# FastImage Resize is an extremely light solution for resizing images in ruby by using libgd # # === Examples # # require 'fastimage_resize' # # FastImage.resize("image.gif", 100, 20, :outfile=>"thumbnail.gif") # => 1 # # === Requirements # # RubyInline and FastImage (installed via RubyGems) and libgd # # See http://www.libgd.org/ # # Libgd is commonly available on most unix platforms, including OSX. # # === References # # * http://blog.new-bamboo.co.uk/2007/12/3/super-f-simple-resizing require 'tempfile' require 'fastimage' require 'fastimage_native_resize' module FastImage::Resize SUPPORTED_FORMATS = [:jpeg, :png, :gif] FILE_EXTENSIONS = [:jpg, :png, :gif] # prefer jpg to jpeg as an extension class FormatNotSupported < FastImage::FastImageException # :nodoc: end def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods # Resizes an image, storing the result in a file given in file_out # # Input can be a filename, a uri, or an IO object. # # FastImage Resize can resize GIF, JPEG and PNG files. # # Giving a zero value for width or height causes the image to scale proportionately. # # === Example # # require 'fastimage_resize' # # FastImage.resize("http://stephensykes.com/images/ss.com_x.gif", 100, 20, :outfile=>"my.gif") # # === Supported options # [:jpeg_quality] # A figure passed to libgd to determine quality of output jpeg (only useful if input is jpeg) # [:outfile] # Name of a file to store the output in, in this case a temp file is not used # def resize(source, width, height, options={}) new(source, :raise_on_failure => true).resize(width, height, options) end end def resize(width, height, options = {}) jpeg_quality = options[:jpeg_quality] || -1 file_out = options[:outfile] type_index = SUPPORTED_FORMATS.index(type) raise FormatNotSupported unless type_index if !file_out temp_file = Tempfile.new(["fastimage-resize-", ".#{FILE_EXTENSIONS[type_index]}"]) temp_file.binmode file_out = temp_file.path else temp_file = nil end FastImage.native_resize(path, file_out.to_s, width.to_i, height.to_i, type_index, jpeg_quality.to_i) raise FastImage::ImageFetchFailure, 'Image could be created' unless File.exist?(file_out.to_s) temp_file rescue RuntimeError => e raise FastImage::ImageFetchFailure, e.message end end FastImage.send(:include, FastImage::Resize)