module Para module Inputs class NestedManyInput < SimpleForm::Inputs::Base def input(wrapper_options = nil) input_html_options[:class] << "nested-many" orderable = options.fetch(:orderable, model.orderable?) add_button = options.fetch(:add_button, true) # Load existing resources resources = object.send(attribute_name) # Order them if the list should be orderable resources = resources.order(:position) if orderable locals = options.fetch(:locals, {}) template.render( partial: 'para/inputs/nested_many', locals: { form: @builder, model: model, attribute_name: attribute_name, orderable: orderable, add_button: add_button, dom_identifier: dom_identifier, resources: resources, nested_locals: locals, subclass: subclass } ) end def parent_model @parent_model ||= @builder.object.class end def model @model ||= parent_model.reflect_on_association(attribute_name).klass end def dom_identifier @dom_identifier ||= begin name = attribute_name time = ( * 1000).to_i random = (rand * 1000).to_i [name, time, random].join('-') end end def subclass @subclass ||= options.fetch( :subclass, model.respond_to?(:descendants) && model.descendants.length > 0 ) end end end end