# encoding: utf-8 module WatirSpec class Server < Sinatra::Base class << self attr_accessor :autorun def run_async case WatirSpec.platform when :java Thread.new { run! } sleep 0.1 until WatirSpec::Server.running? when :windows run_in_child_process else pid = fork { run! } sleep 0.5 until listening? end if pid # is this really necessary? at_exit { begin Process.kill 0, pid alive = true rescue Errno::ESRCH alive = false end Process.kill(9, pid) if alive } end end def run! handler = detect_rack_handler handler.run(self, :Host => bind, :Port => port) { @running = true } end def listening? $stderr.puts "trying #{bind}:#{port}..." TCPSocket.new(bind, port).close true rescue false end def find_free_port_above(int) port = int until free_port?(port) port += 1 end port end def autorun @autorun ||= true end def should_run? autorun && !running? end def running? defined?(@running) && @running end def free_port?(port) s = TCPServer.new(@host, port) s.close true rescue SocketError, Errno::EADDRINUSE false end private def run_in_child_process begin require "childprocess" rescue LoadError => ex raise "please run `gem install childprocess` for WatirSpec on Windows + MRI\n\t(caught: #{ex.message})" end process = ChildProcess.build(WatirSpec.ruby, File.expand_path("../../spec_helper", __FILE__)) at_exit { process.stop } end end # class << Server set :public, WatirSpec.html set :static, true set :run, false set :environment, :production set :bind, "localhost" if WatirSpec.platform == :windows set :port, find_free_port_above(2000) set :server, %w[mongrel webrick] get '/' do self.class.name end class BigContent def each(&blk) yield "<html><head><title>Big Content</title></head><body>" string = "hello"*205 300.times do yield string end yield "</body></html>" end end get '/big' do BigContent.new end post '/post_to_me' do "You posted the following content:\n#{ env['rack.input'].read }" end get '/plain_text' do content_type 'text/plain' 'This is text/plain' end get '/ajax' do sleep 10 "A slooow ajax response" end get '/charset_mismatch' do content_type 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' %{ <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> </head> <body> <h1>ΓΈ</h1> </body> </html> } end get '/octet_stream' do content_type 'application/octet-stream' 'This is application/octet-stream' end get '/set_cookie' do content_type 'text/plain' headers 'Set-Cookie' => "monster=/" "C is for cookie, it's good enough for me" end get '/header_echo' do content_type 'text/plain' env.inspect end get '/authentication' do auth = Rack::Auth::Basic::Request.new(env) unless auth.provided? && auth.credentials == %w[foo bar] headers 'WWW-Authenticate' => %(Basic realm="localhost") halt 401, 'Authorization Required' end "ok" end get '/encodable_<stuff>' do 'page with characters in URI that need encoding' end end # Server end # WatirSpec