server_settings = { :address => "smtp.mac.com", :port => 25, :domain => "smtp.mac.com", :user_name => "", :password => "", :authentication => :login } You'll need to configure it properly so that email can be sent. One of the easiest ways to test your configuration is to temporarily reraise exceptions from the signup method (so that you get the actual mailer exception string). In the rescue statement, put a single "raise" statement in. Once you've debugged any setting problems, remove that statement to get the proper flash error handling back. == How to use it Now you can go around and happily add "before_filter :authenticate_user" to the controllers which you would like to protect. After integrating the login system with your rails application navigate to your new controller's signup method. There you can create a new account. After you are done you should have a look at your DB. Your freshly created user will be there but the password will be a sha1 hashed 40 digit mess. I find this should be the minimum of security which every page offering login & password should give its customers. Now you can move to one of those controllers which you protected with the before_filter :authenticate_user snippet. You will automatically be re-directed to your freshly created login controller and you are asked for a password. After entering valid account data you will be taken back to the controller which you requested earlier. Simple huh? == Tips & Tricks How do I... ... access the user who is currently logged in A: You can get the user object from the session using @session[:user] Example: Welcome <%= @session[:user].name %> ... restrict access to only a few methods? A: Use before_filters build in scoping. Example: before_filter :authenticate_user, :only => [:myaccount, :changepassword] before_filter :authenticate_user, :except => [:index] ... check if a user is logged-in in my views? A: @session[:user] will tell you. Here is an example helper which you can use to make this more pretty: Example: def user? !@session[:user].nil? end ... return a user to the page they came from before logging in? F A: The user will be send back to the last url which called the method "store_location" Example: User was at /articles/show/1, wants to log in. in articles_controller.rb, add store_location to the show function and send the user to the login form. After he logs in he will be send back to /articles/show/1 You can find more help at http://wiki.rubyonrails.com/rails/show/SaltedLoginGenerator == Troubleshooting One of the more common problems people have seen is that after verifying an account by following the emailed URL, they are unable to login via the normal login method since the verified field is not properly set in the user model's row in the DB. The most common cause of this problem is that the DB and session get out of sync. In particular, it always happens for me after recreating the DB if I have run the server previously. To fix the problem, remove the /tmp/ruby* session files (from wherever they are for your installation) while the server is stopped, and then restart. This usually is the cause of the problem. A forthcoming release will probably fix this via a well placed reset_session call (or requirement to add it after running the generator) so that it is done automatically on startup. == Changelog login_sugar 0.9.4 removed scaffold references, removed localization, added generator rake task 0.9.3 fixed Clock.now, symbolized session references 0.9.2 fixed localization reference for sign in form (thanks Nym) 0.9.1 fixed double first_name replacing last_name (thanks BobF) 0.9.0 first release, modified salted_login 1.1.1 salted_login 1.0.9 Fixed hardcoded generator name (in controller test and schema) and README 1.0.8 Generator/schema fixes and some README fixes/improvements 1.0.7 Fixed bad bug with missing attr_accessor :new_password in user class 1.0.6 Proper delete support and bug fixes 1.0.5 Lots of fixes and changes (see rubyforge.org/salted-login) 1.0.0 First gem release